Fix cylinder depth; fix chamfer; formatting

- Cylinder depth now consistent across all axes
- Chamfer disabled in non-z axes, since that's nonsensical and wasn't
  working anyway
- Cleaned up formatting around math symbols for readability
This commit is contained in:
James Jenkins 2024-05-03 03:30:34 -05:00
parent 36345f3efb
commit 0b80167413

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@ -90,27 +90,34 @@ module cutEqual(n_divx=1, n_divy=1, style_tab=1, scoop_weight=1) {
// chamfer: chamfer around the top rim of the holes
module cutCylinders(n_divx=1, n_divy=1, cylinder_diameter=1, cylinder_height=1, coutout_depth=0, orientation=0, chamfer=0.5) {
rotation = (orientation == 0)
? [0,90,0]
? [0, 90, 0]
: (orientation == 1)
? [90,0,0]
: [0,0,0];
? [90, 0, 0]
: [0, 0, 0];
gridx_mm = $gxx*l_grid;
gridy_mm = $gyy*l_grid;
// When oriented vertically along the z axis, half of the cutting cylinder is in the air
// When oriented along the x or y axes, the entire height of the cylinder is cut out
cylinder_height = (orientation == 2) ? cylinder_height * 2 : cylinder_height;
// Chamfer is only enabled for vertical, since it doesn't make sense in other orientations
chamfer = (orientation == 2) ? chamfer : 0;
gridx_mm = $gxx * l_grid;
gridy_mm = $gyy * l_grid;
padding = 2;
cutout_x = gridx_mm - d_wall*2;
cutout_y = gridy_mm - d_wall*2;
cutout_x = gridx_mm - d_wall * 2;
cutout_y = gridy_mm - d_wall * 2;
cut_move(x=0, y=0, w=$gxx, h=$gyy) {
translate([0,0,-coutout_depth]) {
rounded_rectangle(cutout_x, cutout_y, coutout_depth*2, r_base);
translate([0, 0, -coutout_depth]) {
rounded_rectangle(cutout_x, cutout_y, coutout_depth * 2, r_base);
pattern_linear(x=n_divx, y=n_divy, sx=(gridx_mm - padding)/n_divx, sy=(gridy_mm - padding)/n_divy)
pattern_linear(x=n_divx, y=n_divy, sx=(gridx_mm - padding) / n_divx, sy=(gridy_mm - padding) / n_divy)
union() {
cylinder(d=cylinder_diameter, h=cylinder_height*2, center=true);
cylinder(d=cylinder_diameter, h=cylinder_height, center=true);
if (chamfer > 0) {
translate([0,0,-chamfer]) cylinder(d1=cylinder_diameter, d2=cylinder_diameter+4*chamfer, h=2*chamfer);
translate([0, 0, -chamfer]) cylinder(d1=cylinder_diameter, d2=cylinder_diameter + 4 * chamfer, h=2 * chamfer);