#!/usr/bin/env python2 # # Copyright 2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # original: https://github.com/CiscoCloud/terraform.py """\ Dynamic inventory for Terraform - finds all `.tfstate` files below the working directory and generates an inventory based on them. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function import argparse from collections import defaultdict from functools import wraps import json import os import re VERSION = '0.3.0pre' def tfstates(root=None): root = root or os.getcwd() for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(root): for name in filenames: if os.path.splitext(name)[-1] == '.tfstate': yield os.path.join(dirpath, name) def iterresources(filenames): for filename in filenames: with open(filename, 'r') as json_file: state = json.load(json_file) for module in state['modules']: name = module['path'][-1] for key, resource in module['resources'].items(): yield name, key, resource ## READ RESOURCES PARSERS = {} def _clean_dc(dcname): # Consul DCs are strictly alphanumeric with underscores and hyphens - # ensure that the consul_dc attribute meets these requirements. return re.sub('[^\w_\-]', '-', dcname) def iterhosts(resources): '''yield host tuples of (name, attributes, groups)''' for module_name, key, resource in resources: resource_type, name = key.split('.', 1) try: parser = PARSERS[resource_type] except KeyError: continue yield parser(resource, module_name) def iterips(resources): '''yield ip tuples of (instance_id, ip)''' for module_name, key, resource in resources: resource_type, name = key.split('.', 1) if resource_type == 'openstack_compute_floatingip_associate_v2': yield openstack_floating_ips(resource) def parses(prefix): def inner(func): PARSERS[prefix] = func return func return inner def calculate_mantl_vars(func): """calculate Mantl vars""" @wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwargs): name, attrs, groups = func(*args, **kwargs) # attrs if attrs.get('role', '') == 'control': attrs['consul_is_server'] = True else: attrs['consul_is_server'] = False # groups if attrs.get('publicly_routable', False): groups.append('publicly_routable') return name, attrs, groups return inner def _parse_prefix(source, prefix, sep='.'): for compkey, value in source.items(): try: curprefix, rest = compkey.split(sep, 1) except ValueError: continue if curprefix != prefix or rest == '#': continue yield rest, value def parse_attr_list(source, prefix, sep='.'): attrs = defaultdict(dict) for compkey, value in _parse_prefix(source, prefix, sep): idx, key = compkey.split(sep, 1) attrs[idx][key] = value return attrs.values() def parse_dict(source, prefix, sep='.'): return dict(_parse_prefix(source, prefix, sep)) def parse_list(source, prefix, sep='.'): return [value for _, value in _parse_prefix(source, prefix, sep)] def parse_bool(string_form): token = string_form.lower()[0] if token == 't': return True elif token == 'f': return False else: raise ValueError('could not convert %r to a bool' % string_form) @parses('packet_device') def packet_device(resource, tfvars=None): raw_attrs = resource['primary']['attributes'] name = raw_attrs['hostname'] groups = [] attrs = { 'id': raw_attrs['id'], 'facilities': parse_list(raw_attrs, 'facilities'), 'hostname': raw_attrs['hostname'], 'operating_system': raw_attrs['operating_system'], 'locked': parse_bool(raw_attrs['locked']), 'tags': parse_list(raw_attrs, 'tags'), 'plan': raw_attrs['plan'], 'project_id': raw_attrs['project_id'], 'state': raw_attrs['state'], # ansible 'ansible_ssh_host': raw_attrs['network.0.address'], 'ansible_ssh_user': 'root', # it's always "root" on Packet # generic 'ipv4_address': raw_attrs['network.0.address'], 'public_ipv4': raw_attrs['network.0.address'], 'ipv6_address': raw_attrs['network.1.address'], 'public_ipv6': raw_attrs['network.1.address'], 'private_ipv4': raw_attrs['network.2.address'], 'provider': 'packet', } # add groups based on attrs groups.append('packet_facilities=' + attrs['facilities']) groups.append('packet_operating_system=' + attrs['operating_system']) groups.append('packet_locked=%s' % attrs['locked']) groups.append('packet_state=' + attrs['state']) groups.append('packet_plan=' + attrs['plan']) # groups specific to kubespray groups = groups + attrs['tags'] return name, attrs, groups def openstack_floating_ips(resource): raw_attrs = resource['primary']['attributes'] attrs = { 'ip': raw_attrs['floating_ip'], 'instance_id': raw_attrs['instance_id'], } return attrs def openstack_floating_ips(resource): raw_attrs = resource['primary']['attributes'] return raw_attrs['instance_id'], raw_attrs['floating_ip'] @parses('openstack_compute_instance_v2') @calculate_mantl_vars def openstack_host(resource, module_name): raw_attrs = resource['primary']['attributes'] name = raw_attrs['name'] groups = [] attrs = { 'access_ip_v4': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'access_ip_v6': raw_attrs['access_ip_v6'], 'access_ip': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'ip': raw_attrs['network.0.fixed_ip_v4'], 'flavor': parse_dict(raw_attrs, 'flavor', sep='_'), 'id': raw_attrs['id'], 'image': parse_dict(raw_attrs, 'image', sep='_'), 'key_pair': raw_attrs['key_pair'], 'metadata': parse_dict(raw_attrs, 'metadata'), 'network': parse_attr_list(raw_attrs, 'network'), 'region': raw_attrs.get('region', ''), 'security_groups': parse_list(raw_attrs, 'security_groups'), # ansible 'ansible_ssh_port': 22, # workaround for an OpenStack bug where hosts have a different domain # after they're restarted 'host_domain': 'novalocal', 'use_host_domain': True, # generic 'public_ipv4': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'private_ipv4': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'provider': 'openstack', } if 'floating_ip' in raw_attrs: attrs['private_ipv4'] = raw_attrs['network.0.fixed_ip_v4'] try: attrs.update({ 'ansible_ssh_host': raw_attrs['access_ip_v4'], 'publicly_routable': True, }) except (KeyError, ValueError): attrs.update({'ansible_ssh_host': '', 'publicly_routable': False}) # Handling of floating IPs has changed: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-openstack/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#010-june-21-2017 # attrs specific to Ansible if 'metadata.ssh_user' in raw_attrs: attrs['ansible_ssh_user'] = raw_attrs['metadata.ssh_user'] if 'volume.#' in raw_attrs.keys() and int(raw_attrs['volume.#']) > 0: device_index = 1 for key, value in raw_attrs.items(): match = re.search("^volume.*.device$", key) if match: attrs['disk_volume_device_'+str(device_index)] = value device_index += 1 # attrs specific to Mantl attrs.update({ 'consul_dc': _clean_dc(attrs['metadata'].get('dc', module_name)), 'role': attrs['metadata'].get('role', 'none'), 'ansible_python_interpreter': attrs['metadata'].get('python_bin','python') }) # add groups based on attrs groups.append('os_image=' + attrs['image']['name']) groups.append('os_flavor=' + attrs['flavor']['name']) groups.extend('os_metadata_%s=%s' % item for item in attrs['metadata'].items()) groups.append('os_region=' + attrs['region']) # groups specific to Mantl groups.append('role=' + attrs['metadata'].get('role', 'none')) groups.append('dc=' + attrs['consul_dc']) # groups specific to kubespray for group in attrs['metadata'].get('kubespray_groups', "").split(","): groups.append(group) return name, attrs, groups def iter_host_ips(hosts, ips): '''Update hosts that have an entry in the floating IP list''' for host in hosts: host_id = host[1]['id'] if host_id in ips: ip = ips[host_id] host[1].update({ 'access_ip_v4': ip, 'access_ip': ip, 'public_ipv4': ip, 'ansible_ssh_host': ip, }) yield host ## QUERY TYPES def query_host(hosts, target): for name, attrs, _ in hosts: if name == target: return attrs return {} def query_list(hosts): groups = defaultdict(dict) meta = {} for name, attrs, hostgroups in hosts: for group in set(hostgroups): # Ansible 2.6.2 stopped supporting empty group names: https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/42584/commits/d4cd474b42ed23d8f8aabb2a7f84699673852eaf # Empty group name defaults to "all" in Ansible < 2.6.2 so we alter empty group names to "all" if not group: group = "all" groups[group].setdefault('hosts', []) groups[group]['hosts'].append(name) meta[name] = attrs groups['_meta'] = {'hostvars': meta} return groups def query_hostfile(hosts): out = ['## begin hosts generated by terraform.py ##'] out.extend( '{}\t{}'.format(attrs['ansible_ssh_host'].ljust(16), name) for name, attrs, _ in hosts ) out.append('## end hosts generated by terraform.py ##') return '\n'.join(out) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( __file__, __doc__, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) modes = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) modes.add_argument('--list', action='store_true', help='list all variables') modes.add_argument('--host', help='list variables for a single host') modes.add_argument('--version', action='store_true', help='print version and exit') modes.add_argument('--hostfile', action='store_true', help='print hosts as a /etc/hosts snippet') parser.add_argument('--pretty', action='store_true', help='pretty-print output JSON') parser.add_argument('--nometa', action='store_true', help='with --list, exclude hostvars') default_root = os.environ.get('TERRAFORM_STATE_ROOT', os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', ))) parser.add_argument('--root', default=default_root, help='custom root to search for `.tfstate`s in') args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print('%s %s' % (__file__, VERSION)) parser.exit() hosts = iterhosts(iterresources(tfstates(args.root))) # Perform a second pass on the file to pick up floating_ip entries to update the ip address of referenced hosts ips = dict(iterips(iterresources(tfstates(args.root)))) if ips: hosts = iter_host_ips(hosts, ips) if args.list: output = query_list(hosts) if args.nometa: del output['_meta'] print(json.dumps(output, indent=4 if args.pretty else None)) elif args.host: output = query_host(hosts, args.host) print(json.dumps(output, indent=4 if args.pretty else None)) elif args.hostfile: output = query_hostfile(hosts) print(output) parser.exit() if __name__ == '__main__': main()