# Local Storage Provisioner The local storage provisioner is NOT a dynamic storage provisioner as you would expect from a cloud provider. Instead, it simply creates PersistentVolumes for all manually created volumes located in the directory `local_volume_base_dir`. The default path is /mnt/disks and the rest of this doc will use that path as an example. ## Examples to create local storage volumes ### tmpfs method: ``` for vol in vol1 vol2 vol3; do mkdir /mnt/disks/$vol mount -t tmpfs -o size=5G $vol /mnt/disks/$vol done ``` The tmpfs method is not recommended for production because the mount is not persistent and data will be deleted on reboot. ### Mount physical disks ``` mkdir /mnt/disks/ssd1 mount /dev/vdb1 /mnt/disks/ssd1 ``` Physical disks are recommended for production environments because it offers complete isolation in terms of I/O and capacity. ### File-backed sparsefile method ``` truncate /mnt/disks/disk5 --size 2G mkfs.ext4 /mnt/disks/disk5 mkdir /mnt/disks/vol5 mount /mnt/disks/disk5 /mnt/disks/vol5 ``` If you have a development environment and only one disk, this is the best way to limit the quota of persistent volumes. ### Simple directories ``` for vol in vol6 vol7 vol8; do mkdir /mnt/disks/$vol done ``` This is also acceptable in a development environment, but there is no capacity management. ## Usage notes The volume provisioner cannot calculate volume sizes correctly, so you should delete the daemonset pod on the relevant host after creating volumes. The pod will be recreated and read the size correctly. Make sure to make any mounts persist via /etc/fstab or with systemd mounts (for CoreOS/Container Linux). Pods with persistent volume claims will not be able to start if the mounts become unavailable. ## Further reading Refer to the upstream docs here: https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/tree/master/local-volume