Large deployments of K8s ======================== For a large scaled deployments, consider the following configuration changes: * Tune [ansible settings]( for `forks` and `timeout` vars to fit large numbers of nodes being deployed. * Override containers' `foo_image_repo` vars to point to intranet registry. * Override the ``download_run_once: true`` and/or ``download_localhost: true``. See download modes for details. * Adjust the `retry_stagger` global var as appropriate. It should provide sane load on a delegate (the first K8s master node) then retrying failed push or download operations. * Tune parameters for DNS related applications (dnsmasq daemon set, kubedns replication controller). Those are ``dns_replicas``, ``dns_cpu_limit``, ``dns_cpu_requests``, ``dns_memory_limit``, ``dns_memory_requests``. Please note that limits must always be greater than or equal to requests. * Tune CPU/memory limits and requests. Those are located in roles' defaults and named like ``foo_memory_limit``, ``foo_memory_requests`` and ``foo_cpu_limit``, ``foo_cpu_requests``. Note that 'Mi' memory units for K8s will be submitted as 'M', if applied for ``docker run``, and cpu K8s units will end up with the 'm' skipped for docker as well. This is required as docker does not understand k8s units well. For example, when deploying 200 nodes, you may want to run ansible with ``--forks=50``, ``--timeout=600`` and define the ``retry_stagger: 60``.