Bogdan Dobrelya fcd9d97f10 Do not auto-trigger gitlab CI pipeline on PRs
For security and resources utilization reasons, do not auto-start CI
for opened/updated PRs.

A member of the kubernetes-incubator github org has first to approve
that the PR is reasonable to test by putting the "ci check this" into
the PR's comments.

If approved that way, the CI pipeline starts as always. Only the 1st step
of the pipeline is premoderatied, the rest will follow each over on

Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bogdando@mail.ru>
2017-01-04 13:52:31 +01:00

15 lines
867 B

#!/bin/sh -eux -o pipefail
# A naive premoderation script to allow Gitlab CI pipeline on a specific PRs' comment
# Exits with 0, if the pipeline is good to go
CURL_ARGS="-fs --connect-timeout 5 --max-time 5 --retry-max-time 20 --retry 4 --retry-delay 5"
MAGIC="${MAGIC:-ci check this}"
# Get PR number from CI_BUILD_REF_NAME
issue=$(echo ${CI_BUILD_REF_NAME} | perl -ne '/^pr-(\d+)-\S+$/ && print $1')
# Get the user name from the PR comments with the wanted magic incantation casted
user=$(curl ${CURL_ARGS} "https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes-incubator/kargo/issues/${issue}/comments" \
| jq -M "map(select(.body | contains (\"$MAGIC\"))) | .[0] .user.login" | tr -d '"')
# Check for the required user group membership to allow (exit 0) or decline (exit >0) the pipeline
curl ${CURL_ARGS} "https://api.github.com/orgs/kubernetes-incubator/members/${user}"