--- - name: Set external kube-apiserver endpoint set_fact: external_apiserver_endpoint: >- {%- if loadbalancer_apiserver is defined and loadbalancer_apiserver.port is defined -%} https://{{ apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name }}:{{ loadbalancer_apiserver.port|default(kube_apiserver_port) }} {%- else -%} https://{{ kube_apiserver_access_address }}:{{ kube_apiserver_port }} {%- endif -%} tags: - facts - name: Create kube config dir file: path: "/root/.kube" mode: "0700" state: directory - name: Copy admin kubeconfig to root user home copy: src: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/admin.conf" dest: "/root/.kube/config" remote_src: yes mode: "0600" backup: yes - name: Copy admin kubeconfig to ansible host fetch: src: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/admin.conf" dest: "{{ artifacts_dir }}/admin.conf" flat: yes validate_checksum: no run_once: yes when: kubeconfig_localhost|default(false) - name: Copy kubectl binary to ansible host fetch: src: "{{ bin_dir }}/kubectl" dest: "{{ artifacts_dir }}/kubectl" flat: yes validate_checksum: no become: no run_once: yes when: kubectl_localhost|default(false) - name: create helper script kubectl.sh on ansible host copy: content: | #!/bin/bash kubectl --kubeconfig=${BASH_SOURCE%/*}/admin.conf $@ dest: "{{ artifacts_dir }}/kubectl.sh" mode: 0755 become: no run_once: yes delegate_to: localhost when: kubectl_localhost|default(false) and kubeconfig_localhost|default(false)