wangxf a096761306 [PR-Calico]Support calico 3.4.0 (#4102)
* Suport calico 3.4.0

Signed-off-by: wangxf1987 <xiaofeix.wang@gmail.com>

* Remove symlink + cni conflist template when 3.3.0+, handle Canal, addition of install-cni: sidecar(3.3.0) or initontainer(3.4.0), KUBECONFIG_FILEPATH, calico_cert_dir, advertise cluster ips

* scheduler.alpha.kubernetes.io/critical-pod deprecated since 1.12
2019-01-28 11:03:49 -08:00

67 lines
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# Enables Internet connectivity from containers
nat_outgoing: true
# add default ippool name
calico_pool_name: "default-pool"
calico_ipv4pool_ipip: "Off"
# Use IP-over-IP encapsulation across hosts
ipip: true
ipip_mode: Always # change to "CrossSubnet" if you only want ipip encapsulation on traffic going across subnets
# Set to true if you want your calico cni binaries to overwrite the
# ones from hyperkube while leaving other cni plugins intact.
overwrite_hyperkube_cni: true
calico_cert_dir: /etc/calico/certs
# Global as_num (/calico/bgp/v1/global/as_num)
global_as_num: "64512"
# You can set MTU value here. If left undefined or empty, it will
# not be specified in calico CNI config, so Calico will use built-in
# defaults. The value should be a number, not a string.
# calico_mtu: 1500
# Limits for apps
calico_node_memory_limit: 500M
calico_node_cpu_limit: 300m
calico_node_memory_requests: 64M
calico_node_cpu_requests: 150m
calicoctl_memory_limit: 170M
calicoctl_cpu_limit: 100m
calicoctl_memory_requests: 32M
calicoctl_cpu_requests: 250m
# Enable Prometheus Metrics endpoint for felix
calico_felix_prometheusmetricsenabled: "false"
calico_felix_prometheusmetricsport: 9091
calico_felix_prometheusgometricsenabled: "true"
calico_felix_prometheusprocessmetricsenabled: "true"
### check latest version https://github.com/projectcalico/calico-upgrade/releases
calico_upgrade_enabled: true
calico_upgrade_version: v1.0.5
calico_upgrade_url: "https://github.com/projectcalico/calico-upgrade/releases/download/{{ calico_upgrade_version }}/calico-upgrade"
# Set the agent log level. Can be debug, warning, info or fatal
calico_loglevel: info
# Should calico ignore kernel's RPF check setting,
# see https://github.com/projectcalico/felix/blob/ab8799eaea66627e5db7717e62fca61fd9c08646/python/calico/felix/config.py#L198
calico_node_ignorelooserpf: false
# Define address on which Felix will respond to health requests
calico_healthhost: "localhost"
# If you want to use non default IP_AUTODETECTION_METHOD for calico node set this option to one of:
# * can-reach=DESTINATION
# * interface=INTERFACE-REGEX
# see https://docs.projectcalico.org/v3.0/reference/node/configuration#ip-autodetection-methods
# calico_ip_auto_method: "interface=eth.*"
calico_baremetal_nodename: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
### do not enable this, this is detected in scope of tasks, this is just a default value
calico_upgrade_needed: false