Günther Grill 0195725563 Workaround ansible bug where access var via dict doesn't get real value (#1912)
* Change deprecated vagrant ansible flag 'sudo' to 'become'

* Workaround ansible bug where access var via dict doesn't get real value

When accessing a variable via it's name "{{ foo }}" its value is
retrieved. But when the variable value is retrieved via the vars-dict
"{{ vars['foo'] }}" this doesn't resolve the expression of the variable
any more due to a bug. So e.g. a expression foo="{{ 1 == 1 }}" isn't
longer resolved but just returned as string "1 == 1".

* Make file yamllint complient
2017-11-03 07:11:14 +00:00

80 lines
2.9 KiB

- name: Stop if ansible version is too low
- ansible_version.full|version_compare('2.3.0', '>=')
run_once: yes
- name: Stop if non systemd OS type
that: ansible_service_mgr == "systemd"
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
- name: Stop if unknown OS
that: ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS', 'Fedora', 'Ubuntu', 'Debian', 'CoreOS', 'Container Linux by CoreOS']
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
- name: Stop if unknown network plugin
that: network_plugin in ['calico', 'canal', 'flannel', 'weave', 'cloud']
when: network_plugin is defined
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
- name: Stop if incompatible network plugin and cloudprovider
that: network_plugin != 'calico'
msg: "Azure and Calico are not compatible. See https://github.com/projectcalico/calicoctl/issues/949 for details."
when: cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider == 'azure'
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
# simplify this items-list when https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/15753 is resolved
- name: "Stop if known booleans are set as strings (Use JSON format on CLI: -e \"{'key': true }\")"
that: item.value|type_debug == 'bool'
msg: "{{item.value}} isn't a bool"
run_once: yes
- { name: kubeadm_enabled, value: "{{ kubeadm_enabled }}" }
- { name: download_run_once, value: "{{ download_run_once }}" }
- { name: deploy_netchecker, value: "{{ deploy_netchecker }}" }
- { name: download_always_pull, value: "{{ download_always_pull }}" }
- { name: efk_enabled, value: "{{ efk_enabled }}" }
- { name: helm_enabled, value: "{{ helm_enabled }}" }
- { name: openstack_lbaas_enabled, value: "{{ openstack_lbaas_enabled }}" }
- { name: rbac_enabled, value: "{{ rbac_enabled }}" }
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
- name: Stop if even number of etcd hosts
that: groups.etcd|length is not divisibleby 2
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
- name: Stop if memory is too small for masters
that: ansible_memtotal_mb >= 1500
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups['kube-master']
- name: Stop if memory is too small for nodes
that: ansible_memtotal_mb >= 1024
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
when: inventory_hostname in groups['kube-node']
- name: Stop if ip var does not match local ips
that: ip in ansible_all_ipv4_addresses
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
when: ip is defined
- name: Stop if access_ip is not pingable
command: ping -c1 {{ access_ip }}
when: access_ip is defined
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"
- name: Stop if swap enabled
that: ansible_swaptotal_mb == 0
when: kubelet_fail_swap_on|default(true)
ignore_errors: "{{ ignore_assert_errors }}"