""" Helpful classes for running OpenScad from Python. @Copyright Arthur Moore 2024 MIT License """ from __future__ import annotations import json import logging import subprocess from dataclasses import dataclass, is_dataclass, asdict from pathlib import Path from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile from typing import NamedTuple, Optional logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DataClassJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): '''Allow json serialization''' def default(self, o): if is_dataclass(o): return asdict(o) # Let the base class default method raise the TypeError return super().default(o) class Vec3(NamedTuple): '''Simple 3d Vector (x, y, z)''' x: float y: float z: float @dataclass(frozen=True) class CameraArguments: """ Controls the camera position when outputting to png format. @see `openscad -h`. Supports fluid interface. """ translate: Vec3 rotate: Vec3 distance: float def with_translation(self, new_translate: Vec3) -> CameraArguments: return CameraArguments(translate=new_translate, rotate=self.rotate, distance=self.distance) def with_rotation(self, new_rotate: Vec3) -> CameraArguments: return CameraArguments(translate=self.translate, rotate=new_rotate, distance=self.distance) def with_distance(self, new_distance: float) -> CameraArguments: return CameraArguments(translate=self.translate, rotate=rotate, distance=new_distance) def as_argument(self) -> str: return '--camera=' \ f'{",".join(map(str,self.translate))},{",".join(map(str,self.rotate))},{self.distance}' @dataclass(kw_only=True, frozen=True) class ParameterFile: parameterSets: dict[str, dict] fileFormatVersion: int = 1 @classmethod def from_json(cls, *pargs, **nargs): """ Wrapper for `json.loads`, with some post-processing. The Customizer saves everything as strings. --Arthur 2024-04-28 """ nargs["object_pairs_hook"] = cls.object_pairs_hook file = ParameterFile(**json.loads(*pargs, **nargs)) assert(file.fileFormatVersion == 1) return file @classmethod def object_pairs_hook(self, pairs: list[tuple]): '''Fixes customizer turning everything into strings''' output = dict(pairs) for (key, value) in output.items(): if(type(value) == str): if(value == "true"): output[key] = True continue if(value == "false"): output[key] = False continue try: output[key] = float(value) except ValueError: pass return output def set_variable_argument(var: str, val: str) -> [str, str]: """ Allows setting a variable to a particular value. @warning value **can** be a function, but this is called for every file, so may generate 'undefined' warnings. """ return ['-D', f'{var}={str(val)}'] class CameraRotations: '''Pre-defined useful camera rotations''' Default = Vec3(0,0,0), AngledTop = Vec3(45,0,45) AngledBottom = Vec3(225,0,225) Top = Vec3(45,0,0) class OpenScadRunner: '''Helper to run the openscad binary''' camera_arguments: CameraArguments scad_file_path: Path openscad_binary_path: Path image_folder_base: Path parameters: Optional[dict] '''If set, a temporary parameter file is created, and used with these variables''' LINUX_DEFAULT_PATH = Path('/bin/openscad') WINDOWS_DEFAULT_PATH = Path('C:\\Program Files\\OpenSCAD\\openscad.exe') TOP_ANGLE_CAMERA = CameraArguments(Vec3(0,0,0),Vec3(45,0,45),150) common_arguments = [ #'--hardwarnings', # Does not work when setting variables by using functions #'--enable=fast-csg', # Requires Beta version of OpenSCAD #'--enable=predictible-output', # Requires Beta version of OpenSCAD '--render=true' # Required on headless systems '--imgsize=1280,720', '--view=axes', '--projection=ortho', #"--summary", "all", #"--summary-file", "-" ] + \ set_variable_argument('$fa', 8) + set_variable_argument('$fs', 0.25) def __init__(self, file_path: Path): self.openscad_binary_path = self.find_openscad_binary() self.scad_file_path = file_path self.image_folder_base = Path('.') self.camera_arguments = None self.parameters = None @classmethod def find_openscad_binary(cls) -> Path: if cls.WINDOWS_DEFAULT_PATH.exists(): return cls.WINDOWS_DEFAULT_PATH if cls.LINUX_DEFAULT_PATH.exists(): return cls.LINUX_DEFAULT_PATH logger.warning("Could not find OpenSCAD binary, defaulting to 'openscad'") return Path("openscad") def create_image(self, args: [str], image_file_name: str): """ Run the code, to create an image. @Important The only verification is that no errors occured. There is no verification if the image was created, or the image contents. """ assert self.openscad_binary_path.exists(), f"OpenSCAD binary not found at '{self.openscad_binary_path}'" assert self.scad_file_path.exists(), f"OpenSCAD file not found at '{self.scad_file_path}'" assert self.image_folder_base.exists(), f"Image folder not found at '{self.image_folder_base}'" image_path = self.image_folder_base.joinpath(image_file_name) command_arguments = self.common_arguments + \ ([self.camera_arguments.as_argument()] if self.camera_arguments != None else []) + \ args + \ ["-o", str(image_path), str(self.scad_file_path)] #print(command_arguments) if self.parameters != None: #print(self.parameters) params = ParameterFile(parameterSets={"python_generated": self.parameters}) with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="gridfinity-rebuilt-", suffix=".json", mode='wt',delete_on_close=False) as file: json.dump(params, file, sort_keys=True, indent=2, cls=DataClassJSONEncoder) file.close() command_arguments += ["-p", file.name, "-P", "python_generated"] return subprocess.run([str(self.openscad_binary_path)] + command_arguments, check=True) else: return subprocess.run([str(self.openscad_binary_path)] + command_arguments, check=True)