## Values for the external vSphere Cloud Provider # external_vsphere_vcenter_ip: "myvcenter.domain.com" # external_vsphere_vcenter_port: "443" # external_vsphere_insecure: "true" # external_vsphere_user: "administrator@vsphere.local" # Can also be set via the `VSPHERE_USER` environment variable # external_vsphere_password: "K8s_admin" # Can also be set via the `VSPHERE_PASSWORD` environment variable # external_vsphere_datacenter: "DATACENTER_name" # external_vsphere_kubernetes_cluster_id: "kubernetes-cluster-id" ## Vsphere version where located VMs # external_vsphere_version: "6.7u3" ## Tags for the external vSphere Cloud Provider images # external_vsphere_cloud_controller_image_tag: "latest" # vsphere_syncer_image_tag: "v1.0.2" # vsphere_csi_attacher_image_tag: "v1.1.1" # vsphere_csi_controller: "v1.0.2" # vsphere_csi_liveness_probe_image_tag: "v1.1.0" # vsphere_csi_provisioner_image_tag: "v1.2.2" # vsphere_csi_resizer_tag: "v1.0.0" ## To use vSphere CSI plugin to provision volumes set this value to true # vsphere_csi_enabled: true # vsphere_csi_controller_replicas: 1