# See: https://developers.upcloud.com/1.3/5-zones/ zone = "fi-hel1" username = "ubuntu" # Prefix to use for all resources to separate them from other resources prefix = "kubespray" inventory_file = "inventory.ini" # Set the operating system using UUID or exact name template_name = "Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)" ssh_public_keys = [ # Put your public SSH key here "ssh-rsa I-did-not-read-the-docs", "ssh-rsa I-did-not-read-the-docs 2", ] # check list of available plan https://developers.upcloud.com/1.3/7-plans/ machines = { "master-0" : { "node_type" : "master", #number of cpu cores "cpu" : "2", #memory size in MB "mem" : "4096" # The size of the storage in GB "disk_size" : 250 "additional_disks": {} }, "worker-0" : { "node_type" : "worker", #number of cpu cores "cpu" : "2", #memory size in MB "mem" : "4096" # The size of the storage in GB "disk_size" : 250 "additional_disks": { # "some-disk-name-1": { # "size": 100, # "tier": "maxiops", # }, # "some-disk-name-2": { # "size": 100, # "tier": "maxiops", # } } }, "worker-1" : { "node_type" : "worker", #number of cpu cores "cpu" : "2", #memory size in MB "mem" : "4096" # The size of the storage in GB "disk_size" : 250 "additional_disks": { # "some-disk-name-1": { # "size": 100, # "tier": "maxiops", # }, # "some-disk-name-2": { # "size": 100, # "tier": "maxiops", # } } }, "worker-2" : { "node_type" : "worker", #number of cpu cores "cpu" : "2", #memory size in MB "mem" : "4096" # The size of the storage in GB "disk_size" : 250 "additional_disks": { # "some-disk-name-1": { # "size": 100, # "tier": "maxiops", # }, # "some-disk-name-2": { # "size": 100, # "tier": "maxiops", # } } } }