Bogdan Dobrelya 79996b557b Rework ignore_errors to report no reds
Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bogdando@mail.ru>
2016-12-27 13:00:50 +01:00

27 lines
1.1 KiB

- set_fact:
pull_by_digest: >-
{%- if download.sha256 is defined and download.sha256 != '' -%}true{%- else -%}false{%- endif -%}
- set_fact:
pull_args: >-
{%- if pull_by_digest|bool %}{{download.repo}}@sha256:{{download.sha256}}{%- else -%}{{download.repo}}:{{download.tag}}{%- endif -%}
- name: Register docker images info
shell: "{% raw %}/usr/bin/docker images -q | xargs /usr/bin/docker inspect -f '{{.RepoTags}},{{.RepoDigests}}'{% endraw %}"
register: docker_images_raw
failed_when: false
when: not download_always_pull|bool
- set_fact: docker_images="{{docker_images_raw.stdout|regex_replace('\[|\]|\\n]','')|regex_replace('\s',',')}}"
when: not download_always_pull|bool
- set_fact:
pull_required: >-
{%- if pull_args in docker_images.split(',') %}false{%- else -%}true{%- endif -%}
when: not download_always_pull|bool
- name: Check the local digest sha256 corresponds to the given image tag
that: "{{download.repo}}:{{download.tag}} in docker_images.split(',')"
when: not download_always_pull|bool and not pull_required|bool and pull_by_digest|bool