This replaces kube-master with kube_control_plane because of [1]: The Kubernetes project is moving away from wording that is considered offensive. A new working group WG Naming was created to track this work, and the word "master" was declared as offensive. A proposal was formalized for replacing the word "master" with "control plane". This means it should be removed from source code, documentation, and user-facing configuration from Kubernetes and its sub-projects. NOTE: The reason why this changes it to kube_control_plane not kube-control-plane is for valid group names on ansible. [1]: https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/blob/master/keps/sig-cluster-lifecycle/kubeadm/2067-rename-master-label-taint/README.md#motivation
134 lines
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134 lines
5.6 KiB
- import_tasks: sync_kube_master_certs.yml
when: inventory_hostname in groups['kube_control_plane']
- import_tasks: sync_kube_node_certs.yml
when: inventory_hostname in groups['k8s-cluster']
# Issue admin certs to kube_control_plane hosts
- include_tasks: ../../../vault/tasks/shared/issue_cert.yml
issue_cert_common_name: "admin"
issue_cert_copy_ca: "{{ item == kube_admin_certs_needed|first }}"
issue_cert_file_group: "{{ kube_cert_group }}"
issue_cert_file_owner: kube
issue_cert_hosts: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'] }}"
issue_cert_path: "{{ item }}"
issue_cert_role: kube_control_plane
issue_cert_url: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_leader_url'] }}"
issue_cert_mount_path: "{{ kube_vault_mount_path }}"
with_items: "{{ kube_admin_certs_needed|d([]) }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups['kube_control_plane']
- name: gen_certs_vault | Set fact about certificate alt names
kube_cert_alt_names: >-
groups['kube_control_plane'] +
['kubernetes.default.svc.'+cluster_name, 'kubernetes.default.svc', 'kubernetes.default', 'kubernetes'] +
run_once: true
- name: gen_certs_vault | Add external load balancer domain name to certificate alt names
kube_cert_alt_names: "{{ kube_cert_alt_names + [apiserver_loadbalancer_domain_name] }}"
when: loadbalancer_apiserver is defined
run_once: true
# Issue master components certs to kube_control_plane hosts
- include_tasks: ../../../vault/tasks/shared/issue_cert.yml
issue_cert_common_name: "kubernetes"
issue_cert_alt_names: "{{ kube_cert_alt_names }}"
issue_cert_file_group: "{{ kube_cert_group }}"
issue_cert_file_owner: kube
issue_cert_hosts: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'] }}"
issue_cert_run_once: true
issue_cert_ip_sans: >-
{%- for host in groups['kube_control_plane'] -%}
"{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}",
{%- if hostvars[host]['ip'] is defined -%}
"{{ hostvars[host]['ip'] }}",
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if supplementary_addresses_in_ssl_keys is defined -%}
{%- for ip_item in supplementary_addresses_in_ssl_keys -%}
"{{ ip_item }}",
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
"","::1","{{ kube_apiserver_ip }}"
issue_cert_path: "{{ item }}"
issue_cert_role: kube_control_plane
issue_cert_url: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_leader_url'] }}"
issue_cert_mount_path: "{{ kube_vault_mount_path }}"
with_items: "{{ kube_master_components_certs_needed|d([]) }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups['kube_control_plane']
notify: set secret_changed
# Issue node certs to k8s-cluster nodes
- include_tasks: ../../../vault/tasks/shared/issue_cert.yml
# Need to strip out the 'node-' prefix from the cert name so it can be used
# with the node authorization plugin ( CN matches kubelet node name )
issue_cert_common_name: "system:node:{{ item.rsplit('/', 1)[1].rsplit('.', 1)[0] | regex_replace('^node-', '') }}"
issue_cert_copy_ca: "{{ item == kube_node_certs_needed|first }}"
issue_cert_file_group: "{{ kube_cert_group }}"
issue_cert_file_owner: kube
issue_cert_hosts: "{{ groups['k8s-cluster'] }}"
issue_cert_path: "{{ item }}"
issue_cert_role: kube-node
issue_cert_url: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_leader_url'] }}"
issue_cert_mount_path: "{{ kube_vault_mount_path }}"
with_items: "{{ kube_node_certs_needed|d([]) }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups['k8s-cluster']
# Issue proxy certs to k8s-cluster nodes
- include_tasks: ../../../vault/tasks/shared/issue_cert.yml
issue_cert_common_name: "system:kube-proxy"
issue_cert_copy_ca: "{{ item == kube_proxy_certs_needed|first }}"
issue_cert_file_group: "{{ kube_cert_group }}"
issue_cert_file_owner: kube
issue_cert_hosts: "{{ groups['k8s-cluster'] }}"
issue_cert_path: "{{ item }}"
issue_cert_role: kube-proxy
issue_cert_url: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_leader_url'] }}"
issue_cert_mount_path: "{{ kube_vault_mount_path }}"
with_items: "{{ kube_proxy_certs_needed|d([]) }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups['k8s-cluster']
# Issue front proxy cert to kube_control_plane hosts
- include_tasks: ../../../vault/tasks/shared/issue_cert.yml
issue_cert_common_name: "front-proxy-client"
issue_cert_copy_ca: "{{ item == kube_front_proxy_clients_certs_needed|first }}"
issue_cert_ca_filename: front-proxy-ca.pem
issue_cert_alt_names: "{{ kube_cert_alt_names }}"
issue_cert_file_group: "{{ kube_cert_group }}"
issue_cert_file_owner: kube
issue_cert_hosts: "{{ groups['kube_control_plane'] }}"
issue_cert_ip_sans: >-
{%- for host in groups['kube_control_plane'] -%}
"{{ hostvars[host]['ansible_default_ipv4']['address'] }}",
{%- if hostvars[host]['ip'] is defined -%}
"{{ hostvars[host]['ip'] }}",
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if supplementary_addresses_in_ssl_keys is defined -%}
{%- for ip_item in supplementary_addresses_in_ssl_keys -%}
"{{ ip_item }}",
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
"","::1","{{ kube_apiserver_ip }}"
issue_cert_path: "{{ item }}"
issue_cert_role: front-proxy-client
issue_cert_url: "{{ hostvars[groups.vault|first]['vault_leader_url'] }}"
issue_cert_mount_path: "{{ kube_vault_mount_path }}"
with_items: "{{ kube_front_proxy_clients_certs_needed|d([]) }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups['kube_control_plane']
notify: set secret_changed