#!/bin/bash INVENTORY="kargo/inventory/inventory.cfg" nodes="" i=1 for nodeip in `cat /root/nodes` ; do i=$(( $i+1 )) nodes+=" node${i}[ansible_ssh_host=${nodeip},ip=${nodeip}]" done if [ -f "$INVENTORY" ] ; then echo "$INVENTORY already exists, if you want to recreate, pls remove it and re-run this script" else echo "Preparing inventory..." kargo prepare -y --nodes $nodes fi echo "Running deployment..." kargo deploy -y --ansible-opts="-e @custom.yaml" deploy_res=$? if [ "$deploy_res" -eq "0" ]; then echo "Setting up kubedns..." ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY playbooks/kubedns.yaml echo "Setting up kubedashboard..." ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY playbooks/kubedashboard.yaml fi