{%- if kube_version | version_compare('v1.9.2', '>=') -%} [Global] datacenters = "{{ vsphere_datacenter }}" insecure-flag = {{ vsphere_insecure }} password = "{{ vsphere_password }}" port = {{ vsphere_vcenter_port }} user = "{{ vsphere_user }}" [VirtualCenter "{{ vsphere_vcenter_ip }}"] [Workspace] server = "{{ vsphere_vcenter_ip }}" datacenter = "{{ vsphere_datacenter }}" folder = "{{ vsphere_working_dir }}" default-datastore = "{{ vsphere_datastore }}" {% if vsphere_resource_pool is defined and vsphere_resource_pool != "" %} resourcepool-path = "{{ vsphere_resource_pool }}" {% endif %} [Disk] scsicontrollertype = {{ vsphere_scsi_controller_type }} {% if vsphere_public_network is defined and vsphere_public_network != "" %} [Network] public-network = {{ vsphere_public_network }} {% endif %} {%- else -%} [Global] datacenter = "{{ vsphere_datacenter }}" datastore = "{{ vsphere_datastore }}" insecure-flag = {{ vsphere_insecure }} password = "{{ vsphere_password }}" port = {{ vsphere_vcenter_port }} server = "{{ vsphere_vcenter_ip }}" user = "{{ vsphere_user }}" working-dir = "{{ vsphere_working_dir }}" {% if vsphere_vm_uuid is defined %} vm-uuid = {{ vsphere_vm_uuid }} {% endif %} [Disk] scsicontrollertype = {{ vsphere_scsi_controller_type }} {% if vsphere_public_network is defined and vsphere_public_network != "" %} [Network] public-network = {{ vsphere_public_network }} {% endif %} {%- endif -%}