include // ===== INFORMATION ===== // /* IMPORTANT: rendering will be better for analyzing the model if fast-csg is enabled. As of writing, this feature is only available in the development builds and not the official release of OpenSCAD, but it makes rendering only take a couple seconds, even for comically large bins. Enable it in Edit > Preferences > Features > fast-csg */ // ===== PARAMETERS ===== // /* [Special Variables] */ $fa = 8; $fs = 0.25; /* [Bin or Base] */ type = 0; // [0:bin, 1:base] /* [Printer Settings] */ // extrusion width (walls will be twice this size) nozzle = 0.6; // slicer layer size layer = 0.35; // number of base layers on build plate bottom_layer = 3; /* [General Settings] */ // number of bases along x-axis gridx = 1; // number of bases along y-axis gridy = 1; // bin height. See bin height information and "gridz_define" below. gridz = 6; // number of compartments along x-axis n_divx = 2; /* [Toggles] */ // toggle holes on the base for magnet enable_holes = true; // round up the bin height to match the closest 7mm unit enable_zsnap = false; // toggle the lip on the top of the bin that allows stacking enable_lip = true; // chamfer inside bin for easy part removal enable_scoop_chamfer = true; // funnel-like features on the back of tabs for fingers to grab enable_funnel = true; // front inset (added for strength when there is a scoop) enable_inset = true; // "pinches" the top lip of the bin, for added strength enable_pinch = true; /* [Styles] */ // determine what the variable "gridz" applies to based on your use case gridz_define = 0; // [0:gridz is the height of bins in units of 7mm increments - Zack's method,1:gridz is the internal height in millimeters, 2:gridz is the overall external height of the bin in millimeters] // how tabs are implemented style_tab = 0; // [0:continuous, 1:broken, 2:auto, 3:right, 4:center, 5:left, 6:none] // where to put X cutouts for attaching bases // selecting none will also disable crosses on bases style_base = 0; // [0:all, 1:corners, 2:edges, 3:auto, 4:none] // tab angle a_tab = 40; // ===== IMPLEMENTATION ===== // color("tomato") if (type != 0) gridfinityBaseVase(); // Generate a single base else gridfinityVase(); // Generate the bin // ===== CONSTRUCTION ===== // d_bottom = layer*(max(bottom_layer,1)); x_l = l_grid/2; dht = (gridz_define==0)?gridz*7 : (gridz_define==1)?h_bot+gridz+h_base : gridz-(enable_lip?3.8:0); d_height = (enable_zsnap?((abs(dht)%7==0)?dht:dht+7-abs(dht)%7):dht)-h_base; d_fo1 = 2*r_fo1; f2c = sqrt(2)*(sqrt(2)-1); // fillet to chamfer ratio me = ((gridx*l_grid-0.5)/n_divx)-nozzle*4-d_fo1-12.7-4; m = min(d_tabw/1.8 + max(0,me), d_tabw/1.25); d_ramp = f2c*(l_grid*((d_height-2)/7+1)/12-r_f2)+d_wall2; d_edge = ((gridx*l_grid-0.5)/n_divx-d_tabw-d_fo1)/2; n_st = gridz <= 3 ? 6 : d_edge < 2 && style_tab != 0 && style_tab != 6 ? 1 : style_tab == 1 && n_divx <= 1? 0 : style_tab; n_x = (n_st==0?1:n_divx); spacing = (gridx*l_grid-0.5)/(n_divx); shift = n_st==3?-1:n_st==5?1:0; shiftauto = function (a,b) n_st!=2?0:a==1?-1:a==b?1:0; xAll = function (a,b) true; xCorner = function(a,b) (a==1||a==gridx)&&(b==1||b==gridy); xEdge = function(a,b) (a==1)||(a==gridx)||(b==1)||(b==gridy); xAuto = function(a,b) xCorner(a,b) || (a%2==1 && b%2 == 1); xNone = function(a,b) false; xFunc = [xAll, xCorner, xEdge, xAuto, xNone]; module gridfinityVase() { $dh = d_height; difference() { union() { difference() { block_vase_base(); if (n_st != 6) transform_style() transform_vtab_base((n_st<2?gridx*l_grid/n_x-0.5-d_fo1:d_tabw)-nozzle*4) block_tab_base(-nozzle*sqrt(2)); } if (enable_scoop_chamfer) intersection() { block_vase(); translate([0,gridy*l_grid/2-0.25-d_wall2/2,d_height/2+0.1]) cube([gridx*l_grid,d_wall2,d_height-0.2],center=true); } if (enable_funnel && gridz > 3) pattern_linear((n_st==0?n_divx>1?n_divx:gridx:1), 1, (gridx*l_grid-d_fo1)/(n_st==0?n_divx>1?n_divx:gridx:1)) transform_funnel() block_funnel_outside(); if (n_divx > 1) pattern_linear(n_divx-1,1,(gridx*l_grid-0.5)/(n_divx)) block_divider(); if (n_divx < 1) pattern_linear(n_st == 0 ? n_divx>1 ? n_divx-1 : gridx-1 : 1, 1, (gridx*l_grid-d_fo1)/((n_divx>1 ? n_divx : gridx))) block_tabsupport(); } if (enable_funnel && gridz > 3) pattern_linear((n_st==0?n_divx>1?n_divx:gridx:1), 1, (gridx*l_grid-d_fo1)/(n_st==0?n_divx>1?n_divx:gridx:1)) transform_funnel() block_funnel_inside(); if (!enable_lip) translate([0,0,1.5*d_height]) cube([gridx*l_grid,gridy*l_grid,d_height], center=true); block_x(); block_inset(); if (enable_pinch) block_pinch(d_height); if (bottom_layer <= 0) translate([0,0,-50+layer+0.01]) cube([gridx*l_grid*10,gridy*l_grid*10,100], center=true); } } module gridfinityBaseVase() { difference() { union() { difference() { intersection() { block_base_blank(0); translate([0,0,-h_base-1]) rounded_rectangle(l_grid-0.5-0.005, l_grid-0.5-0.005, h_base*10, r_fo1+0.001); } translate([0,0,0.01]) difference() { block_base_blank(nozzle*4); translate([0,0,-h_base]) cube([l_grid*2,l_grid*2,d_bottom*2],center=true); } // magic slice rotate([0,0,90]) translate([0,0,-h_base+d_bottom+0.01]) cube([0.001,l_grid*gridx,d_height+d_bottom*2]); } pattern_circular(4) intersection() { rotate([0,0,45]) translate([-nozzle,3,-h_base+d_bottom+0.01]) cube([nozzle*2,l_grid*gridx,d_height+d_bottom*2]); block_base_blank(nozzle*4-0.1); } if (enable_holes) pattern_circular(4) block_magnet_blank(nozzle); } if (enable_holes) pattern_circular(4) block_magnet_blank(0, false); translate([0,0,h_base/2]) cube([l_grid*2, l_grid*2, h_base], center = true); } if (style_base != 4) linear_extrude(d_bottom) profile_x(0.1); } module block_magnet_blank(o = 0, half = true) { translate([d_hole/2,d_hole/2,-h_base+0.1]) difference() { hull() { cylinder(r = r_hole2+o, h = h_hole*2, center = true); cylinder(r = (r_hole2+o)-(h_base+0.1-h_hole), h = (h_base+0.1)*2, center = true); } if (half) mirror([0,0,1]) cylinder(r=(r_hole2+o)*2, h = (h_base+0.1)*4); } } module block_base_blank(o = 0) { mirror([0,0,1]) { hull() { rounded_square(l_grid-o-0.05-2*r_c2-2*r_c1, h_base, r_fo3); rounded_square(l_grid-o-0.05-2*r_c2, h_base-r_c1, r_fo2); } hull() { rounded_square(l_grid-o-0.05-2*r_c2, r_c2, r_fo2); mirror([0,0,1]) rounded_square(l_grid-o-0.05, d_bottom, r_fo1); } } } module block_pinch(height_mm) { assert(is_num(height_mm)); translate([0, 0, -h_base]) block_wall(gridx, gridy, l_grid) { translate([d_wall2-nozzle*2-d_clear*2,0,0]) profile_wall(height_mm); } } module block_tabsupport() { intersection() { translate([0,0,0.1]) block_vase(d_height*4); cube([nozzle*2, gridy*l_grid, d_height*3], center=true); transform_vtab_base(gridx*l_grid*2) block_tab_base(-nozzle*sqrt(2)); } } module block_divider() { difference() { intersection() { translate([0,0,0.1]) block_vase(); cube([nozzle*2, gridy*l_grid, d_height*2], center=true); } if (n_st == 0) block_tab(0.1); else block_divider_edgecut(); // cut divider clearance on negative Y side translate([-gridx*l_grid/2,-(gridy*l_grid/2-0.25),0]) cube([gridx*l_grid,nozzle*2+0.1,d_height*2]); // cut divider clearance on positive Y side mirror([0,1,0]) if (enable_scoop_chamfer) translate([-gridx*l_grid/2,-(gridy*l_grid/2-0.25),0]) cube([gridx*l_grid,d_wall2+0.1,d_height*2]); else block_divider_edgecut(); // cut divider to have clearance with scoop if (enable_scoop_chamfer) transform_scoop() offset(delta = 0.1) polygon([ [0,0], [d_ramp,d_ramp], [d_ramp,d_ramp+nozzle/sqrt(2)], [-nozzle/sqrt(2),0] ]); } // divider slices difference() { for (i = [0:(d_height-d_bottom)/(layer)]) { if (2*i*layer < d_height-layer/2-d_bottom-0.1) mirror([0,1,0]) translate([0,(gridy*l_grid/2-0.25-nozzle)/2,layer/2+d_bottom+2*i*layer]) cube([nozzle*2-0.01,gridy*l_grid/2-0.25-nozzle,layer],center=true); if ((2*i+1)*layer < d_height-layer/2-d_bottom-0.1) translate([0,(gridy*l_grid/2-0.25-nozzle)/2,layer/2+d_bottom+(2*i+1)*layer]) cube([nozzle*2-0.01,gridy*l_grid/2-0.25-nozzle,layer],center=true); } // divider slices cut to tabs if (n_st == 0) transform_style() transform_vtab_base((n_st<2?gridx*l_grid/n_x-0.5-d_fo1:d_tabw)-nozzle*4) block_tab_base(-nozzle*sqrt(2)); } } module block_divider_edgecut() { translate([-50,-gridy*l_grid/2+0.25,0]) rotate([90,0,90]) linear_extrude(100) offset(delta = 0.1) mirror([1,0,0]) translate([-r_base,0,0]) profile_wall($dh); } module transform_funnel() { if (me > 6 && enable_funnel && gridz > 3 && n_st != 6) transform_style() render() children(); } module block_funnel_inside() { intersection() { block_tabscoop(m-nozzle*3*sqrt(2), 0.003, nozzle*2, 0.01); block_tab(0.1); } } module block_funnel_outside() { intersection() { difference() { block_tabscoop(m, 0, 0, 0); block_tabscoop(m-nozzle*4*sqrt(2), 0.003, nozzle*2, -1); } block_tab(-nozzle*sqrt(2)/2); } } module block_vase_base() { difference() { // base translate([0,0,-h_base]) { translate([0,0,-0.1]) color("firebrick") block_bottom(d_bottom, gridx, gridy, l_grid); color("royalblue") block_wall(gridx, gridy, l_grid) { if (enable_lip) profile_wall($dh); else profile_wall2($dh); } } // magic slice rotate([0,0,90]) mirror([0,1,0]) translate([0,0,d_bottom+0.001]) cube([0.001,l_grid*gridx,d_height+d_bottom*2]); } // scoop piece if (enable_scoop_chamfer) transform_scoop() polygon([ [0,0], [d_ramp,d_ramp], [d_ramp,d_ramp+0.6/sqrt(2)], [-0.6/sqrt(2),0] ]); // outside tab cutter if (n_st != 6) translate([-(n_x-1)*spacing/2,0,0]) for (i = [1:n_x]) translate([(i-1)*spacing,0,0]) translate([shiftauto(i,n_x)*d_edge + shift*d_edge,0,0]) intersection() { block_vase(); transform_vtab_base(n_st<2?gridx*l_grid/n_x-0.5-d_fo1:d_tabw) profile_tab(); } } module block_inset() { ixx = (gridx*l_grid-0.5)/2; iyy = d_height/2.1; izz = sqrt(ixx^2+iyy^2)*tan(40); if (enable_scoop_chamfer && enable_inset) difference() { intersection() { rotate([0,90,0]) translate([-iyy,0,0]) block_inset_sub(iyy, gridx*l_grid, 45); rotate([0,90,0]) translate([-iyy,0,0]) rotate([0,90,0]) block_inset_sub(ixx, d_height*2, 45); } mirror([0,1,0]) translate([-gridx*l_grid/2,-(gridy*l_grid-0.5)/2+d_wall2-2*nozzle,0]) cube([gridx*l_grid,izz,d_height*2]); } } module block_inset_sub(x, y, ang) { translate([0,(gridy*l_grid-0.5)/2+r_fo1,0]) mirror([0,1,0]) linear_extrude(y,center=true) polygon([[-x,0],[x,0],[0,x*tan(ang)]]); } module transform_style() { translate([-(n_x-1)*spacing/2,0,0]) for (i = [1:n_x]) translate([(i-1)*spacing,0,0]) translate([shiftauto(i,n_x)*d_edge + shift*d_edge,0,0]) children(); } module block_flushscoop() { translate([0,gridy*l_grid/2-d_wall2-nozzle/2-1,d_height/2]) linear_extrude(d_height) union() { copy_mirror([1,0,0]) polygon([[0,0],[gridx*l_grid/2-r_fo1,0],[gridx*l_grid/2-r_fo1,1],[gridx*l_grid/2-r_fo1-r_c1*5,d_wall2-nozzle*2+1],[0,d_wall2-nozzle*2+1]]); } transform_scoop() polygon([[0,0],[d_ramp,0],[d_ramp,d_ramp]]); } module profile_tab() { union() { copy_mirror([0,1,0]) polygon([[0,0],[d_tabh*cos(a_tab),0],[d_tabh*cos(a_tab),d_tabh*sin(a_tab)]]); } } module profile_tabscoop(m) { polyhedron([[m/2,0,0],[0,-m,0],[-m/2,0,0],[0,0,m]], [[0,2,1],[1,2,3],[0,1,3],[0,3,2]]); } module block_tabscoop(a=m, b=0, c=0, d=-1) { translate([0,d_tabh*cos(a_tab)-l_grid*gridy/2+0.25+b,0]) difference() { translate([0,0,-d_tabh*sin(a_tab)*2+d_height+2.1]) profile_tabscoop(a); translate([-gridx*l_grid/2,-m,-m]) cube([gridx*l_grid,m-d_tabh*cos(a_tab)+0.005+c,d_height*20]); if (d >= 0) translate([0,0,-d_tabh*sin(a_tab)+d_height+m/2+d+2.1]) cube([gridx*l_grid,gridy*l_grid,m],center=true); } } module transform_vtab(a=0,b=1) { transform_vtab_base(gridx*l_grid/b-0.5-d_fo1+a) children(); } module transform_vtab_base(a) { translate([0,d_tabh*cos(a_tab)-l_grid*gridy/2+0.25,-d_tabh*sin(a_tab)+d_height+2.1]) rotate([90,0,270]) linear_extrude(a, center=true) children(); } module block_tab(del, b=1) { transform_vtab(-nozzle*4, b) block_tab_base(del); } module block_tab_base(del) { offset(delta = del) union() { profile_tab(); translate([d_tabh*cos(a_tab),-d_tabh*sin(a_tab),0]) square([l_grid,d_tabh*sin(a_tab)*2]); } } module transform_scoop() { intersection() { block_vase(); translate([0,gridy*l_grid/2-d_ramp,layer*max(bottom_layer*1)]) rotate([90,0,90]) linear_extrude(2*l_grid*gridx,center=true) children(); } } module block_vase(h = d_height*2) { translate([0,0,-0.1]) rounded_rectangle(gridx*l_grid-0.5-nozzle, gridy*l_grid-0.5-nozzle, h, r_base+0.01-nozzle/2); } module profile_x(x_f = 3) { difference() { square([x_l,x_l],center=true); pattern_circular(4) translate([0,nozzle*sqrt(2),0]) rotate([0,0,45]) translate([x_f,x_f,0]) minkowski() { square([x_l,x_l]); circle(x_f); } } } module block_x() { translate([-(gridx-1)*l_grid/2,-(gridy-1)*l_grid/2,0]) for (i = [1:gridx]) for (j = [1:gridy]) if (xFunc[style_base](i,j)) translate([(i-1)*l_grid,(j-1)*l_grid,0]) block_x_sub(); } module block_x_sub() { linear_extrude(d_bottom*2+0.01,center=true) offset(0.05) profile_x(); }