Bogdan Dobrelya 5fd43b7cf0 Allow subdomains of dns_domain and fix kubelet restarts
* Add a var for ndots (default 5) and put it hosts' /etc/resolv.conf.
* Poke kube dns container image to v1.7
* In order to apply changes to kubelet, notify it to
be restarted on changes made to /etc/resolv.conf. Ignore errors as the kubelet
may yet to be present up to the moment of the notification being processed.
* Remove unnecessary kubelet restart for master role as the node role ensures
it is up and running. Notify master static pods waiters for apiserver,
scheduler, controller-manager instead.

Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
2016-09-27 14:32:49 +02:00

101 lines
2.7 KiB

- name: check resolvconf
shell: which resolvconf
register: resolvconf
ignore_errors: yes
- name: target resolv.conf file
resolvconffile: >-
{%- if resolvconf.rc == 0 -%}/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head{%- else -%}/etc/resolv.conf{%- endif -%}
- name: generate search domains to resolvconf
"{{ ([ 'default.svc.' + dns_domain, 'svc.' + dns_domain ] + searchdomains|default([])) | join(' ') }}"
- name: pick dnsmasq cluster IP
dnsmasq_server: >-
{%- if skip_dnsmasq|bool -%}{{ [ skydns_server ] + upstream_dns_servers|default([]) }}{%- else -%}{{ [ dns_server ] }}{%- endif -%}
- name: generate nameservers to resolvconf
"{{ dnsmasq_server|default([]) + nameservers|default([]) }}"
- name: Remove search and nameserver options from resolvconf head
dest: /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head
state: absent
regexp: "^{{ item }}.*$"
backup: yes
follow: yes
- search
- nameserver
when: resolvconf.rc == 0
notify: Dnsmasq | update resolvconf
- name: Add search domains to resolv.conf
line: "search {{searchentries}}"
dest: "{{resolvconffile}}"
state: present
insertbefore: BOF
backup: yes
follow: yes
notify: Dnsmasq | update resolvconf
- name: Add nameservers to resolv.conf
dest: "{{resolvconffile}}"
block: |-
{% for item in nameserverentries -%}
nameserver {{ item }}
{% endfor %}
state: present
insertafter: "^search.*$"
create: yes
backup: yes
follow: yes
marker: "# Ansible nameservers {mark}"
notify: Dnsmasq | update resolvconf
- name: Add options to resolv.conf
line: options {{ item }}
dest: "{{resolvconffile}}"
state: present
regexp: "^options.*{{ item }}$"
insertafter: EOF
backup: yes
follow: yes
- ndots:{{ ndots }}
- timeout:2
- attempts:2
notify: Dnsmasq | update resolvconf
- name: Remove search and nameserver options from resolvconf base
dest: /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
state: absent
regexp: "^{{ item }}.*$"
backup: yes
follow: yes
- search
- nameserver
when: resolvconf.rc == 0
notify: Dnsmasq | update resolvconf
- name: disable resolv.conf modification by dhclient
copy: src=dhclient_nodnsupdate dest=/etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/znodnsupdate mode=0755
notify: Dnsmasq | restart network
when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
- name: disable resolv.conf modification by dhclient
copy: src=dhclient_nodnsupdate dest=/etc/dhcp/dhclient.d/nodnsupdate mode=u+x
notify: Dnsmasq | restart network
when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"