Stephen Schmidt 0379a52f03
Fix etcd install with docker and etcd_kubeadm_enabled (#5777)
- This solves issue #5721 & #5713 (dupes)
  - Provide a cleaner default usage pattern for the download role
    around etcd that supports 'host' and 'docker' properly
  - Extract the 'etcdctl' as a separate task install piece and reuse it where
  - Update the kubeadm-etcd task to reflect the above change
2020-03-24 08:12:47 -07:00

11 lines
601 B

- name: Install | Copy etcdctl binary from docker container
command: sh -c "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker rm -f etcdctl-binarycopy;
{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker create --name etcdctl-binarycopy {{ etcd_image_repo }}:{{ etcd_image_tag }} &&
{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker cp etcdctl-binarycopy:/usr/local/bin/etcdctl {{ bin_dir }}/etcdctl &&
{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker rm -f etcdctl-binarycopy"
register: etcdctl_install_result
until: etcdctl_install_result.rc == 0
retries: "{{ etcd_retries }}"
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
changed_when: false