2021-09-10 13:55:21 -07:00

136 lines
3 KiB

locals {
# Create a list of all disks to create
disks = flatten([
for node_name, machine in var.machines : [
for disk_name, disk in machine.additional_disks : {
disk = disk
disk_name = disk_name
node_name = node_name
# If prefix is set, all resources will be prefixed with "${var.prefix}-"
# Else don't prefix with anything
resource-prefix = "%{ if var.prefix != ""}${var.prefix}-%{ endif }"
resource "upcloud_network" "private" {
name = "${local.resource-prefix}k8s-network"
zone = var.zone
ip_network {
address = var.private_network_cidr
dhcp = true
family = "IPv4"
resource "upcloud_storage" "additional_disks" {
for_each = {
for disk in local.disks: "${disk.node_name}_${disk.disk_name}" => disk.disk
size = each.value.size
tier = each.value.tier
title = "${local.resource-prefix}${each.key}"
zone = var.zone
resource "upcloud_server" "master" {
for_each = {
for name, machine in var.machines :
name => machine
if machine.node_type == "master"
hostname = "${local.resource-prefix}${each.key}"
cpu = each.value.cpu
mem = each.value.mem
zone = var.zone
template {
storage = var.template_name
size = each.value.disk_size
# Public network interface
network_interface {
type = "public"
# Private network interface
network_interface {
type = "private"
network = upcloud_network.private.id
dynamic "storage_devices" {
for_each = {
for disk_key_name, disk in upcloud_storage.additional_disks :
disk_key_name => disk
# Only add the disk if it matches the node name in the start of its name
if length(regexall("^${each.key}_.+", disk_key_name)) > 0
content {
storage = storage_devices.value.id
# Include at least one public SSH key
login {
user = var.username
keys = var.ssh_public_keys
create_password = false
resource "upcloud_server" "worker" {
for_each = {
for name, machine in var.machines :
name => machine
if machine.node_type == "worker"
hostname = "${local.resource-prefix}${each.key}"
cpu = each.value.cpu
mem = each.value.mem
zone = var.zone
template {
storage = var.template_name
size = each.value.disk_size
# Public network interface
network_interface {
type = "public"
# Private network interface
network_interface {
type = "private"
network = upcloud_network.private.id
dynamic "storage_devices" {
for_each = {
for disk_key_name, disk in upcloud_storage.additional_disks :
disk_key_name => disk
# Only add the disk if it matches the node name in the start of its name
if length(regexall("^${each.key}_.+", disk_key_name)) > 0
content {
storage = storage_devices.value.id
# Include at least one public SSH key
login {
user = var.username
keys = var.ssh_public_keys
create_password = false