2019-09-25 23:27:08 -07:00

27 lines
920 B

# This ConfigMap can be used to configure a self-hosted Canal installation.
# See `canal.yaml` for an example of a Canal deployment which uses
# the config in this ConfigMap.
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: canal-config
# Configure this with the location of your etcd cluster.
etcd_endpoints: "{{ etcd_access_addresses }}"
# The interface used by canal for host <-> host communication.
# If left blank, then the interface is choosing using the node's
# default route.
flanneld_iface: "{{ canal_iface }}"
# Whether or not to masquerade traffic to destinations not within
# the pod network.
masquerade: "{{ canal_masquerade }}"
# Cluster name for Flannel etcd path
cluster_name: "{{ cluster_name }}"
# SSL Etcd configuration
etcd_cafile: "{{ canal_cert_dir }}/ca_cert.crt"
etcd_certfile: "{{ canal_cert_dir }}/cert.crt"
etcd_keyfile: "{{ canal_cert_dir }}/key.pem"