--- # The Vault role is typically a two step process: # 1. Bootstrap # This starts a temporary Vault to generate certs for Vault itself. This # includes a Root CA for the cluster, assuming one doesn't exist already. # The temporary instance will remain running after Bootstrap, to provide a # running Vault for the Etcd role to generate certs against. # 2. Cluster # Once Etcd is started, then the Cluster tasks can start up a long-term # Vault cluster using Etcd as the backend. The same Root CA is mounted as # used during step 1, allowing all certs to have the same chain of trust. - name: install hvac pip: name: "hvac=={{ hvac_version }}" state: "present" extra_args: "{{ pip_extra_args | default(omit) }}" ## Bootstrap - include_tasks: bootstrap/main.yml when: cert_management == 'vault' and vault_bootstrap | d() ## Cluster - include_tasks: cluster/main.yml when: cert_management == 'vault' and not vault_bootstrap | d()