Greg Althaus 923057c1a8 This continues the DHCP hook checks. Also protect the create side
if the system doesn't have any config files at all.
2017-01-31 09:56:27 -06:00

23 lines
759 B

# These tasks will undo changes done by kargo in the past if needed (e.g. when upgrading from kargo 2.0.x
# or when changing resolvconf_mode)
- name: Remove kargo specific config from dhclient config
dest: "{{dhclientconffile}}"
state: absent
backup: yes
follow: yes
marker: "# Ansible entries {mark}"
when: dhclientconffile is defined
notify: Preinstall | restart network
- name: Remove kargo specific dhclient hook
file: path="{{ dhclienthookfile }}" state=absent
when: dhclienthookfile is defined
notify: Preinstall | restart network
# We need to make sure the network is restarted early enough so that docker can later pick up the correct system
# nameservers and search domains
- meta: flush_handlers