## When OpenStack is used, Cinder version can be explicitly specified if autodetection fails (Fixed in 1.9: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/50461) #openstack_blockstorage_version: "v1/v2/auto (default)" ## When OpenStack is used, if LBaaSv2 is available you can enable it with the following 2 variables. #openstack_lbaas_enabled: True #openstack_lbaas_subnet_id: "Neutron subnet ID (not network ID) to create LBaaS VIP" ## To enable automatic floating ip provisioning, specify a subnet. #openstack_lbaas_floating_network_id: "Neutron network ID (not subnet ID) to get floating IP from, disabled by default" ## Override default LBaaS behavior #openstack_lbaas_use_octavia: False #openstack_lbaas_method: "ROUND_ROBIN" #openstack_lbaas_provider: "haproxy" #openstack_lbaas_create_monitor: "yes" #openstack_lbaas_monitor_delay: "1m" #openstack_lbaas_monitor_timeout: "30s" #openstack_lbaas_monitor_max_retries: "3"