Bogdan Dobrelya 41e0bdef9b Fix uploading CI logs to GCS
* Use gsutil to configure the logs bucket's lifecycle,
  which is not in the gc_storage module yet.
  (See https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil_install).
* Generate uniq bucket names extended with the build's OS type info as well.
* Ignore boto related errors for the gc_storage module.
* Use no_log when needed to supress noise/secrets in output

Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
2016-11-08 16:17:10 +01:00

68 lines
1.8 KiB

- hosts: all
become: true
gather_facts: no
debug: false
- name: timedate_info
cmd: timedatectl status
- name: kernel_info
cmd: uname -r
- name: docker_info
cmd: docker info
- name: ip_info
cmd: ip -4 -o a
- name: route_info
cmd: ip ro
- name: proc_info
cmd: ps auxf | grep -v ]$
- name: systemctl_failed_info
cmd: systemctl --state=failed --no-pager
- name: k8s_info
cmd: kubectl get all --all-namespaces -o wide
- name: errors_info
cmd: journalctl -p err --utc --no-pager
- name: etcd_info
cmd: etcdctl --debug cluster-health
- /var/log/syslog
- /var/log/daemon.log
- /var/log/kern.log
- /var/log/dpkg.log
- /var/log/apt/history.log
- /var/log/yum.log
- /var/log/calico/bird/current
- /var/log/calico/bird6/current
- /var/log/calico/felix/current
- /var/log/calico/confd/current
- name: Storing commands output
shell: "{{ item.cmd }} 2>&1 | tee {{ item.name }}"
register: output
ignore_errors: true
with_items: "{{commands}}"
no_log: True
- debug: var=item
with_items: "{{output.results}}"
when: debug
- name: Fetch results
fetch: src={{ item.name }} dest=/tmp/collect-info/commands
with_items: "{{commands}}"
- name: Fetch logs
fetch: src={{ item }} dest=/tmp/collect-info/logs
with_items: "{{logs}}"
- name: Pack results and logs
local_action: shell GZIP=-9 tar --remove-files -cvzf logs.tar.gz -C /tmp collect-info
run_once: true
- name: Clean up collected command outputs
file: path={{ item.name }} state=absent
with_items: "{{commands}}"