variable "cluster_name" { default = "example" } variable "number_of_k8s_masters" { default = 2 } variable "number_of_k8s_nodes" { default = 1 } variable "public_key_path" { description = "The path of the ssh pub key" default = "~/.ssh/" } variable "image" { description = "the image to use" default = "ubuntu-14.04" } variable "ssh_user" { description = "used to fill out tags for ansible inventory" default = "ubuntu" } variable "flavor_k8s_master" { default = 3 } variable "flavor_k8s_node" { default = 3 } variable "network_name" { description = "name of the internal network to use" default = "internal" } variable "floatingip_pool" { description = "name of the floating ip pool to use" default = "external" } variable "username" { description = "Your openstack username" } variable "password" { description = "Your openstack password" } variable "tenant" { description = "Your openstack tenant/project" } variable "auth_url" { description = "Your openstack auth URL" }