okamototk 4c8b93e5b9 containerd support (#4664)
* Add limited containerd support

Containerd support for Ubuntu + Calico

* Added CRI-O support for ubuntu

* containerd support.

* Reset  containerd support.

* fix lint.

* implemented feedback

* Change task name cri xx instead of cri-o in reset task and timeout condition.

* set crictl to fixed version

* Use docker-ce's container.io package for containerd.

* Add check containerd is installable or not.

* Avoid stop docker when use containerd and optimize retry for reset.

* Add config.toml.

* Fixed containerd for kubelet.env.

* Merge PR #4629

* Remove unused ubuntu variable for containerd

* Polish code for containerd and cri-o

* Refactoring cri socket configuration.

* Configurable conmon.

* Remove unused crictl/runc download

* Now crictl and runc is downloaded by common crictl.yml.

* fixed yamllint error

* Fixed brokenfiles by conflict.

* Remove commented line in config.toml

* Remove readded v1.12.x version

* Fixed broken set_docker_image_facts

* Fix yamllint errors.

* Remove unused apt source

* Fix crictl could not be installed

* Add containerd config from skolekonov's PR #4601
2019-06-29 14:09:20 -07:00

78 lines
4 KiB

KUBE_LOG_LEVEL="--v={{ kube_log_level }}"
KUBELET_ADDRESS="--node-ip={{ kubelet_address }}"
{% if kube_override_hostname|default('') %}
KUBELET_HOSTNAME="--hostname-override={{ kube_override_hostname }}"
{% endif %}
{# Base kubelet args #}
{% set kubelet_args_base -%}
{# start kubeadm specific settings #}
--bootstrap-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf \
--config={{ kube_config_dir }}/kubelet-config.yaml \
--kubeconfig={{ kube_config_dir }}/kubelet.conf \
{% if kube_version is version('v1.8', '<') %}
--require-kubeconfig \
{% endif %}
{% if kube_version is version('v1.12.0', '<') %}
--cadvisor-port={{ kube_cadvisor_port }} \
{% endif %}
{# end kubeadm specific settings #}
--pod-infra-container-image={{ pod_infra_image_repo }}:{{ pod_infra_image_tag }} \
{% if container_manager == 'docker' and kube_version is version('v1.12.0', '<') %}
--docker-disable-shared-pid={{ kubelet_disable_shared_pid }} \
{% endif %}
{% if container_manager != 'docker' %}
--container-runtime=remote \
--container-runtime-endpoint={{ cri_socket }} \
{% endif %}
{% if kube_version is version('v1.8', '<') %}
--experimental-fail-swap-on={{ kubelet_fail_swap_on|default(true)}} \
{% endif %}
{% if dynamic_kubelet_configuration %}
--dynamic-config-dir={{ dynamic_kubelet_configuration_dir }} \
{% endif %}
--runtime-cgroups={{ kubelet_runtime_cgroups }} \
{% endset %}
{# Kubelet node labels #}
{% set role_node_labels = [] %}
{% if nvidia_gpu_nodes is defined and nvidia_accelerator_enabled|bool %}
{% if inventory_hostname in nvidia_gpu_nodes %}
{% set dummy = role_node_labels.append('nvidia.com/gpu=true') %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% set inventory_node_labels = [] %}
{% if node_labels is defined and node_labels is mapping %}
{% for labelname, labelvalue in node_labels.items() %}
{% set dummy = inventory_node_labels.append('%s=%s'|format(labelname, labelvalue)) %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% set all_node_labels = role_node_labels + inventory_node_labels %}
{# Kubelet node taints for gpu #}
{% if nvidia_gpu_nodes is defined and nvidia_accelerator_enabled|bool %}
{% if inventory_hostname in nvidia_gpu_nodes and node_taints is defined %}
{% set dummy = node_taints.append('nvidia.com/gpu=:NoSchedule') %}
{% elif inventory_hostname in nvidia_gpu_nodes and node_taints is not defined %}
{% set node_taints = [] %}
{% set dummy = node_taints.append('nvidia.com/gpu=:NoSchedule') %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
KUBELET_ARGS="{{ kubelet_args_base }} {% if node_taints|default([]) %}--register-with-taints={{ node_taints | join(',') }} {% endif %}--node-labels={{ all_node_labels | join(',') }} {% if kube_feature_gates %} --feature-gates={{ kube_feature_gates|join(',') }} {% endif %} {% if kubelet_custom_flags is string %} {{kubelet_custom_flags}} {% else %}{% for flag in kubelet_custom_flags %} {{flag}} {% endfor %}{% endif %}{% if inventory_hostname in groups['kube-node'] %}{% if kubelet_node_custom_flags is string %} {{kubelet_node_custom_flags}} {% else %}{% for flag in kubelet_node_custom_flags %} {{flag}} {% endfor %}{% endif %}{% endif %}"
{% if kube_network_plugin is defined and kube_network_plugin in ["calico", "canal", "cni", "flannel", "weave", "contiv", "cilium", "kube-router", "macvlan"] %}
KUBELET_NETWORK_PLUGIN="--network-plugin=cni --cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d --cni-bin-dir=/opt/cni/bin"
{% elif kube_network_plugin is defined and kube_network_plugin == "cloud" %}
KUBELET_NETWORK_PLUGIN="--hairpin-mode=promiscuous-bridge --network-plugin=kubenet"
{% endif %}
{% if cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["openstack", "azure", "vsphere", "aws"] %}
KUBELET_CLOUDPROVIDER="--cloud-provider={{ cloud_provider }} --cloud-config={{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config"
{% elif cloud_provider is defined and cloud_provider in ["external"] %}
KUBELET_CLOUDPROVIDER="--cloud-provider=external --cloud-config={{ kube_config_dir }}/cloud_config"
{% else %}
{% endif %}
PATH={{ bin_dir }}:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin