Etienne Champetier e442b1d2b9
Add kube-ipvs0/nodelocaldns to NetworkManager unmanaged-devices ()
On CentOS 8 they seem to be ignored by default, but better be extra safe
This also make it easy to exclude other network plugin interfaces

Signed-off-by: Etienne Champetier <e.champetier@ateme.com>
2021-03-03 07:27:20 -08:00

27 lines
1 KiB

- name: reset_calico_cni
command: /bin/true
when: calico_cni_config is defined
- delete 10-calico.conflist
- Calico | delete calico-node docker containers
- Calico | delete calico-node crio/containerd containers
- name: delete 10-calico.conflist
path: /etc/cni/net.d/10-calico.conflist
state: absent
- name: Calico | delete calico-node docker containers
shell: "{{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker ps -af name=k8s_POD_calico-node* -q | xargs --no-run-if-empty {{ docker_bin_dir }}/docker rm -f"
register: docker_calico_node_remove
until: docker_calico_node_remove is succeeded
retries: 5
when: container_manager in ["docker"]
- name: Calico | delete calico-node crio/containerd containers
shell: '{{ bin_dir }}/crictl pods --name calico-node-* -q | xargs -I% --no-run-if-empty bash -c "{{ bin_dir }}/crictl stopp % && {{ bin_dir }}/crictl rmp %"'
register: crictl_calico_node_remove
until: crictl_calico_node_remove is succeeded
retries: 5
when: container_manager in ["crio", "containerd"]