--- - name: Create image directory file: state: directory path: "{{ images_dir }}" - name: Download images files get_url: url: "{{ item.value.url }}" dest: "{{ images_dir }}/{{ item.value.filename }}" checksum: "{{ item.value.checksum }}" with_dict: - "{{ images }}" - name: Unxz compressed images command: unxz --force {{ images_dir }}/{{ item.value.filename }} with_dict: - "{{ images }}" when: - item.value.filename.endswith('.xz') - name: Convert images which is not in qcow2 format command: qemu-img convert -O qcow2 {{ images_dir }}/{{ item.value.filename.rstrip('.xz') }} {{ images_dir }}/{{ item.key }}.qcow2 with_dict: - "{{ images }}" when: - not (item.value.converted|bool) - name: Make sure all images are ending with qcow2 command: cp {{ images_dir }}/{{ item.value.filename.rstrip('.xz') }} {{ images_dir }}/{{ item.key }}.qcow2 with_dict: - "{{ images }}" when: - item.value.converted|bool - name: Resize images # noqa 301 command: qemu-img resize {{ images_dir }}/{{ item.key }}.qcow2 +8G with_dict: - "{{ images }}" # STEP 2: Include the images inside a container - name: Template default Dockerfile template: src: Dockerfile dest: "{{ images_dir }}/Dockerfile" - name: Create docker images for each OS # noqa 301 command: docker build -t {{ registry }}/vm-{{ item.key }}:{{ item.value.tag }} --build-arg cloud_image="{{ item.key }}.qcow2" {{ images_dir }} with_dict: - "{{ images }}" - name: docker login # noqa 301 command: docker login -u="{{ docker_user }}" -p="{{ docker_password }}" "{{ docker_host }}" - name: docker push image # noqa 301 command: docker push {{ registry }}/vm-{{ item.key }}:{{ item.value.tag }} with_dict: - "{{ images }}" - name: docker logout # noqa 301 command: docker logout -u="{{ docker_user }}" "{{ docker_host }}"