Etienne Champetier de1d9df787
Only use stat get_checksum: yes when needed ()
By default Ansible stat module compute checksum, list extended attributes and find mime type
To find all stat invocations that really use one of those:
git grep -F stat. | grep -vE 'stat.(islnk|exists|lnk_source|writeable)'

Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <e.champetier@ateme.com>
2021-02-10 05:36:59 -08:00

41 lines
1.3 KiB

- name: "Check_tokens | check if the tokens have already been generated on first master"
path: "{{ kube_token_dir }}/known_tokens.csv"
get_attributes: no
get_checksum: yes
get_mime: no
delegate_to: "{{ groups['kube-master'][0] }}"
register: known_tokens_master
run_once: true
- name: "Check_tokens | Set default value for 'sync_tokens' and 'gen_tokens' to false"
sync_tokens: false
gen_tokens: false
- name: "Check_tokens | Set 'sync_tokens' and 'gen_tokens' to true"
gen_tokens: true
when: not known_tokens_master.stat.exists and kube_token_auth|default(true)
run_once: true
- name: "Check tokens | check if a cert already exists"
path: "{{ kube_token_dir }}/known_tokens.csv"
get_attributes: no
get_checksum: yes
get_mime: no
register: known_tokens
- name: "Check_tokens | Set 'sync_tokens' to true"
sync_tokens: >-
{%- set tokens = {'sync': False} -%}
{%- for server in groups['kube-master'] | intersect(ansible_play_batch)
if (not hostvars[server].known_tokens.stat.exists) or
(hostvars[server].known_tokens.stat.checksum|default('') != known_tokens_master.stat.checksum|default('')) -%}
{%- set _ = tokens.update({'sync': True}) -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{{ tokens.sync }}
run_once: true