# Copyright YEAR The Jetstack cert-manager contributors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: certificaterequests.cert-manager.io annotations: cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from-secret: cert-manager/cert-manager-webhook-ca labels: app: cert-manager app.kubernetes.io/name: cert-manager app.kubernetes.io/instance: cert-manager app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm helm.sh/chart: cert-manager-{{ cert_manager_version }} spec: additionalPrinterColumns: - JSONPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status name: Ready type: string - JSONPath: .spec.issuerRef.name name: Issuer priority: 1 type: string - JSONPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].message name: Status priority: 1 type: string - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp description: CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. name: Age type: date group: cert-manager.io preserveUnknownFields: false conversion: # a Webhook strategy instruct API server to call an external webhook for any conversion between custom resources. strategy: Webhook # webhookClientConfig is required when strategy is `Webhook` and it configures the webhook endpoint to be called by API server. webhookClientConfig: service: namespace: '{{ cert_manager_namespace }}' name: 'cert-manager-webhook' path: /convert names: kind: CertificateRequest listKind: CertificateRequestList plural: certificaterequests shortNames: - cr - crs singular: certificaterequest scope: Namespaced subresources: status: {} versions: - name: v1alpha2 served: true storage: true "schema": "openAPIV3Schema": description: "A CertificateRequest is used to request a signed certificate from one of the configured issuers. \n All fields within the CertificateRequest's `spec` are immutable after creation. A CertificateRequest will either succeed or fail, as denoted by its `status.state` field. \n A CertificateRequest is a 'one-shot' resource, meaning it represents a single point in time request for a certificate and cannot be re-used." type: object properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object spec: description: Desired state of the CertificateRequest resource. type: object required: - csr - issuerRef properties: csr: description: The PEM-encoded x509 certificate signing request to be submitted to the CA for signing. type: string format: byte duration: description: The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate. This option may be ignored/overridden by some issuer types. type: string isCA: description: IsCA will request to mark the certificate as valid for certificate signing when submitting to the issuer. This will automatically add the `cert sign` usage to the list of `usages`. type: boolean issuerRef: description: IssuerRef is a reference to the issuer for this CertificateRequest. If the 'kind' field is not set, or set to 'Issuer', an Issuer resource with the given name in the same namespace as the CertificateRequest will be used. If the 'kind' field is set to 'ClusterIssuer', a ClusterIssuer with the provided name will be used. The 'name' field in this stanza is required at all times. The group field refers to the API group of the issuer which defaults to 'cert-manager.io' if empty. type: object required: - name properties: group: description: Group of the resource being referred to. type: string kind: description: Kind of the resource being referred to. type: string name: description: Name of the resource being referred to. type: string usages: description: Usages is the set of x509 usages that are requested for the certificate. Defaults to `digital signature` and `key encipherment` if not specified. type: array items: description: 'KeyUsage specifies valid usage contexts for keys. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- Valid KeyUsage values are as follows: "signing", "digital signature", "content commitment", "key encipherment", "key agreement", "data encipherment", "cert sign", "crl sign", "encipher only", "decipher only", "any", "server auth", "client auth", "code signing", "email protection", "s/mime", "ipsec end system", "ipsec tunnel", "ipsec user", "timestamping", "ocsp signing", "microsoft sgc", "netscape sgc"' type: string enum: - signing - digital signature - content commitment - key encipherment - key agreement - data encipherment - cert sign - crl sign - encipher only - decipher only - any - server auth - client auth - code signing - email protection - s/mime - ipsec end system - ipsec tunnel - ipsec user - timestamping - ocsp signing - microsoft sgc - netscape sgc status: description: Status of the CertificateRequest. This is set and managed automatically. type: object properties: ca: description: The PEM encoded x509 certificate of the signer, also known as the CA (Certificate Authority). This is set on a best-effort basis by different issuers. If not set, the CA is assumed to be unknown/not available. type: string format: byte certificate: description: The PEM encoded x509 certificate resulting from the certificate signing request. If not set, the CertificateRequest has either not been completed or has failed. More information on failure can be found by checking the `conditions` field. type: string format: byte conditions: description: List of status conditions to indicate the status of a CertificateRequest. Known condition types are `Ready` and `InvalidRequest`. type: array items: description: CertificateRequestCondition contains condition information for a CertificateRequest. type: object required: - status - type properties: lastTransitionTime: description: LastTransitionTime is the timestamp corresponding to the last status change of this condition. type: string format: date-time message: description: Message is a human readable description of the details of the last transition, complementing reason. type: string reason: description: Reason is a brief machine readable explanation for the condition's last transition. type: string status: description: Status of the condition, one of ('True', 'False', 'Unknown'). type: string enum: - "True" - "False" - Unknown type: description: Type of the condition, known values are ('Ready', 'InvalidRequest'). type: string failureTime: description: FailureTime stores the time that this CertificateRequest failed. This is used to influence garbage collection and back-off. type: string format: date-time - name: v1alpha3 served: true storage: false "schema": "openAPIV3Schema": description: "A CertificateRequest is used to request a signed certificate from one of the configured issuers. \n All fields within the CertificateRequest's `spec` are immutable after creation. A CertificateRequest will either succeed or fail, as denoted by its `status.state` field. \n A CertificateRequest is a 'one-shot' resource, meaning it represents a single point in time request for a certificate and cannot be re-used." type: object properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object spec: description: Desired state of the CertificateRequest resource. type: object required: - csr - issuerRef properties: csr: description: The PEM-encoded x509 certificate signing request to be submitted to the CA for signing. type: string format: byte duration: description: The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate. This option may be ignored/overridden by some issuer types. type: string isCA: description: IsCA will request to mark the certificate as valid for certificate signing when submitting to the issuer. This will automatically add the `cert sign` usage to the list of `usages`. type: boolean issuerRef: description: IssuerRef is a reference to the issuer for this CertificateRequest. If the 'kind' field is not set, or set to 'Issuer', an Issuer resource with the given name in the same namespace as the CertificateRequest will be used. If the 'kind' field is set to 'ClusterIssuer', a ClusterIssuer with the provided name will be used. The 'name' field in this stanza is required at all times. The group field refers to the API group of the issuer which defaults to 'cert-manager.io' if empty. type: object required: - name properties: group: description: Group of the resource being referred to. type: string kind: description: Kind of the resource being referred to. type: string name: description: Name of the resource being referred to. type: string usages: description: Usages is the set of x509 usages that are requested for the certificate. Defaults to `digital signature` and `key encipherment` if not specified. type: array items: description: 'KeyUsage specifies valid usage contexts for keys. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- Valid KeyUsage values are as follows: "signing", "digital signature", "content commitment", "key encipherment", "key agreement", "data encipherment", "cert sign", "crl sign", "encipher only", "decipher only", "any", "server auth", "client auth", "code signing", "email protection", "s/mime", "ipsec end system", "ipsec tunnel", "ipsec user", "timestamping", "ocsp signing", "microsoft sgc", "netscape sgc"' type: string enum: - signing - digital signature - content commitment - key encipherment - key agreement - data encipherment - cert sign - crl sign - encipher only - decipher only - any - server auth - client auth - code signing - email protection - s/mime - ipsec end system - ipsec tunnel - ipsec user - timestamping - ocsp signing - microsoft sgc - netscape sgc status: description: Status of the CertificateRequest. This is set and managed automatically. type: object properties: ca: description: The PEM encoded x509 certificate of the signer, also known as the CA (Certificate Authority). This is set on a best-effort basis by different issuers. If not set, the CA is assumed to be unknown/not available. type: string format: byte certificate: description: The PEM encoded x509 certificate resulting from the certificate signing request. If not set, the CertificateRequest has either not been completed or has failed. More information on failure can be found by checking the `conditions` field. type: string format: byte conditions: description: List of status conditions to indicate the status of a CertificateRequest. Known condition types are `Ready` and `InvalidRequest`. type: array items: description: CertificateRequestCondition contains condition information for a CertificateRequest. type: object required: - status - type properties: lastTransitionTime: description: LastTransitionTime is the timestamp corresponding to the last status change of this condition. type: string format: date-time message: description: Message is a human readable description of the details of the last transition, complementing reason. type: string reason: description: Reason is a brief machine readable explanation for the condition's last transition. type: string status: description: Status of the condition, one of ('True', 'False', 'Unknown'). type: string enum: - "True" - "False" - Unknown type: description: Type of the condition, known values are ('Ready', 'InvalidRequest'). type: string failureTime: description: FailureTime stores the time that this CertificateRequest failed. This is used to influence garbage collection and back-off. type: string format: date-time - name: v1beta1 served: true storage: false "schema": "openAPIV3Schema": description: "A CertificateRequest is used to request a signed certificate from one of the configured issuers. \n All fields within the CertificateRequest's `spec` are immutable after creation. A CertificateRequest will either succeed or fail, as denoted by its `status.state` field. \n A CertificateRequest is a 'one-shot' resource, meaning it represents a single point in time request for a certificate and cannot be re-used." type: object required: - spec properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object spec: description: Desired state of the CertificateRequest resource. type: object required: - issuerRef - request properties: duration: description: The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate. This option may be ignored/overridden by some issuer types. type: string isCA: description: IsCA will request to mark the certificate as valid for certificate signing when submitting to the issuer. This will automatically add the `cert sign` usage to the list of `usages`. type: boolean issuerRef: description: IssuerRef is a reference to the issuer for this CertificateRequest. If the 'kind' field is not set, or set to 'Issuer', an Issuer resource with the given name in the same namespace as the CertificateRequest will be used. If the 'kind' field is set to 'ClusterIssuer', a ClusterIssuer with the provided name will be used. The 'name' field in this stanza is required at all times. The group field refers to the API group of the issuer which defaults to 'cert-manager.io' if empty. type: object required: - name properties: group: description: Group of the resource being referred to. type: string kind: description: Kind of the resource being referred to. type: string name: description: Name of the resource being referred to. type: string request: description: The PEM-encoded x509 certificate signing request to be submitted to the CA for signing. type: string format: byte usages: description: Usages is the set of x509 usages that are requested for the certificate. Defaults to `digital signature` and `key encipherment` if not specified. type: array items: description: 'KeyUsage specifies valid usage contexts for keys. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- Valid KeyUsage values are as follows: "signing", "digital signature", "content commitment", "key encipherment", "key agreement", "data encipherment", "cert sign", "crl sign", "encipher only", "decipher only", "any", "server auth", "client auth", "code signing", "email protection", "s/mime", "ipsec end system", "ipsec tunnel", "ipsec user", "timestamping", "ocsp signing", "microsoft sgc", "netscape sgc"' type: string enum: - signing - digital signature - content commitment - key encipherment - key agreement - data encipherment - cert sign - crl sign - encipher only - decipher only - any - server auth - client auth - code signing - email protection - s/mime - ipsec end system - ipsec tunnel - ipsec user - timestamping - ocsp signing - microsoft sgc - netscape sgc status: description: Status of the CertificateRequest. This is set and managed automatically. type: object properties: ca: description: The PEM encoded x509 certificate of the signer, also known as the CA (Certificate Authority). This is set on a best-effort basis by different issuers. If not set, the CA is assumed to be unknown/not available. type: string format: byte certificate: description: The PEM encoded x509 certificate resulting from the certificate signing request. If not set, the CertificateRequest has either not been completed or has failed. More information on failure can be found by checking the `conditions` field. type: string format: byte conditions: description: List of status conditions to indicate the status of a CertificateRequest. Known condition types are `Ready` and `InvalidRequest`. type: array items: description: CertificateRequestCondition contains condition information for a CertificateRequest. type: object required: - status - type properties: lastTransitionTime: description: LastTransitionTime is the timestamp corresponding to the last status change of this condition. type: string format: date-time message: description: Message is a human readable description of the details of the last transition, complementing reason. type: string reason: description: Reason is a brief machine readable explanation for the condition's last transition. type: string status: description: Status of the condition, one of ('True', 'False', 'Unknown'). type: string enum: - "True" - "False" - Unknown type: description: Type of the condition, known values are ('Ready', 'InvalidRequest'). type: string failureTime: description: FailureTime stores the time that this CertificateRequest failed. This is used to influence garbage collection and back-off. type: string format: date-time --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: certificates.cert-manager.io annotations: cert-manager.io/inject-ca-from-secret: cert-manager/cert-manager-webhook-ca labels: app: cert-manager app.kubernetes.io/name: cert-manager app.kubernetes.io/instance: cert-manager app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm helm.sh/chart: cert-manager-{{ cert_manager_version }} spec: additionalPrinterColumns: - JSONPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].status name: Ready type: string - JSONPath: .spec.secretName name: Secret type: string - JSONPath: .spec.issuerRef.name name: Issuer priority: 1 type: string - JSONPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type=="Ready")].message name: Status priority: 1 type: string - JSONPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp description: CreationTimestamp is a timestamp representing the server time when this object was created. It is not guaranteed to be set in happens-before order across separate operations. Clients may not set this value. It is represented in RFC3339 form and is in UTC. name: Age type: date group: cert-manager.io preserveUnknownFields: false conversion: # a Webhook strategy instruct API server to call an external webhook for any conversion between custom resources. strategy: Webhook # webhookClientConfig is required when strategy is `Webhook` and it configures the webhook endpoint to be called by API server. webhookClientConfig: service: namespace: '{{ cert_manager_namespace }}' name: 'cert-manager-webhook' path: /convert names: kind: Certificate listKind: CertificateList plural: certificates shortNames: - cert - certs singular: certificate scope: Namespaced subresources: status: {} versions: - name: v1alpha2 served: true storage: true "schema": "openAPIV3Schema": description: "A Certificate resource should be created to ensure an up to date and signed x509 certificate is stored in the Kubernetes Secret resource named in `spec.secretName`. \n The stored certificate will be renewed before it expires (as configured by `spec.renewBefore`)." type: object properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object spec: description: Desired state of the Certificate resource. type: object required: - issuerRef - secretName properties: commonName: description: 'CommonName is a common name to be used on the Certificate. The CommonName should have a length of 64 characters or fewer to avoid generating invalid CSRs. This value is ignored by TLS clients when any subject alt name is set. This is x509 behaviour: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6.4.4' type: string dnsNames: description: DNSNames is a list of DNS subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string duration: description: The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate. This option may be ignored/overridden by some issuer types. If overridden and `renewBefore` is greater than the actual certificate duration, the certificate will be automatically renewed 2/3rds of the way through the certificate's duration. type: string emailSANs: description: EmailSANs is a list of email subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string ipAddresses: description: IPAddresses is a list of IP address subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string isCA: description: IsCA will mark this Certificate as valid for certificate signing. This will automatically add the `cert sign` usage to the list of `usages`. type: boolean issuerRef: description: IssuerRef is a reference to the issuer for this certificate. If the 'kind' field is not set, or set to 'Issuer', an Issuer resource with the given name in the same namespace as the Certificate will be used. If the 'kind' field is set to 'ClusterIssuer', a ClusterIssuer with the provided name will be used. The 'name' field in this stanza is required at all times. type: object required: - name properties: group: description: Group of the resource being referred to. type: string kind: description: Kind of the resource being referred to. type: string name: description: Name of the resource being referred to. type: string keyAlgorithm: description: KeyAlgorithm is the private key algorithm of the corresponding private key for this certificate. If provided, allowed values are either "rsa" or "ecdsa" If `keyAlgorithm` is specified and `keySize` is not provided, key size of 256 will be used for "ecdsa" key algorithm and key size of 2048 will be used for "rsa" key algorithm. type: string enum: - rsa - ecdsa keyEncoding: description: KeyEncoding is the private key cryptography standards (PKCS) for this certificate's private key to be encoded in. If provided, allowed values are "pkcs1" and "pkcs8" standing for PKCS#1 and PKCS#8, respectively. If KeyEncoding is not specified, then PKCS#1 will be used by default. type: string enum: - pkcs1 - pkcs8 keySize: description: KeySize is the key bit size of the corresponding private key for this certificate. If `keyAlgorithm` is set to `RSA`, valid values are `2048`, `4096` or `8192`, and will default to `2048` if not specified. If `keyAlgorithm` is set to `ECDSA`, valid values are `256`, `384` or `521`, and will default to `256` if not specified. No other values are allowed. type: integer maximum: 8192 minimum: 0 keystores: description: Keystores configures additional keystore output formats stored in the `secretName` Secret resource. type: object properties: jks: description: JKS configures options for storing a JKS keystore in the `spec.secretName` Secret resource. type: object required: - create - passwordSecretRef properties: create: description: Create enables JKS keystore creation for the Certificate. If true, a file named `keystore.jks` will be created in the target Secret resource, encrypted using the password stored in `passwordSecretRef`. The keystore file will only be updated upon re-issuance. type: boolean passwordSecretRef: description: PasswordSecretRef is a reference to a key in a Secret resource containing the password used to encrypt the JKS keystore. type: object required: - name properties: key: description: The key of the entry in the Secret resource's `data` field to be used. Some instances of this field may be defaulted, in others it may be required. type: string name: description: 'Name of the resource being referred to. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names' type: string pkcs12: description: PKCS12 configures options for storing a PKCS12 keystore in the `spec.secretName` Secret resource. type: object required: - create - passwordSecretRef properties: create: description: Create enables PKCS12 keystore creation for the Certificate. If true, a file named `keystore.p12` will be created in the target Secret resource, encrypted using the password stored in `passwordSecretRef`. The keystore file will only be updated upon re-issuance. type: boolean passwordSecretRef: description: PasswordSecretRef is a reference to a key in a Secret resource containing the password used to encrypt the PKCS12 keystore. type: object required: - name properties: key: description: The key of the entry in the Secret resource's `data` field to be used. Some instances of this field may be defaulted, in others it may be required. type: string name: description: 'Name of the resource being referred to. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names' type: string organization: description: Organization is a list of organizations to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string privateKey: description: Options to control private keys used for the Certificate. type: object properties: rotationPolicy: description: RotationPolicy controls how private keys should be regenerated when a re-issuance is being processed. If set to Never, a private key will only be generated if one does not already exist in the target `spec.secretName`. If one does exists but it does not have the correct algorithm or size, a warning will be raised to await user intervention. If set to Always, a private key matching the specified requirements will be generated whenever a re-issuance occurs. Default is 'Never' for backward compatibility. type: string renewBefore: description: The amount of time before the currently issued certificate's `notAfter` time that cert-manager will begin to attempt to renew the certificate. If this value is greater than the total duration of the certificate (i.e. notAfter - notBefore), it will be automatically renewed 2/3rds of the way through the certificate's duration. type: string secretName: description: SecretName is the name of the secret resource that will be automatically created and managed by this Certificate resource. It will be populated with a private key and certificate, signed by the denoted issuer. type: string subject: description: Full X509 name specification (https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/x509/pkix/#Name). type: object properties: countries: description: Countries to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string localities: description: Cities to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string organizationalUnits: description: Organizational Units to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string postalCodes: description: Postal codes to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string provinces: description: State/Provinces to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string serialNumber: description: Serial number to be used on the Certificate. type: string streetAddresses: description: Street addresses to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string uriSANs: description: URISANs is a list of URI subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string usages: description: Usages is the set of x509 usages that are requested for the certificate. Defaults to `digital signature` and `key encipherment` if not specified. type: array items: description: 'KeyUsage specifies valid usage contexts for keys. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- Valid KeyUsage values are as follows: "signing", "digital signature", "content commitment", "key encipherment", "key agreement", "data encipherment", "cert sign", "crl sign", "encipher only", "decipher only", "any", "server auth", "client auth", "code signing", "email protection", "s/mime", "ipsec end system", "ipsec tunnel", "ipsec user", "timestamping", "ocsp signing", "microsoft sgc", "netscape sgc"' type: string enum: - signing - digital signature - content commitment - key encipherment - key agreement - data encipherment - cert sign - crl sign - encipher only - decipher only - any - server auth - client auth - code signing - email protection - s/mime - ipsec end system - ipsec tunnel - ipsec user - timestamping - ocsp signing - microsoft sgc - netscape sgc status: description: Status of the Certificate. This is set and managed automatically. type: object properties: conditions: description: List of status conditions to indicate the status of certificates. Known condition types are `Ready` and `Issuing`. type: array items: description: CertificateCondition contains condition information for an Certificate. type: object required: - status - type properties: lastTransitionTime: description: LastTransitionTime is the timestamp corresponding to the last status change of this condition. type: string format: date-time message: description: Message is a human readable description of the details of the last transition, complementing reason. type: string reason: description: Reason is a brief machine readable explanation for the condition's last transition. type: string status: description: Status of the condition, one of ('True', 'False', 'Unknown'). type: string enum: - "True" - "False" - Unknown type: description: Type of the condition, known values are ('Ready', `Issuing`). type: string lastFailureTime: description: LastFailureTime is the time as recorded by the Certificate controller of the most recent failure to complete a CertificateRequest for this Certificate resource. If set, cert-manager will not re-request another Certificate until 1 hour has elapsed from this time. type: string format: date-time nextPrivateKeySecretName: description: The name of the Secret resource containing the private key to be used for the next certificate iteration. The keymanager controller will automatically set this field if the `Issuing` condition is set to `True`. It will automatically unset this field when the Issuing condition is not set or False. type: string notAfter: description: The expiration time of the certificate stored in the secret named by this resource in `spec.secretName`. type: string format: date-time notBefore: description: The time after which the certificate stored in the secret named by this resource in spec.secretName is valid. type: string format: date-time renewalTime: description: RenewalTime is the time at which the certificate will be next renewed. If not set, no upcoming renewal is scheduled. type: string format: date-time revision: description: "The current 'revision' of the certificate as issued. \n When a CertificateRequest resource is created, it will have the `cert-manager.io/certificate-revision` set to one greater than the current value of this field. \n Upon issuance, this field will be set to the value of the annotation on the CertificateRequest resource used to issue the certificate. \n Persisting the value on the CertificateRequest resource allows the certificates controller to know whether a request is part of an old issuance or if it is part of the ongoing revision's issuance by checking if the revision value in the annotation is greater than this field." type: integer - name: v1alpha3 served: true storage: false "schema": "openAPIV3Schema": description: "A Certificate resource should be created to ensure an up to date and signed x509 certificate is stored in the Kubernetes Secret resource named in `spec.secretName`. \n The stored certificate will be renewed before it expires (as configured by `spec.renewBefore`)." type: object properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object spec: description: Desired state of the Certificate resource. type: object required: - issuerRef - secretName properties: commonName: description: 'CommonName is a common name to be used on the Certificate. The CommonName should have a length of 64 characters or fewer to avoid generating invalid CSRs. This value is ignored by TLS clients when any subject alt name is set. This is x509 behaviour: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6.4.4' type: string dnsNames: description: DNSNames is a list of DNS subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string duration: description: The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate. This option may be ignored/overridden by some issuer types. If overridden and `renewBefore` is greater than the actual certificate duration, the certificate will be automatically renewed 2/3rds of the way through the certificate's duration. type: string emailSANs: description: EmailSANs is a list of email subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string ipAddresses: description: IPAddresses is a list of IP address subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string isCA: description: IsCA will mark this Certificate as valid for certificate signing. This will automatically add the `cert sign` usage to the list of `usages`. type: boolean issuerRef: description: IssuerRef is a reference to the issuer for this certificate. If the 'kind' field is not set, or set to 'Issuer', an Issuer resource with the given name in the same namespace as the Certificate will be used. If the 'kind' field is set to 'ClusterIssuer', a ClusterIssuer with the provided name will be used. The 'name' field in this stanza is required at all times. type: object required: - name properties: group: description: Group of the resource being referred to. type: string kind: description: Kind of the resource being referred to. type: string name: description: Name of the resource being referred to. type: string keyAlgorithm: description: KeyAlgorithm is the private key algorithm of the corresponding private key for this certificate. If provided, allowed values are either "rsa" or "ecdsa" If `keyAlgorithm` is specified and `keySize` is not provided, key size of 256 will be used for "ecdsa" key algorithm and key size of 2048 will be used for "rsa" key algorithm. type: string enum: - rsa - ecdsa keyEncoding: description: KeyEncoding is the private key cryptography standards (PKCS) for this certificate's private key to be encoded in. If provided, allowed values are "pkcs1" and "pkcs8" standing for PKCS#1 and PKCS#8, respectively. If KeyEncoding is not specified, then PKCS#1 will be used by default. type: string enum: - pkcs1 - pkcs8 keySize: description: KeySize is the key bit size of the corresponding private key for this certificate. If `keyAlgorithm` is set to `RSA`, valid values are `2048`, `4096` or `8192`, and will default to `2048` if not specified. If `keyAlgorithm` is set to `ECDSA`, valid values are `256`, `384` or `521`, and will default to `256` if not specified. No other values are allowed. type: integer maximum: 8192 minimum: 0 keystores: description: Keystores configures additional keystore output formats stored in the `secretName` Secret resource. type: object properties: jks: description: JKS configures options for storing a JKS keystore in the `spec.secretName` Secret resource. type: object required: - create - passwordSecretRef properties: create: description: Create enables JKS keystore creation for the Certificate. If true, a file named `keystore.jks` will be created in the target Secret resource, encrypted using the password stored in `passwordSecretRef`. The keystore file will only be updated upon re-issuance. type: boolean passwordSecretRef: description: PasswordSecretRef is a reference to a key in a Secret resource containing the password used to encrypt the JKS keystore. type: object required: - name properties: key: description: The key of the entry in the Secret resource's `data` field to be used. Some instances of this field may be defaulted, in others it may be required. type: string name: description: 'Name of the resource being referred to. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names' type: string pkcs12: description: PKCS12 configures options for storing a PKCS12 keystore in the `spec.secretName` Secret resource. type: object required: - create - passwordSecretRef properties: create: description: Create enables PKCS12 keystore creation for the Certificate. If true, a file named `keystore.p12` will be created in the target Secret resource, encrypted using the password stored in `passwordSecretRef`. The keystore file will only be updated upon re-issuance. type: boolean passwordSecretRef: description: PasswordSecretRef is a reference to a key in a Secret resource containing the password used to encrypt the PKCS12 keystore. type: object required: - name properties: key: description: The key of the entry in the Secret resource's `data` field to be used. Some instances of this field may be defaulted, in others it may be required. type: string name: description: 'Name of the resource being referred to. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names' type: string privateKey: description: Options to control private keys used for the Certificate. type: object properties: rotationPolicy: description: RotationPolicy controls how private keys should be regenerated when a re-issuance is being processed. If set to Never, a private key will only be generated if one does not already exist in the target `spec.secretName`. If one does exists but it does not have the correct algorithm or size, a warning will be raised to await user intervention. If set to Always, a private key matching the specified requirements will be generated whenever a re-issuance occurs. Default is 'Never' for backward compatibility. type: string renewBefore: description: The amount of time before the currently issued certificate's `notAfter` time that cert-manager will begin to attempt to renew the certificate. If this value is greater than the total duration of the certificate (i.e. notAfter - notBefore), it will be automatically renewed 2/3rds of the way through the certificate's duration. type: string secretName: description: SecretName is the name of the secret resource that will be automatically created and managed by this Certificate resource. It will be populated with a private key and certificate, signed by the denoted issuer. type: string subject: description: Full X509 name specification (https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/x509/pkix/#Name). type: object properties: countries: description: Countries to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string localities: description: Cities to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string organizationalUnits: description: Organizational Units to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string organizations: description: Organizations to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string postalCodes: description: Postal codes to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string provinces: description: State/Provinces to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string serialNumber: description: Serial number to be used on the Certificate. type: string streetAddresses: description: Street addresses to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string uriSANs: description: URISANs is a list of URI subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string usages: description: Usages is the set of x509 usages that are requested for the certificate. Defaults to `digital signature` and `key encipherment` if not specified. type: array items: description: 'KeyUsage specifies valid usage contexts for keys. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- Valid KeyUsage values are as follows: "signing", "digital signature", "content commitment", "key encipherment", "key agreement", "data encipherment", "cert sign", "crl sign", "encipher only", "decipher only", "any", "server auth", "client auth", "code signing", "email protection", "s/mime", "ipsec end system", "ipsec tunnel", "ipsec user", "timestamping", "ocsp signing", "microsoft sgc", "netscape sgc"' type: string enum: - signing - digital signature - content commitment - key encipherment - key agreement - data encipherment - cert sign - crl sign - encipher only - decipher only - any - server auth - client auth - code signing - email protection - s/mime - ipsec end system - ipsec tunnel - ipsec user - timestamping - ocsp signing - microsoft sgc - netscape sgc status: description: Status of the Certificate. This is set and managed automatically. type: object properties: conditions: description: List of status conditions to indicate the status of certificates. Known condition types are `Ready` and `Issuing`. type: array items: description: CertificateCondition contains condition information for an Certificate. type: object required: - status - type properties: lastTransitionTime: description: LastTransitionTime is the timestamp corresponding to the last status change of this condition. type: string format: date-time message: description: Message is a human readable description of the details of the last transition, complementing reason. type: string reason: description: Reason is a brief machine readable explanation for the condition's last transition. type: string status: description: Status of the condition, one of ('True', 'False', 'Unknown'). type: string enum: - "True" - "False" - Unknown type: description: Type of the condition, known values are ('Ready', `Issuing`). type: string lastFailureTime: description: LastFailureTime is the time as recorded by the Certificate controller of the most recent failure to complete a CertificateRequest for this Certificate resource. If set, cert-manager will not re-request another Certificate until 1 hour has elapsed from this time. type: string format: date-time nextPrivateKeySecretName: description: The name of the Secret resource containing the private key to be used for the next certificate iteration. The keymanager controller will automatically set this field if the `Issuing` condition is set to `True`. It will automatically unset this field when the Issuing condition is not set or False. type: string notAfter: description: The expiration time of the certificate stored in the secret named by this resource in `spec.secretName`. type: string format: date-time notBefore: description: The time after which the certificate stored in the secret named by this resource in spec.secretName is valid. type: string format: date-time renewalTime: description: RenewalTime is the time at which the certificate will be next renewed. If not set, no upcoming renewal is scheduled. type: string format: date-time revision: description: "The current 'revision' of the certificate as issued. \n When a CertificateRequest resource is created, it will have the `cert-manager.io/certificate-revision` set to one greater than the current value of this field. \n Upon issuance, this field will be set to the value of the annotation on the CertificateRequest resource used to issue the certificate. \n Persisting the value on the CertificateRequest resource allows the certificates controller to know whether a request is part of an old issuance or if it is part of the ongoing revision's issuance by checking if the revision value in the annotation is greater than this field." type: integer - name: v1beta1 served: true storage: false "schema": "openAPIV3Schema": description: "A Certificate resource should be created to ensure an up to date and signed x509 certificate is stored in the Kubernetes Secret resource named in `spec.secretName`. \n The stored certificate will be renewed before it expires (as configured by `spec.renewBefore`)." type: object required: - spec properties: apiVersion: description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources' type: string kind: description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds' type: string metadata: type: object spec: description: Desired state of the Certificate resource. type: object required: - issuerRef - secretName properties: commonName: description: 'CommonName is a common name to be used on the Certificate. The CommonName should have a length of 64 characters or fewer to avoid generating invalid CSRs. This value is ignored by TLS clients when any subject alt name is set. This is x509 behaviour: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6125#section-6.4.4' type: string dnsNames: description: DNSNames is a list of DNS subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string duration: description: The requested 'duration' (i.e. lifetime) of the Certificate. This option may be ignored/overridden by some issuer types. If overridden and `renewBefore` is greater than the actual certificate duration, the certificate will be automatically renewed 2/3rds of the way through the certificate's duration. type: string emailSANs: description: EmailSANs is a list of email subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string ipAddresses: description: IPAddresses is a list of IP address subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string isCA: description: IsCA will mark this Certificate as valid for certificate signing. This will automatically add the `cert sign` usage to the list of `usages`. type: boolean issuerRef: description: IssuerRef is a reference to the issuer for this certificate. If the 'kind' field is not set, or set to 'Issuer', an Issuer resource with the given name in the same namespace as the Certificate will be used. If the 'kind' field is set to 'ClusterIssuer', a ClusterIssuer with the provided name will be used. The 'name' field in this stanza is required at all times. type: object required: - name properties: group: description: Group of the resource being referred to. type: string kind: description: Kind of the resource being referred to. type: string name: description: Name of the resource being referred to. type: string keystores: description: Keystores configures additional keystore output formats stored in the `secretName` Secret resource. type: object properties: jks: description: JKS configures options for storing a JKS keystore in the `spec.secretName` Secret resource. type: object required: - create - passwordSecretRef properties: create: description: Create enables JKS keystore creation for the Certificate. If true, a file named `keystore.jks` will be created in the target Secret resource, encrypted using the password stored in `passwordSecretRef`. The keystore file will only be updated upon re-issuance. type: boolean passwordSecretRef: description: PasswordSecretRef is a reference to a key in a Secret resource containing the password used to encrypt the JKS keystore. type: object required: - name properties: key: description: The key of the entry in the Secret resource's `data` field to be used. Some instances of this field may be defaulted, in others it may be required. type: string name: description: 'Name of the resource being referred to. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names' type: string pkcs12: description: PKCS12 configures options for storing a PKCS12 keystore in the `spec.secretName` Secret resource. type: object required: - create - passwordSecretRef properties: create: description: Create enables PKCS12 keystore creation for the Certificate. If true, a file named `keystore.p12` will be created in the target Secret resource, encrypted using the password stored in `passwordSecretRef`. The keystore file will only be updated upon re-issuance. type: boolean passwordSecretRef: description: PasswordSecretRef is a reference to a key in a Secret resource containing the password used to encrypt the PKCS12 keystore. type: object required: - name properties: key: description: The key of the entry in the Secret resource's `data` field to be used. Some instances of this field may be defaulted, in others it may be required. type: string name: description: 'Name of the resource being referred to. More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/names/#names' type: string privateKey: description: Options to control private keys used for the Certificate. type: object properties: algorithm: description: Algorithm is the private key algorithm of the corresponding private key for this certificate. If provided, allowed values are either "rsa" or "ecdsa" If `algorithm` is specified and `size` is not provided, key size of 256 will be used for "ecdsa" key algorithm and key size of 2048 will be used for "rsa" key algorithm. type: string enum: - RSA - ECDSA encoding: description: The private key cryptography standards (PKCS) encoding for this certificate's private key to be encoded in. If provided, allowed values are "pkcs1" and "pkcs8" standing for PKCS#1 and PKCS#8, respectively. Defaults to PKCS#1 if not specified. type: string enum: - PKCS1 - PKCS8 rotationPolicy: description: RotationPolicy controls how private keys should be regenerated when a re-issuance is being processed. If set to Never, a private key will only be generated if one does not already exist in the target `spec.secretName`. If one does exists but it does not have the correct algorithm or size, a warning will be raised to await user intervention. If set to Always, a private key matching the specified requirements will be generated whenever a re-issuance occurs. Default is 'Never' for backward compatibility. type: string size: description: Size is the key bit size of the corresponding private key for this certificate. If `algorithm` is set to `RSA`, valid values are `2048`, `4096` or `8192`, and will default to `2048` if not specified. If `algorithm` is set to `ECDSA`, valid values are `256`, `384` or `521`, and will default to `256` if not specified. No other values are allowed. type: integer maximum: 8192 minimum: 0 renewBefore: description: The amount of time before the currently issued certificate's `notAfter` time that cert-manager will begin to attempt to renew the certificate. If this value is greater than the total duration of the certificate (i.e. notAfter - notBefore), it will be automatically renewed 2/3rds of the way through the certificate's duration. type: string secretName: description: SecretName is the name of the secret resource that will be automatically created and managed by this Certificate resource. It will be populated with a private key and certificate, signed by the denoted issuer. type: string subject: description: Full X509 name specification (https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/x509/pkix/#Name). type: object properties: countries: description: Countries to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string localities: description: Cities to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string organizationalUnits: description: Organizational Units to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string organizations: description: Organizations to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string postalCodes: description: Postal codes to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string provinces: description: State/Provinces to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string serialNumber: description: Serial number to be used on the Certificate. type: string streetAddresses: description: Street addresses to be used on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string uriSANs: description: URISANs is a list of URI subjectAltNames to be set on the Certificate. type: array items: type: string usages: description: Usages is the set of x509 usages that are requested for the certificate. Defaults to `digital signature` and `key encipherment` if not specified. type: array items: description: 'KeyUsage specifies valid usage contexts for keys. See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5280#section- Valid KeyUsage values are as follows: "signing", "digital signature", "content commitment", "key encipherment", "key agreement", "data encipherment", "cert sign", "crl sign", "encipher only", "decipher only", "any", "server auth", "client auth", "code signing", "email protection", "s/mime", "ipsec end system", "ipsec tunnel", "ipsec user", "timestamping", "ocsp signing", "microsoft sgc", "netscape sgc"' type: string enum: - signing - digital signature - content commitment - key encipherment - key agreement - data encipherment - cert sign - crl sign - encipher only - decipher only - any - server auth - client auth - code signing - email protection - s/mime - ipsec end system - ipsec tunnel - ipsec user - timestamping - ocsp signing - microsoft sgc - netscape sgc status: description: Status of the Certificate. This is set and managed automatically. type: object properties: conditions: description: List of status conditions to indicate the status of certificates. Known condition types are `Ready` and `Issuing`. type: array items: description: CertificateCondition contains condition information for an Certificate. type: object required: - status - type properties: lastTransitionTime: description: LastTransitionTime is the timestamp corresponding to the last status change of this condition. type: string format: date-time message: description: Message is a human readable description of the details of the last transition, complementing reason. type: string reason: description: Reason is a brief machine readable explanation for the condition's last transition. type: string status: description: Status of the condition, one of ('True', 'False', 'Unknown'). type: string enum: - "True" - "False" - Unknown type: description: Type of the condition, known values are ('Ready', `Issuing`). type: string lastFailureTime: description: LastFailureTime is the time as recorded by the Certificate controller of the most recent failure to complete a CertificateRequest for this Certificate resource. If set, cert-manager will not re-request another Certificate until 1 hour has elapsed from this time. type: string format: date-time nextPrivateKeySecretName: description: The name of the Secret resource containing the private key to be used for the next certificate iteration. The keymanager controller will automatically set this field if the `Issuing` condition is set to `True`. It will automatically unset this field when the Issuing condition is not set or False. type: string notAfter: description: The expiration time of the certificate stored in the secret named by this resource in `spec.secretName`. type: string format: date-time notBefore: description: The time after which the certificate stored in the secret named by this resource in spec.secretName is valid. type: string format: date-time renewalTime: description: RenewalTime is the time at which the certificate will be next renewed. If not set, no upcoming renewal is scheduled. type: string format: date-time revision: description: "The current 'revision' of the certificate as issued. \n When a CertificateRequest resource is created, it will have the `cert-manager.io/certificate-revision` set to one greater than the current value of this field. \n Upon issuance, this field will be set to the value of the annotation on the CertificateRequest resource used to issue the certificate. \n Persisting the value on the CertificateRequest resource allows the certificates controller to know whether a request is part of an old issuance or if it is part of the ongoing revision's issuance by checking if the revision value in the annotation is greater than this field." type: integer