Günther Grill a2bda9e5f1 Eliminate jinja2 template expression warning and rename coreos-python var (#1911)
* Change deprecated vagrant ansible flag 'sudo' to 'become'

* Emphasize, that the name of the pip_pyton_modules is only considered in coreos

* Remove useless unused variable

* Fix warning when jinja2 template-delimiters used in when statement

There is no need for jinja2 template-delimiters like {{ }} or {% %}
any more. They can just be omitted as described in https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/22397

* Fix broken link in getting-started guide
2017-11-03 07:11:36 +00:00

55 lines
1.1 KiB

- name: Bootstrap | Check if bootstrap is needed
raw: stat /opt/bin/.bootstrapped
register: need_bootstrap
failed_when: false
- facts
- name: Bootstrap | Run bootstrap.sh
script: bootstrap.sh
when: need_bootstrap.rc != 0
- set_fact:
ansible_python_interpreter: "/opt/bin/python"
- facts
- name: Bootstrap | Check if we need to install pip
shell: "{{ansible_python_interpreter}} -m pip --version"
register: need_pip
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
check_mode: no
when: need_bootstrap.rc != 0
- facts
- name: Bootstrap | Copy get-pip.py
src: get-pip.py
dest: ~/get-pip.py
when: need_pip != 0
- name: Bootstrap | Install pip
shell: "{{ansible_python_interpreter}} ~/get-pip.py"
when: need_pip != 0
- name: Bootstrap | Remove get-pip.py
path: ~/get-pip.py
state: absent
when: need_pip != 0
- name: Bootstrap | Install pip launcher
src: runner
dest: /opt/bin/pip
mode: 0755
when: need_pip != 0
- name: Install required python modules
name: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{pip_python_coreos_modules}}"