spaced 876d4de6be
Fedora CoreOS support (#5657)
* fedora coreos support
- bootstrap and new fact for

* fedora coreos support
- fix bootstrap condition

* fedora coreos support
- allow customize packages for fedora coreos bootstrap

* fedora coreos support
- prevent install ptyhon3 and epel via dnf for fedora coreos

* fedora coreos support
- handle all ostree like os in same way

* fedora coreos support
- handle all ostree like os in same way for crio

* fedora coreos support
- add fcos documentations
2020-03-17 03:12:21 -07:00

35 lines
902 B

- name: Check if bootstrap is needed
raw: which python
register: need_bootstrap
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
- facts
- name: Install required packages on fedora coreos
raw: "export http_proxy={{ http_proxy | default('') }};rpm-ostree install {{ fedora_coreos_packages|join(' ') }}"
become: true
when: need_bootstrap.rc != 0
# playbook fails because connection lost
- name: Reboot immediately for updated ostree, please run playbook again if failed first time.
raw: "nohup bash -c 'sleep 5s && shutdown -r now'"
become: true
ignore_errors: yes
when: need_bootstrap.rc != 0
- name: Wait for the reboot to complete
timeout: 240
connect_timeout: 20
delay: 5
sleep: 5
when: need_bootstrap.rc != 0
- name: Store the fact if this is an fedora core os host
is_fedora_coreos: True
- facts