2019-11-11 03:13:41 -08:00

94 lines
3.3 KiB

# Include variables and define needed variables.
- name: Include OS-specific variables.
include_vars: "{{ ansible_os_family }}.yml"
# Install xfs package
- name: install xfs Debian
apt: name=xfsprogs state=present
when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
- name: install xfs RedHat
yum: name=xfsprogs state=present
when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
# Format external volumes in xfs
- name: Format volumes in xfs
filesystem: "fstype=xfs dev={{ disk_volume_device_1 }}"
# Mount external volumes
- name: mounting new xfs filesystem
mount: "name={{ gluster_volume_node_mount_dir }} src={{ disk_volume_device_1 }} fstype=xfs state=mounted"
# Setup/install tasks.
- include: setup-RedHat.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- include: setup-Debian.yml
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: Ensure GlusterFS is started and enabled at boot.
service: "name={{ glusterfs_daemon }} state=started enabled=yes"
- name: Ensure Gluster brick and mount directories exist.
file: "path={{ item }} state=directory mode=0775"
- "{{ gluster_brick_dir }}"
- "{{ gluster_mount_dir }}"
- name: Configure Gluster volume with replicas
state: present
name: "{{ gluster_brick_name }}"
brick: "{{ gluster_brick_dir }}"
replicas: "{{ groups['gfs-cluster'] | length }}"
cluster: "{% for item in groups['gfs-cluster'] -%}{{ hostvars[item]['ip']|default(hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4['address']) }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{%- endfor %}"
host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
force: yes
run_once: true
when: groups['gfs-cluster']|length > 1
- name: Configure Gluster volume without replicas
state: present
name: "{{ gluster_brick_name }}"
brick: "{{ gluster_brick_dir }}"
cluster: "{% for item in groups['gfs-cluster'] -%}{{ hostvars[item]['ip']|default(hostvars[item].ansible_default_ipv4['address']) }}{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}{%- endfor %}"
host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
force: yes
run_once: true
when: groups['gfs-cluster']|length <= 1
- name: Mount glusterfs to retrieve disk size
name: "{{ gluster_mount_dir }}"
src: "{{ ip|default(ansible_default_ipv4['address']) }}:/gluster"
fstype: glusterfs
opts: "defaults,_netdev"
state: mounted
when: groups['gfs-cluster'] is defined and inventory_hostname == groups['gfs-cluster'][0]
- name: Get Gluster disk size
setup: filter=ansible_mounts
register: mounts_data
when: groups['gfs-cluster'] is defined and inventory_hostname == groups['gfs-cluster'][0]
- name: Set Gluster disk size to variable
gluster_disk_size_gb: "{{ (mounts_data.ansible_facts.ansible_mounts | selectattr('mount', 'equalto', gluster_mount_dir) | map(attribute='size_total') | first | int / (1024*1024*1024)) | int }}"
when: groups['gfs-cluster'] is defined and inventory_hostname == groups['gfs-cluster'][0]
- name: Create file on GlusterFS
dest: "{{ gluster_mount_dir }}/.test-file.txt"
src: test-file.txt
when: groups['gfs-cluster'] is defined and inventory_hostname == groups['gfs-cluster'][0]
- name: Unmount glusterfs
name: "{{ gluster_mount_dir }}"
fstype: glusterfs
src: "{{ ip|default(ansible_default_ipv4['address']) }}:/gluster"
state: unmounted
when: groups['gfs-cluster'] is defined and inventory_hostname == groups['gfs-cluster'][0]