--- helm_enabled: false # specify a dir and attach it to helm for HELM_HOME. helm_home_dir: "/root/.helm" # Deployment mode: host or docker helm_deployment_type: host # Wait until Tiller is running and ready to receive requests tiller_wait: false # Do not download the local repository cache on helm init helm_skip_refresh: false # Secure Tiller installation with TLS tiller_enable_tls: false helm_config_dir: "{{ kube_config_dir }}/helm" helm_script_dir: "{{ bin_dir }}/helm-scripts" # Store tiller release information as Secret instead of a ConfigMap tiller_secure_release_info: false # Where private root key will be secured for TLS helm_tiller_cert_dir: "{{ helm_config_dir }}/ssl" tiller_tls_cert: "{{ helm_tiller_cert_dir }}/tiller.pem" tiller_tls_key: "{{ helm_tiller_cert_dir }}/tiller-key.pem" tiller_tls_ca_cert: "{{ helm_tiller_cert_dir }}/ca.pem" # Permission owner and group for helm client cert. Will be dependent on the helm_home_dir helm_cert_group: root helm_cert_owner: root # Set URL for stable repository # helm_stable_repo_url: "https://charts.helm.sh/stable" # Namespace for the Tiller Deployment. tiller_namespace: kube-system # Set node selector options for Tiller Deployment manifest. # tiller_node_selectors: "key1=val1,key2=val2" # Override values for the Tiller Deployment manifest. # tiller_override: "key1=val1,key2=val2" # Limit the maximum number of revisions saved per release. Use 0 for no limit. # tiller_max_history: 0 # The name of the tiller service account tiller_service_account: tiller # The number of tiller pod replicas. If not defined, tiller defaults to a single replica # tiller_replicas: 1