Kubernetes Prow Robot 66408a87ee
Refactor download role (#5697)
* download file

* download containers

* fix push image to nodes

* pull if none image on host

* fix

* improve docker image tag checks.
do not pull already cached images

* rebase fix merge conflict

* add support download_run_once when upgrade and scale cluster
add some test with download_run_once

* set default values to temp flag for every download cycle

* add save,load abilty for containerd and crio when download_run_once=true

* return redefine image save/load command to  set_docker_image_facts.yml

* move set command to set_container_facts

* ctr in containerd_bin_dir

* fix order of ctr image export arguments

* temporary disable download_run_once for containerd and crio
due https://github.com/containerd/containerd/issues/4075

* remove unused files

* fix strict yaml linter warning and errors

* refactor logical conditions to pull and cache container images

* remove comment due lint check

* document role

* remove image_load_on_localhost, because cached images are always loaded to docker on remote sites

* remove XXX from debug output
2020-03-05 07:31:39 -08:00

100 lines
2.9 KiB

- name: prep_download | Set a few facts
download_force_cache: "{{ true if download_run_once else download_force_cache }}"
- facts
- name: prep_download | Set image info command for containerd and crio
image_info_command: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl images --verbose | awk -F ': ' '/RepoTags|RepoDigests/ {print $2}' | tr '\n' ','"
image_pull_command: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl pull"
when: container_manager in ['crio' ,'containerd']
- name: prep_download | Set image info command for containerd and crio on localhost
image_info_command_on_localhost: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl images --verbose | awk -F ': ' '/RepoTags|RepoDigests/ {print $2}' | tr '\n' ','"
image_pull_command_on_localhost: "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl pull"
when: container_manager_on_localhost in ['crio' ,'containerd']
- name: prep_download | On localhost, check if passwordless root is possible
command: "true"
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
register: test_become
changed_when: false
ignore_errors: true
become: true
- download_localhost
- localhost
- asserts
- name: prep_download | On localhost, check if user has access to docker without using sudo
shell: "{{ image_info_command_on_localhost }}"
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
register: test_docker
changed_when: false
ignore_errors: true
- download_localhost
- localhost
- asserts
- name: prep_download | Parse the outputs of the previous commands
user_in_docker_group: "{{ not test_docker.failed }}"
user_can_become_root: "{{ not test_become.failed }}"
- download_localhost
- localhost
- asserts
- name: prep_download | Check that local user is in group or can become root
that: "user_in_docker_group or user_can_become_root"
msg: >-
Error: User is not in docker group and cannot become root. When download_localhost is true, at least one of these two conditions must be met.
- download_localhost
- localhost
- asserts
- name: prep_download | Register docker images info
shell: "{{ image_info_command }}"
no_log: true
register: docker_images
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
check_mode: no
when: download_container
- name: prep_download | Create staging directory on remote node
path: "{{ local_release_dir }}/images"
state: directory
recurse: yes
mode: 0755
owner: "{{ ansible_ssh_user | default(ansible_user_id) }}"
- ansible_os_family not in ["CoreOS", "Coreos", "Container Linux by CoreOS", "Flatcar", "Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk"]
- name: prep_download | Create local cache for files and images on control node
path: "{{ download_cache_dir }}/images"
state: directory
recurse: yes
mode: 0755
delegate_to: localhost
delegate_facts: no
run_once: true
become: false
- download_force_cache
- localhost