--- - name: remove-node | List nodes command: >- {{ kubectl }} get nodes -o go-template={% raw %}'{{ range .items }}{{ .metadata.name }}{{ "\n" }}{{ end }}'{% endraw %} register: nodes delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane']|first }}" changed_when: false run_once: true - name: remove-node | Drain node except daemonsets resource # noqa 301 command: >- {{ kubectl }} drain --force --ignore-daemonsets --grace-period {{ drain_grace_period }} --timeout {{ drain_timeout }} --delete-emptydir-data {{ kube_override_hostname|default(inventory_hostname) }} # ignore servers that are not nodes when: kube_override_hostname|default(inventory_hostname) in nodes.stdout_lines register: result failed_when: result.rc != 0 and not allow_ungraceful_removal delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane']|first }}" until: result.rc == 0 or allow_ungraceful_removal retries: "{{ drain_retries }}" delay: "{{ drain_retry_delay_seconds }}" - name: remove-node | Wait until Volumes will be detached from the node command: >- {{ kubectl }} get volumeattachments -o go-template={% raw %}'{{ range .items }}{{ .spec.nodeName }}{{ "\n" }}{{ end }}'{% endraw %} register: nodes_with_volumes delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane']|first }}" changed_when: false until: not (kube_override_hostname|default(inventory_hostname) in nodes_with_volumes.stdout_lines) retries: 3 delay: "{{ drain_grace_period }}" when: - not allow_ungraceful_removal - kube_override_hostname|default(inventory_hostname) in nodes.stdout_lines