--- - name: gen_certs_vault | Read in the local credentials command: cat /etc/vault/roles/etcd/userpass register: etcd_vault_creds_cat when: inventory_hostname == groups.etcd|first - name: gen_certs_vault | Set facts for read Vault Creds set_fact: etcd_vault_creds: "{{ hostvars[groups.etcd|first]['etcd_vault_creds_cat']['stdout']|from_json }}" when: inventory_hostname == groups.etcd|first - name: gen_certs_vault | Log into Vault and obtain an token uri: url: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_leader_url'] }}/v1/auth/userpass/login/{{ etcd_vault_creds.username }}" headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json method: POST body_format: json body: password: "{{ etcd_vault_creds.password }}" register: etcd_vault_login_result when: inventory_hostname == groups.etcd|first - name: gen_certs_vault | Set fact for Vault API token set_fact: etcd_vault_headers: Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json X-Vault-Token: "{{ hostvars[groups.etcd|first]['etcd_vault_login_result']['json']['auth']['client_token'] }}" # Issue master certs to Etcd nodes - include: ../../vault/tasks/shared/issue_cert.yml vars: issue_cert_alt_names: "{{ groups.etcd + ['localhost'] }}" issue_cert_copy_ca: "{{ item == etcd_master_certs_needed|first }}" issue_cert_file_group: "{{ etcd_cert_group }}" issue_cert_file_owner: kube issue_cert_headers: "{{ etcd_vault_headers }}" issue_cert_hosts: "{{ groups.etcd }}" issue_cert_ip_sans: >- [ {%- for host in groups.etcd -%} "{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}", {%- endfor -%} "","::1" ] issue_cert_path: "{{ item }}" issue_cert_role: etcd issue_cert_url: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_leader_url'] }}" with_items: "{{ etcd_master_certs_needed|d([]) }}" when: inventory_hostname in groups.etcd notify: set etcd_secret_changed # Issue node certs to everyone else - include: ../../vault/tasks/shared/issue_cert.yml vars: issue_cert_alt_names: "{{ etcd_node_cert_hosts }}" issue_cert_copy_ca: "{{ item == etcd_node_certs_needed|first }}" issue_cert_file_group: "{{ etcd_cert_group }}" issue_cert_file_owner: kube issue_cert_headers: "{{ etcd_vault_headers }}" issue_cert_hosts: "{{ etcd_node_cert_hosts }}" issue_cert_ip_sans: >- [ {%- for host in etcd_node_cert_hosts -%} "{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}", {%- endfor -%} "","::1" ] issue_cert_path: "{{ item }}" issue_cert_role: etcd issue_cert_url: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_leader_url'] }}" with_items: "{{ etcd_node_certs_needed|d([]) }}" when: inventory_hostname in etcd_node_cert_hosts notify: set etcd_secret_changed