Large deployments of K8s ======================== For a large scaled deployments, consider the following configuration changes: * Tune [ansible settings]( for `forks` and `timeout` vars to fit large numbers of nodes being deployed. * Override containers' `foo_image_repo` vars to point to intranet registry. * Override the ``download_run_once: true`` to download container images only once then push to cluster nodes in batches. The default delegate node for pushing images is the first kube-master. Note, if you have passwordless sudo and docker enabled on the separate admin node, you may want to define the ``download_localhost: true``, which makes that node a delegate for pushing images while running the deployment with ansible. This maybe the case if cluster nodes cannot access each over via ssh or you want to use local docker images as a cache for multiple clusters. * Adjust the `retry_stagger` global var as appropriate. It should provide sane load on a delegate (the first K8s master node) then retrying failed push or download operations. For example, when deploying 200 nodes, you may want to run ansible with ``--forks=50``, ``--timeout=600`` and define the ``retry_stagger: 60``.