--- - name: bootstrap/start_vault_temp | Ensure vault-temp isn't already running shell: if docker rm -f {{ vault_temp_container_name }} 2>&1 1>/dev/null;then echo true;else echo false;fi register: vault_temp_stop_check changed_when: "'true' in vault_temp_stop_check.stdout" - name: bootstrap/start_vault_temp | Start single node Vault with file backend command: > docker run -d --cap-add=IPC_LOCK --name {{ vault_temp_container_name }} -p {{ vault_port }}:{{ vault_port }} -e 'VAULT_LOCAL_CONFIG={{ vault_temp_config|to_json }}' -v /etc/vault:/etc/vault {{ vault_image_repo }}:{{ vault_version }} server - name: bootstrap/start_vault_temp | Start again single node Vault with file backend command: docker start {{ vault_temp_container_name }} - name: bootstrap/start_vault_temp | Initialize vault-temp hashivault_init: url: "http://localhost:{{ vault_port }}/" secret_shares: 1 secret_threshold: 1 until: "vault_temp_init|succeeded" retries: 4 delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}" register: vault_temp_init # NOTE: vault_headers and vault_url are used by subsequent issue calls - name: bootstrap/start_vault_temp | Set needed vault facts set_fact: vault_leader_url: "http://{{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ vault_port }}" vault_temp_unseal_keys: "{{ vault_temp_init.keys_base64 }}" vault_root_token: "{{ vault_temp_init.root_token }}" vault_headers: "{{ vault_client_headers|combine({'X-Vault-Token': vault_temp_init.root_token}) }}" - name: bootstrap/start_vault_temp | Unseal vault-temp hashivault_unseal: url: "http://localhost:{{ vault_port }}/" token: "{{ vault_root_token }}" keys: "{{ item }}" with_items: "{{ vault_temp_unseal_keys|default([]) }}" no_log: true