Bogdan Dobrelya d08d2fd808 Fix separate etcd nodes and calico
Admin certs are only available for kube-master nodes.
When etcd nodes are separate, calico fails to access them with
missing admin certs and etcd fails to configure ETCD_PEER_* env
vars due to missing member certs.

Fix this by switching curls to the first etcd node
and delegate to the first master. This assumes only admin certs
allow to get calico keys from etcd but not member/node certs.
Also move member certs from master_certs to node_certs list as
ETCD(_PEER)_CERT/KEY env vars expects.

Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobrelia@mirantis.com>
2016-11-25 17:24:16 +01:00

212 lines
7.2 KiB

- name: Calico | Write Calico cni config
src: "cni-calico.conf.j2"
dest: "/etc/cni/net.d/10-calico.conf"
owner: kube
- name: Calico | Set docker daemon options
src: docker
dest: "/etc/default/docker"
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0644
- restart docker
when: ansible_os_family != "CoreOS"
- meta: flush_handlers
- name: Calico | Create calico certs directory
dest: "{{ calico_cert_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: 0750
owner: root
group: root
- name: Calico | Link etcd certificates for calico-node
src: "{{ etcd_cert_dir }}/{{ item.s }}"
dest: "{{ calico_cert_dir }}/{{ item.d }}"
state: hard
- {s: "ca.pem", d: "ca_cert.crt"}
- {s: "node.pem", d: "cert.crt"}
- {s: "node-key.pem", d: "key.pem"}
- name: Calico | Install calicoctl container script
src: calicoctl-container.j2
dest: "{{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl"
mode: 0755
owner: root
group: root
changed_when: false
notify: restart calico-node
- name: Calico | Copy cni plugins from hyperkube
command: "/usr/bin/docker run --rm -v /opt/cni/bin:/cnibindir {{ hyperkube_image_repo }}:{{ hyperkube_image_tag }} /usr/bin/rsync -a /opt/cni/bin/ /cnibindir/"
register: cni_task_result
until: cni_task_result.rc == 0
retries: 4
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
changed_when: false
- name: Calico | Copy cni plugins from calico/cni container
command: "/usr/bin/docker run --rm -v /opt/cni/bin:/cnibindir {{ calico_cni_image_repo }}:{{ calico_cni_image_tag }} sh -c 'cp -a /opt/cni/bin/* /cnibindir/'"
register: cni_task_result
until: cni_task_result.rc == 0
retries: 4
delay: "{{ retry_stagger | random + 3 }}"
changed_when: false
when: "{{ overwrite_hyperkube_cni|bool }}"
- name: Calico | wait for etcd
uri: url=https://localhost:2379/health validate_certs=no
register: result
until: result.status == 200 or result.status == 401
retries: 10
delay: 5
delegate_to: "{{groups['etcd'][0]}}"
run_once: true
- name: Calico | Check if calico network pool has already been configured
command: |-
curl \
--cacert {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/ca.pem \
--cert {{ etcd_cert_dir}}/admin.pem \
--key {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/admin-key.pem \
register: calico_conf
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"
run_once: true
- name: Calico | Check calicoctl version
run_once: true
legacy_calicoctl: "{{ calicoctl_image_tag | version_compare('v1.0.0', '<') }}"
- name: Calico | Configure calico network pool
shell: >
echo '{
"kind": "ipPool",
"spec": {"disabled": false, "ipip": {"enabled": {{ cloud_provider is defined or ipip }}},
"nat-outgoing": {{ nat_outgoing|default(false) and not peer_with_router|default(false) }}},
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {"cidr": "{{ kube_pods_subnet }}"}
| {{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl create -f -
run_once: true
when: not legacy_calicoctl and
("Key not found" in calico_conf.stdout or "nodes" not in calico_conf.stdout)
- name: Calico (old) | Define ipip pool argument
run_once: true
ipip_arg: "--ipip"
when: (legacy_calicoctl and
cloud_provider is defined or ipip)
- name: Calico (old) | Define nat-outgoing pool argument
run_once: true
nat_arg: "--nat-outgoing"
when: (legacy_calicoctl and
nat_outgoing|default(false) and not peer_with_router|default(false))
- name: Calico (old) | Define calico pool task name
run_once: true
pool_task_name: "with options {{ ipip_arg|default('') }} {{ nat_arg|default('') }}"
when: (legacy_calicoctl and ipip_arg|default(false) or nat_arg|default(false))
- name: Calico (old) | Configure calico network pool {{ pool_task_name|default('') }}
command: "{{ bin_dir}}/calicoctl pool add {{ kube_pods_subnet }} {{ ipip_arg|default('') }} {{ nat_arg|default('') }}"
run_once: true
when: legacy_calicoctl and
("Key not found" in calico_conf.stdout or "nodes" not in calico_conf.stdout)
- name: Calico | Get calico configuration from etcd
command: |-
curl \
--cacert {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/ca.pem \
--cert {{ etcd_cert_dir}}/admin.pem \
--key {{ etcd_cert_dir }}/admin-key.pem \
register: calico_pools_raw
delegate_to: "{{groups['kube-master'][0]}}"
run_once: true
- set_fact:
calico_pools: "{{ calico_pools_raw.stdout | from_json }}"
run_once: true
- name: Calico | Check if calico pool is properly configured
msg: 'Only one network pool must be configured and it must be the subnet {{ kube_pods_subnet }}.
Please erase calico configuration and run the playbook again ("etcdctl rm --recursive /calico/v1/ipam/v4/pool")'
when: ( calico_pools['node']['nodes'] | length > 1 ) or
( not calico_pools['node']['nodes'][0]['key'] | search(".*{{ kube_pods_subnet | ipaddr('network') }}.*") )
run_once: true
- name: Calico | Write /etc/network-environment
template: src=network-environment.j2 dest=/etc/network-environment
when: ansible_service_mgr in ["sysvinit","upstart"]
- name: Calico | Write calico-node systemd init file
template: src=calico-node.service.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/calico-node.service
when: ansible_service_mgr == "systemd"
notify: restart calico-node
- name: Calico | Write calico-node initd script
template: src=deb-calico.initd.j2 dest=/etc/init.d/calico-node owner=root mode=0755
when: ansible_service_mgr in ["sysvinit","upstart"] and ansible_os_family == "Debian"
notify: restart calico-node
- name: Calico | Write calico-node initd script
template: src=rh-calico.initd.j2 dest=/etc/init.d/calico-node owner=root mode=0755
when: ansible_service_mgr in ["sysvinit","upstart"] and ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
notify: restart calico-node
- meta: flush_handlers
- name: Calico | Enable calico-node
name: calico-node
state: started
enabled: yes
- name: Calico | Disable node mesh
shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl config set nodeToNodeMesh off"
when: (not legacy_calicoctl and
peer_with_router|default(false) and inventory_hostname in groups['kube-node'])
- name: Calico | Configure peering with router(s)
shell: >
echo '{
"kind": "bgppeer",
"spec": {"asNumber": {{ item.as }}},
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {"node": "rack1-host1", "scope": "node", "peerIP": "{{ item.router_id }}"}
| {{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl create -f -
with_items: peers
when: (not legacy_calicoctl and
peer_with_router|default(false) and inventory_hostname in groups['kube-node'])
- name: Calico (old) | Disable node mesh
shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl bgp node-mesh off"
when: (legacy_calicoctl and
peer_with_router|default(false) and inventory_hostname in groups['kube-node'])
- name: Calico (old) | Configure peering with router(s)
shell: "{{ bin_dir }}/calicoctl node bgp peer add {{ item.router_id }} as {{ item.as }}"
with_items: peers
when: (legacy_calicoctl and
peer_with_router|default(false) and inventory_hostname in groups['kube-node'])