#!/bin/bash if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "Please run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi progname=$(basename $0) function usage() { cat << HEREDOC Usage: Mount Image : $progname [--mount] [--image-name ] [--mount-point ] Umount Image: $progname [--umount] [--mount-point ] Cleanup NBD : $progname [--cleanup] arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -c, --cleanup cleanup orphaned device mappings -m, --mount mount image -u, --umount umount image -i, --image-name path to qcow2 image -p, --mount-point mount point for image This tool will use /dev/nbd1 as default for mounting an image. If you want to use another device, execute like this: NBD_DEV=/dev/nbd2 ./$progname --mount --image --mount-point HEREDOC } MOUNT=0 UMOUNT=0 IMAGE="" MOUNTPOINT="" nbd_cleanup() { DEVS="$(lsblk | grep nbd | grep disk | cut -d" " -f1)" if [ ! -z "${DEVS}" ]; then for d in $DEVS; do if [ ! -z "${d}" ]; then QDEV="$(ps xa | grep $d | grep -v grep)" if [ -z "${QDEV}" ]; then kpartx -d /dev/$d && echo "Unconnected device map removed: /dev/$d" fi fi done fi } # As long as there is at least one more argument, keep looping while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case "$key" in -h|--help) usage exit ;; -c|--cleanup) nbd_cleanup ;; -m|--mount) MOUNT=1 ;; -u|--umount) UMOUNT=1 ;; -i|--image-name) shift IMAGE="$1" ;; -p|--mount-point) shift MOUNTPOINT="$1" ;; *) echo "Unknown option '$key'" usage exit ;; esac # Shift after checking all the cases to get the next option shift done if [ "${MOUNT}" = "1" ] && [ "${UMOUNT}" = "1" ]; then usage echo "Concurrent mount options not possible." exit fi if [ "${MOUNT}" = "1" ] && ([ -z "${IMAGE}" ] || [ -z "${MOUNTPOINT}" ]); then usage echo "Can not mount image. Image path and/or mount point missing." exit fi if [ "${UMOUNT}" = "1" ] && [ -z "${MOUNTPOINT}" ]; then usage echo "Can not umount. Mount point parameter missing." exit fi export NBD_DEV="${NBD_DEV:-/dev/nbd1}" export MAP_BOOT_DEV=/dev/mapper/nbd1p1 export MAP_ROOT_DEV=/dev/mapper/nbd1p2 source scripts/qcow2_handling if [ "${MOUNT}" = "1" ]; then mount_qimage "${IMAGE}" "${MOUNTPOINT}" elif [ "${UMOUNT}" = "1" ]; then umount_qimage "${MOUNTPOINT}" fi