# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : pool = ENV["VAGRANT_POOL"] || "" ENV["VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER"] = "libvirt" prefix = pool.gsub(/\.\d+\.\d+\/16$/, "") $num_instances = 7 $vm_memory = 2048 $vm_cpus = 2 $user = ENV["USER"] $public_subnet = prefix.to_s + ".0" $private_subnet = prefix.to_s + ".1" $mgmt_cidr = prefix.to_s + ".2.0/24" $instance_name_prefix = "#{$user}-k8s" # Boxes with libvirt provider support: #$box = "yk0/ubuntu-xenial" #900M #$box = "centos/7" #$box = "nrclark/xenial64-minimal-libvirt" $box = "peru/ubuntu-16.04-server-amd64" # Create SSH keys for future lab system 'bash vagrant-scripts/ssh-keygen.sh' # Create nodes list for future kargo deployment nodes="" (2..$num_instances).each do |i| ip = "#{$private_subnet}.#{i+10}" nodes = "#{nodes}#{ip}\n" end File.open("nodes", 'w') { |file| file.write(nodes) } # Create the lab Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| (1..$num_instances).each do |i| # First node would be master node if i == 1 master = true else master = false end config.ssh.insert_key = false vm_name = "%s-%02d" % [$instance_name_prefix, i] config.vm.define vm_name do |test_vm| test_vm.vm.box = $box test_vm.vm.hostname = vm_name # Libvirt provider settings test_vm.vm.provider :libvirt do |domain| domain.uri = "qemu+unix:///system" domain.memory = $vm_memory domain.cpus = $vm_cpus domain.driver = "kvm" domain.host = "localhost" domain.connect_via_ssh = false domain.username = $user domain.storage_pool_name = "default" domain.nic_model_type = "e1000" domain.management_network_name = "#{$instance_name_prefix}-mgmt-net" domain.management_network_address = $mgmt_cidr domain.nested = true domain.cpu_mode = "host-passthrough" domain.volume_cache = "unsafe" domain.disk_bus = "virtio" # DISABLED: switched to new box which has 100G / partition #domain.storage :file, :type => 'qcow2', :bus => 'virtio', :size => '20G', :device => 'vdb' end # Networks and interfaces ip = "#{$private_subnet}.#{i+10}" pub_ip = "#{$public_subnet}.#{i+10}" # "public" network with nat forwarding test_vm.vm.network :private_network, :ip => pub_ip, :model_type => "e1000", :libvirt__network_name => "#{$instance_name_prefix}-public", :libvirt__dhcp_enabled => false, :libvirt__forward_mode => "nat" # "private" isolated network test_vm.vm.network :private_network, :ip => ip, :model_type => "e1000", :libvirt__network_name => "#{$instance_name_prefix}-private", :libvirt__dhcp_enabled => false, :libvirt__forward_mode => "none" # Provisioning config.vm.provision "file", source: "ssh", destination: "~/ssh" if master config.vm.provision "deploy-k8s", type: "file", source: "deploy-k8s.kargo.sh", destination: "~/deploy-k8s.kargo.sh" config.vm.provision "deploy-ccp", type: "file", source: "deploy-ccp.sh", destination: "~/deploy-ccp.sh" config.vm.provision "custom.yaml", type: "file", source: "custom.yaml", destination: "~/custom.yaml" config.vm.provision "playbooks", type: "file", source: "playbooks", destination: "~/playbooks" config.vm.provision "nodes", type: "file", source: "nodes", destination: "~/nodes" config.vm.provision "ccp", type: "file", source: "ccp", destination: "~/ccp" config.vm.provision "bootstrap", type: "shell", path: "vagrant-scripts/bootstrap-master.sh" else config.vm.provision "bootstrap", type: "shell", path: "vagrant-scripts/bootstrap-node.sh" end end end end