Kubernetes Prow Robot 66408a87ee
Refactor download role (#5697)
* download file

* download containers

* fix push image to nodes

* pull if none image on host

* fix

* improve docker image tag checks.
do not pull already cached images

* rebase fix merge conflict

* add support download_run_once when upgrade and scale cluster
add some test with download_run_once

* set default values to temp flag for every download cycle

* add save,load abilty for containerd and crio when download_run_once=true

* return redefine image save/load command to  set_docker_image_facts.yml

* move set command to set_container_facts

* ctr in containerd_bin_dir

* fix order of ctr image export arguments

* temporary disable download_run_once for containerd and crio
due https://github.com/containerd/containerd/issues/4075

* remove unused files

* fix strict yaml linter warning and errors

* refactor logical conditions to pull and cache container images

* remove comment due lint check

* document role

* remove image_load_on_localhost, because cached images are always loaded to docker on remote sites

* remove XXX from debug output
2020-03-05 07:31:39 -08:00

105 lines
3.3 KiB

- block:
- name: download_file | Starting download of file
msg: "{{ download.url }}"
run_once: "{{ download_run_once }}"
- name: download_file | Set pathname of cached file
file_path_cached: "{{ download_cache_dir }}/{{ download.dest | basename }}"
- facts
- name: download_file | Create dest directory on node
path: "{{ download.dest | dirname }}"
owner: "{{ download.owner | default(omit) }}"
mode: 0755
state: directory
recurse: yes
- name: download_file | Create local cache directory
path: "{{ file_path_cached | dirname }}"
state: directory
recurse: yes
delegate_to: localhost
delegate_facts: false
run_once: true
become: false
- download_force_cache
- download_localhost
- localhost
- name: download_file | Create cache directory on download_delegate host
path: "{{ file_path_cached | dirname }}"
state: directory
recurse: yes
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate }}"
delegate_facts: false
run_once: true
- download_force_cache
- not download_localhost
# This must always be called, to check if the checksum matches. On no-match the file is re-downloaded.
- name: download_file | Download item
url: "{{ download.url }}"
dest: "{{ file_path_cached if download_force_cache else download.dest }}"
owner: "{{ omit if download_localhost else (download.owner | default(omit)) }}"
mode: "{{ omit if download_localhost else (download.mode | default(omit)) }}"
checksum: "{{ 'sha256:' + download.sha256 if download.sha256 else omit }}"
validate_certs: "{{ download_validate_certs }}"
url_username: "{{ download.username | default(omit) }}"
url_password: "{{ download.password | default(omit) }}"
force_basic_auth: "{{ download.force_basic_auth | default(omit) }}"
delegate_to: "{{ download_delegate if download_force_cache else inventory_hostname }}"
run_once: "{{ download_force_cache }}"
register: get_url_result
become: "{{ not download_localhost }}"
until: "'OK' in get_url_result.msg or 'file already exists' in get_url_result.msg"
retries: 4
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | default(5) }}"
- name: download_file | Copy file back to ansible host file cache
src: "{{ file_path_cached }}"
dest: "{{ file_path_cached }}"
use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
mode: pull
- download_force_cache
- not download_localhost
- download_delegate == inventory_hostname
- name: download_file | Copy file from cache to nodes, if it is available
src: "{{ file_path_cached }}"
dest: "{{ download.dest }}"
use_ssh_args: "{{ has_bastion | default(false) }}"
mode: push
register: get_task
until: get_task is succeeded
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
retries: 4
- download_force_cache
- name: download_file | Set mode and owner
path: "{{ download.dest }}"
mode: "{{ download.mode | default(omit) }}"
owner: "{{ download.owner | default(omit) }}"
- download_force_cache
- name: "download_file | Extract file archives"
include_tasks: "extract_file.yml"
- download