include include use // ===== INFORMATION ===== // /* IMPORTANT: rendering will be better for analyzing the model if fast-csg is enabled. As of writing, this feature is only available in the development builds and not the official release of OpenSCAD, but it makes rendering only take a couple seconds, even for comically large bins. Enable it in Edit > Preferences > Features > fast-csg */ // ===== PARAMETERS ===== // /* [Setup Parameters] */ $fa = 8; $fs = 0.25; /* [General Settings] */ // number of bases along x-axis gridx = 5; // number of bases along y-axis gridy = 5; /* [Screw Together Settings - Defaults work for M3 and 4-40] */ // screw diameter d_screw = 3.35; // screw head diameter d_screw_head = 5; // screw spacing distance screw_spacing = .5; // number of screws per grid block n_screws = 1; // [1:3] /* [Fit to Drawer] */ // minimum length of baseplate along x (leave zero to ignore, will automatically fill area if gridx is zero) distancex = 0; // minimum length of baseplate along y (leave zero to ignore, will automatically fill area if gridy is zero) distancey = 0; // where to align extra space along x fitx = 0; // [-1:0.1:1] // where to align extra space along y fity = 0; // [-1:0.1:1] /* [Styles] */ // baseplate styles style_plate = 0; // [0: thin, 1:weighted, 2:skeletonized, 3: screw together, 4: screw together minimal] // hole styles style_hole = 2; // [0:none, 1:countersink, 2:counterbore] /* [Magnet Hole] */ // Baseplate will have holes for 6mm Diameter x 2mm high magnets. enable_magnet = true; // Magnet holes will have crush ribs to hold the magnet. crush_ribs = true; // Magnet holes will have a chamfer to ease insertion. chamfer_holes = true; hole_options = bundle_hole_options(refined_hole=false, magnet_hole=enable_magnet, screw_hole=false, crush_ribs=crush_ribs, chamfer=chamfer_holes, supportless=false); // ===== IMPLEMENTATION ===== // color("tomato") gridfinityBaseplate(gridx, gridy, l_grid, distancex, distancey, style_plate, hole_options, style_hole, fitx, fity); // ===== CONSTRUCTION ===== // module gridfinityBaseplate(gridx, gridy, length, dix, diy, sp, hole_options, sh, fitx, fity) { assert(gridx > 0 || dix > 0, "Must have positive x grid amount!"); assert(gridy > 0 || diy > 0, "Must have positive y grid amount!"); gx = gridx == 0 ? floor(dix/length) : gridx; gy = gridy == 0 ? floor(diy/length) : gridy; dx = max(gx*length-bp_xy_clearance, dix); dy = max(gy*length-bp_xy_clearance, diy); off = calculate_offset(sp, hole_options[1], sh); offsetx = dix < dx ? 0 : (gx*length-bp_xy_clearance-dix)/2*fitx*-1; offsety = diy < dy ? 0 : (gy*length-bp_xy_clearance-diy)/2*fity*-1; difference() { translate([offsetx,offsety,h_base]) mirror([0,0,1]) rounded_rectangle(dx, dy, h_base+off, r_base); gridfinityBase(gx, gy, length, 1, 1, bundle_hole_options(), 0.5, false); translate([offsetx,offsety,h_base-0.6]) rounded_rectangle(dx*2, dy*2, h_base*2, r_base); pattern_linear(gx, gy, length) { render(convexity = 6) { if (sp == 1) translate([0,0,-off]) cutter_weight(); else if (sp == 2 || sp == 3) linear_extrude(10*(h_base+off), center = true) profile_skeleton(); else if (sp == 4) translate([0,0,-5*(h_base+off)]) rounded_square(length-2*r_c2-2*r_c1, 10*(h_base+off), r_fo3); hole_pattern(){ mirror([0, 0, 1]) block_base_hole(hole_options); translate([0,0,-off-TOLLERANCE]) if (sh == 1) cutter_countersink(); else if (sh == 2) cutter_counterbore(); } } } screw_together = sp == 3 || sp == 4; if (screw_together) cutter_screw_together(gx, gy, off); } } function calculate_offset(style_plate, enable_magnet, style_hole) = assert(style_plate >=0 && style_plate <=4) let (screw_together = style_plate == 3 || style_plate == 4) screw_together ? 6.75 : style_plate==0 ? 0 : style_plate==1 ? bp_h_bot : calculate_offset_skeletonized(enable_magnet, style_hole); function calculate_offset_skeletonized(enable_magnet, style_hole) = h_skel + (enable_magnet ? MAGNET_HOLE_DEPTH : 0) + ( style_hole==0 ? d_screw : style_hole==1 ? BASEPLATE_SCREW_COUNTERSINK_ADDITIONAL_RADIUS : // Only works because countersink is at 45 degree angle! BASEPLATE_SCREW_COUNTERBORE_HEIGHT ); module cutter_weight() { union() { linear_extrude(bp_cut_depth*2,center=true) square(bp_cut_size, center=true); pattern_circular(4) translate([0,10,0]) linear_extrude(bp_rcut_depth*2,center=true) union() { square([bp_rcut_width, bp_rcut_length], center=true); translate([0,bp_rcut_length/2,0]) circle(d=bp_rcut_width); } } } module hole_pattern(){ pattern_circular(4) translate([l_grid/2-d_hole_from_side, l_grid/2-d_hole_from_side, 0]) { render(); children(); } } module cutter_countersink(){ screw_hole(SCREW_HOLE_RADIUS + d_clear, 2*h_base, false, BASEPLATE_SCREW_COUNTERSINK_ADDITIONAL_RADIUS); } module cutter_counterbore(){ screw_radius = SCREW_HOLE_RADIUS + d_clear; counterbore_height = BASEPLATE_SCREW_COUNTERBORE_HEIGHT + 2*LAYER_HEIGHT; union(){ cylinder(h=2*h_base, r=screw_radius); difference() { cylinder(h = counterbore_height, r=BASEPLATE_SCREW_COUNTERBORE_RADIUS); make_hole_printable(screw_radius, BASEPLATE_SCREW_COUNTERBORE_RADIUS, counterbore_height); } } } /** * @brief 2d Cutter to skeletonize the baseplate. * @example difference(){ * cube(large_number); * linear_extrude(large_number+TOLLERANCE) * profile_skeleton(); * } */ module profile_skeleton() { l = l_grid-2*r_c2-2*r_c1; offset(r_skel) difference() { square(l-2*r_skel+2*d_clear, center = true); hole_pattern() offset(MAGNET_HOLE_RADIUS+r_skel+2) square([l,l]); } } module cutter_screw_together(gx, gy, off) { screw(gx, gy); rotate([0,0,90]) screw(gy, gx); module screw(a, b) { copy_mirror([1,0,0]) translate([a*l_grid/2, 0, -off/2]) pattern_linear(1, b, 1, l_grid) pattern_linear(1, n_screws, 1, d_screw_head + screw_spacing) rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=l_grid/2, d=d_screw, center = true); } }