include /* [Setup Parameters] */ $fa = 8; $fs = 0.25; /* [General Settings] */ // number of bases along x-axis gridx = 3; // number of bases along y-axis gridy = 3; // bin height. See bin height information and "gridz_define" below. gridz = 6; // base unit length = 42; /* [Compartments] */ // number of X Divisions divx = 2; // number of y Divisions divy = 2; /* [Toggles] */ // snap gridz height to nearest 7mm increment enable_zsnap = false; // enable upper lip for stacking other bins enable_lip = true; /* [Other] */ // determine what the variable "gridz" applies to based on your use case gridz_define = 0; // [0:gridz is the height of bins in units of 7mm increments - Zack's method,1:gridz is the internal height in millimeters, 2:gridz is the overall external height of the bin in millimeters] // the type of tabs style_tab = 1; //[0:Full,1:Auto,2:Left,3:Center,4:Right,5:None] /* [Base] */ style_hole = 3; // [0:no holes, 1:magnet holes only, 2: magnet and screw holes - no printable slit, 3: magnet and screw holes - printable slit] // number of divisions per 1 unit of base along the X axis. (default 1, only use integers. 0 means automatically guess the right division) div_base_x = 0; // number of divisions per 1 unit of base along the Y axis. (default 1, only use integers. 0 means automatically guess the right division) div_base_y = 0; // Input all the cutter types in here module cutterInput() { cutEqual(n_divx = divx, n_divy = divy, style_tab = style_tab, enable_scoop = false); } // Does the necessary operations to get the base geometry color("tomato") difference() { union() { gridfinityInit(gridx, gridy, height(gridz, gridz_define, enable_lip, enable_zsnap), 0, length) { cutterInput(); } gridfinityBase(gridx, gridy, length, div_base_x, div_base_y, style_hole); } difference() { union() { intersection() { difference() { gridfinityBase(gridx, gridy, length, div_base_x, div_base_y, style_hole, -d_wall*2, false); translate([-gridx*length/2,-gridy*length/2,2*h_base]) cube([gridx*length,gridy*length,1000]); } translate([0,0,-1]) rounded_rectangle(gridx*length-0.5005-d_wall*2, gridy*length-0.5005-d_wall*2, 1000, r_f2); } translate([0,0,h_base+d_clear]) rounded_rectangle(gridx*length-0.5005-d_wall*2, gridy*length-0.5005-d_wall*2, h_base, r_f2); } translate([0,0,-4*h_base]) gridfinityInit(gridx, gridy, height(20,0), 0, length) cutterInput(); } }