Rick Haan 11b72e2408
[2.14] Backport: 6758, 6853 and 7003 to fix CRI-O pkg (#7209)
* cherry-pick bump crio version to 1.19 (#6758)

cherry-pick modifications:
* keep default to 1.17 as release 2.14 came with
* don't change readme with newer versions

* bump crio version to 1.19

* crio package name has changed for debian/ubuntu
* crio upgrade does not work, see #6757

* update crio info in docs

* Install cri-o with package version (#6853)

and thereby support upgrade from e.g. 1.18.x to 1.19.y

Included OSes:
- Centos7/8
- Ubuntu18/20

New variables for overriding by default installed packages:
- centos_crio_packages
- ubuntu_crio_packages

* add support crio version for varios k8s vers (#7003)

* add support crio version for various k8s vers

* regexp in pkg versions

Co-authored-by: Hans Feldt <2808287+hafe@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Sergey <s.bondarev@southbridge.ru>
2021-01-26 07:18:34 -08:00

30 lines
1 KiB

crio_cgroup_manager: "{{ kubelet_cgroup_driver | default('systemd') }}"
crio_conmon: "/usr/bin/conmon"
crio_enable_metrics: false
crio_log_level: "info"
crio_metrics_port: "9090"
crio_pause_image: "{{ pod_infra_image_repo }}:{{ pod_infra_version }}"
# Trusted registries to pull unqualified images (e.g. alpine:latest) from
# By default unqualified images are not allowed for security reasons
crio_registries: []
crio_runc_path: "/usr/bin/runc"
crio_seccomp_profile: ""
crio_selinux: "{{ (preinstall_selinux_state == 'enforcing')|lower }}"
crio_signature_policy: "{% if ansible_os_family == 'ClearLinux' %}/usr/share/defaults/crio/policy.json{% endif %}"
crio_storage_driver: "overlay2"
crio_stream_port: "10010"
crio_required_version: "{{ kube_version | regex_replace('^v(?P<major>\\d+).(?P<minor>\\d+).(?P<patch>\\d+)$', '\\g<major>.\\g<minor>') }}"
"1.19": "1.19"
"1.18": "1.18"
"1.17": "1.17"
"1.16": "1.16"
crio_version: "{{ crio_kubernetes_version_matrix[crio_required_version] | default('1.17') }}"