mpdf = $mpdf; $this->maxStrLenRead = 200000; // Maximum size of glyf table to read in as string (otherwise reads each glyph from file) } function getMetrics($file, $fontkey, $TTCfontID = 0, $debug = false, $BMPonly = false, $kerninfo = false, $useOTL = 0, $mode) { // mPDF 5.7.1 $this->mode = $mode; $this->useOTL = $useOTL; // mPDF 5.7.1 $this->fontkey = $fontkey; // mPDF 5.7.1 $this->filename = $file; $this->fh = fopen($file, 'rb'); if (!$this->fh) { throw new MpdfException('Can\'t open file ' . $file); } $this->_pos = 0; $this->charWidths = ''; $this->glyphPos = array(); $this->charToGlyph = array(); $this->tables = array(); $this->otables = array(); $this->kerninfo = array(); $this->ascent = 0; $this->descent = 0; $this->numTTCFonts = 0; $this->TTCFonts = array(); $this->version = $version = $this->read_ulong(); $this->panose = array(); if ($version == 0x4F54544F) { throw new MpdfException("Postscript outlines are not supported"); } if ($version == 0x74746366 && !$TTCfontID) { throw new MpdfException("ERROR - You must define the TTCfontID for a TrueType Collection in config_fonts.php (" . $file . ")"); } if (!in_array($version, array(0x00010000, 0x74727565)) && !$TTCfontID) { throw new MpdfException("Not a TrueType font: version=" . $version); } if ($TTCfontID > 0) { $this->version = $version = $this->read_ulong(); // TTC Header version now if (!in_array($version, array(0x00010000, 0x00020000))) { throw new MpdfException("ERROR - Error parsing TrueType Collection: version=" . $version . " - " . $file); } $this->numTTCFonts = $this->read_ulong(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->numTTCFonts; $i++) { $this->TTCFonts[$i]['offset'] = $this->read_ulong(); } $this->seek($this->TTCFonts[$TTCfontID]['offset']); $this->version = $version = $this->read_ulong(); // TTFont version again now } $this->readTableDirectory($debug); $this->extractInfo($debug, $BMPonly, $kerninfo, $useOTL); fclose($this->fh); } function readTableDirectory($debug = false) { $this->numTables = $this->read_ushort(); $this->searchRange = $this->read_ushort(); $this->entrySelector = $this->read_ushort(); $this->rangeShift = $this->read_ushort(); $this->tables = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numTables; $i++) { $record = array(); $record['tag'] = $this->read_tag(); $record['checksum'] = array($this->read_ushort(), $this->read_ushort()); $record['offset'] = $this->read_ulong(); $record['length'] = $this->read_ulong(); $this->tables[$record['tag']] = $record; } if ($debug) $this->checksumTables(); } function checksumTables() { // Check the checksums for all tables foreach ($this->tables AS $t) { if ($t['length'] > 0 && $t['length'] < $this->maxStrLenRead) { // 1.02 $table = $this->get_chunk($t['offset'], $t['length']); $checksum = $this->calcChecksum($table); if ($t['tag'] == 'head') { $up = unpack('n*', substr($table, 8, 4)); $adjustment[0] = $up[1]; $adjustment[1] = $up[2]; $checksum = $this->sub32($checksum, $adjustment); } $xchecksum = $t['checksum']; if ($xchecksum != $checksum) { throw new MpdfException(sprintf('TTF file "%s": invalid checksum %s table: %s (expected %s)', $this->filename, dechex($checksum[0]) . dechex($checksum[1]), $t['tag'], dechex($xchecksum[0]) . dechex($xchecksum[1]))); } } } } function sub32($x, $y) { $xlo = $x[1]; $xhi = $x[0]; $ylo = $y[1]; $yhi = $y[0]; if ($ylo > $xlo) { $xlo += 1 << 16; $yhi += 1; } $reslo = $xlo - $ylo; if ($yhi > $xhi) { $xhi += 1 << 16; } $reshi = $xhi - $yhi; $reshi = $reshi & 0xFFFF; return array($reshi, $reslo); } function calcChecksum($data) { if (strlen($data) % 4) { $data .= str_repeat("\0", (4 - (strlen($data) % 4))); } $len = strlen($data); $hi = 0x0000; $lo = 0x0000; for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i+=4) { $hi += (ord($data[$i]) << 8) + ord($data[$i + 1]); $lo += (ord($data[$i + 2]) << 8) + ord($data[$i + 3]); $hi += ($lo >> 16) & 0xFFFF; $lo = $lo & 0xFFFF; } return array($hi, $lo); } function get_table_pos($tag) { $offset = $this->tables[$tag]['offset']; $length = $this->tables[$tag]['length']; return array($offset, $length); } function seek($pos) { $this->_pos = $pos; fseek($this->fh, $this->_pos); } function skip($delta) { $this->_pos = $this->_pos + $delta; fseek($this->fh, $delta, SEEK_CUR); } function seek_table($tag, $offset_in_table = 0) { $tpos = $this->get_table_pos($tag); $this->_pos = $tpos[0] + $offset_in_table; fseek($this->fh, $this->_pos); return $this->_pos; } function read_tag() { $this->_pos += 4; return fread($this->fh, 4); } function read_short() { $this->_pos += 2; $s = fread($this->fh, 2); $a = (ord($s[0]) << 8) + ord($s[1]); if ($a & (1 << 15)) { $a = ($a - (1 << 16)); } return $a; } function unpack_short($s) { $a = (ord($s[0]) << 8) + ord($s[1]); if ($a & (1 << 15)) { $a = ($a - (1 << 16)); } return $a; } function read_ushort() { $this->_pos += 2; $s = fread($this->fh, 2); return (ord($s[0]) << 8) + ord($s[1]); } function read_ulong() { $this->_pos += 4; $s = fread($this->fh, 4); // if large uInt32 as an integer, PHP converts it to -ve return (ord($s[0]) * 16777216) + (ord($s[1]) << 16) + (ord($s[2]) << 8) + ord($s[3]); // 16777216 = 1<<24 } function get_ushort($pos) { fseek($this->fh, $pos); $s = fread($this->fh, 2); return (ord($s[0]) << 8) + ord($s[1]); } function get_ulong($pos) { fseek($this->fh, $pos); $s = fread($this->fh, 4); // iF large uInt32 as an integer, PHP converts it to -ve return (ord($s[0]) * 16777216) + (ord($s[1]) << 16) + (ord($s[2]) << 8) + ord($s[3]); // 16777216 = 1<<24 } function pack_short($val) { if ($val < 0) { $val = abs($val); $val = ~$val; $val += 1; } return pack("n", $val); } function splice($stream, $offset, $value) { return substr($stream, 0, $offset) . $value . substr($stream, $offset + strlen($value)); } function _set_ushort($stream, $offset, $value) { $up = pack("n", $value); return $this->splice($stream, $offset, $up); } function _set_short($stream, $offset, $val) { if ($val < 0) { $val = abs($val); $val = ~$val; $val += 1; } $up = pack("n", $val); return $this->splice($stream, $offset, $up); } function get_chunk($pos, $length) { fseek($this->fh, $pos); if ($length < 1) { return ''; } return (fread($this->fh, $length)); } function get_table($tag) { list($pos, $length) = $this->get_table_pos($tag); if ($length == 0) { return ''; } fseek($this->fh, $pos); return (fread($this->fh, $length)); } function add($tag, $data) { if ($tag == 'head') { $data = $this->splice($data, 8, "\0\0\0\0"); } $this->otables[$tag] = $data; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function extractInfo($debug = false, $BMPonly = false, $kerninfo = false, $useOTL = 0) { $this->panose = array(); $this->sFamilyClass = 0; $this->sFamilySubClass = 0; /////////////////////////////////// // name - Naming table /////////////////////////////////// $name_offset = $this->seek_table("name"); $format = $this->read_ushort(); if ($format != 0 && $format != 1) { throw new MpdfException("Unknown name table format " . $format); } $numRecords = $this->read_ushort(); $string_data_offset = $name_offset + $this->read_ushort(); $names = array(1 => '', 2 => '', 3 => '', 4 => '', 6 => ''); $K = array_keys($names); $nameCount = count($names); for ($i = 0; $i < $numRecords; $i++) { $platformId = $this->read_ushort(); $encodingId = $this->read_ushort(); $languageId = $this->read_ushort(); $nameId = $this->read_ushort(); $length = $this->read_ushort(); $offset = $this->read_ushort(); if (!in_array($nameId, $K)) continue; $N = ''; if ($platformId == 3 && $encodingId == 1 && $languageId == 0x409) { // Microsoft, Unicode, US English, PS Name $opos = $this->_pos; $this->seek($string_data_offset + $offset); if ($length % 2 != 0) { throw new MpdfException("PostScript name is UTF-16BE string of odd length"); } $length /= 2; $N = ''; while ($length > 0) { $char = $this->read_ushort(); $N .= (chr($char)); $length -= 1; } $this->_pos = $opos; $this->seek($opos); } else if ($platformId == 1 && $encodingId == 0 && $languageId == 0) { // Macintosh, Roman, English, PS Name $opos = $this->_pos; $N = $this->get_chunk($string_data_offset + $offset, $length); $this->_pos = $opos; $this->seek($opos); } if ($N && $names[$nameId] == '') { $names[$nameId] = $N; $nameCount -= 1; if ($nameCount == 0) break; } } if ($names[6]) $psName = $names[6]; else if ($names[4]) $psName = preg_replace('/ /', '-', $names[4]); else if ($names[1]) $psName = preg_replace('/ /', '-', $names[1]); else $psName = ''; if (!$psName) { throw new MpdfException("Could not find PostScript font name: " . $this->filename); } if ($debug) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($psName); $i++) { $c = $psName[$i]; $oc = ord($c); if ($oc > 126 || strpos(' [](){}<>/%', $c) !== false) { throw new MpdfException("psName=" . $psName . " contains invalid character " . $c . " ie U+" . ord(c)); } } } $this->name = $psName; if ($names[1]) { $this->familyName = $names[1]; } else { $this->familyName = $psName; } if ($names[2]) { $this->styleName = $names[2]; } else { $this->styleName = 'Regular'; } if ($names[4]) { $this->fullName = $names[4]; } else { $this->fullName = $psName; } if ($names[3]) { $this->uniqueFontID = $names[3]; } else { $this->uniqueFontID = $psName; } if ($names[6]) { $this->fullName = $names[6]; } /////////////////////////////////// // head - Font header table /////////////////////////////////// $this->seek_table("head"); if ($debug) { $ver_maj = $this->read_ushort(); $ver_min = $this->read_ushort(); if ($ver_maj != 1) { throw new MpdfException('Unknown head table version ' . $ver_maj . '.' . $ver_min); } $this->fontRevision = $this->read_ushort() . $this->read_ushort(); $this->skip(4); $magic = $this->read_ulong(); if ($magic != 0x5F0F3CF5) { throw new MpdfException('Invalid head table magic ' . $magic); } $this->skip(2); } else { $this->skip(18); } $this->unitsPerEm = $unitsPerEm = $this->read_ushort(); $scale = 1000 / $unitsPerEm; $this->skip(16); $xMin = $this->read_short(); $yMin = $this->read_short(); $xMax = $this->read_short(); $yMax = $this->read_short(); $this->bbox = array(($xMin * $scale), ($yMin * $scale), ($xMax * $scale), ($yMax * $scale)); $this->skip(3 * 2); $indexToLocFormat = $this->read_ushort(); $glyphDataFormat = $this->read_ushort(); if ($glyphDataFormat != 0) { throw new MpdfException('Unknown glyph data format ' . $glyphDataFormat); } /////////////////////////////////// // hhea metrics table /////////////////////////////////// // ttf2t1 seems to use this value rather than the one in OS/2 - so put in for compatibility if (isset($this->tables["hhea"])) { $this->seek_table("hhea"); $this->skip(4); $hheaAscender = $this->read_short(); $hheaDescender = $this->read_short(); $this->ascent = ($hheaAscender * $scale); $this->descent = ($hheaDescender * $scale); } /////////////////////////////////// // OS/2 - OS/2 and Windows metrics table /////////////////////////////////// if (isset($this->tables["OS/2"])) { $this->seek_table("OS/2"); $version = $this->read_ushort(); $this->skip(2); $usWeightClass = $this->read_ushort(); $this->skip(2); $fsType = $this->read_ushort(); if ($fsType == 0x0002 || ($fsType & 0x0300) != 0) { global $overrideTTFFontRestriction; if (!$overrideTTFFontRestriction) { throw new MpdfException('ERROR - Font file ' . $this->filename . ' cannot be embedded due to copyright restrictions.'); } $this->restrictedUse = true; } $this->skip(20); $sF = $this->read_short(); $this->sFamilyClass = ($sF >> 8); $this->sFamilySubClass = ($sF & 0xFF); $this->_pos += 10; //PANOSE = 10 byte length $panose = fread($this->fh, 10); $this->panose = array(); for ($p = 0; $p < strlen($panose); $p++) { $this->panose[] = ord($panose[$p]); } $this->skip(26); $sTypoAscender = $this->read_short(); $sTypoDescender = $this->read_short(); if (!$this->ascent) $this->ascent = ($sTypoAscender * $scale); if (!$this->descent) $this->descent = ($sTypoDescender * $scale); if ($version > 1) { $this->skip(16); $sCapHeight = $this->read_short(); $this->capHeight = ($sCapHeight * $scale); } else { $this->capHeight = $this->ascent; } } else { $usWeightClass = 500; if (!$this->ascent) $this->ascent = ($yMax * $scale); if (!$this->descent) $this->descent = ($yMin * $scale); $this->capHeight = $this->ascent; } $this->stemV = 50 + intval(pow(($usWeightClass / 65.0), 2)); /////////////////////////////////// // post - PostScript table /////////////////////////////////// $this->seek_table("post"); if ($debug) { $ver_maj = $this->read_ushort(); $ver_min = $this->read_ushort(); if ($ver_maj < 1 || $ver_maj > 4) { throw new MpdfException('Unknown post table version ' . $ver_maj); } } else { $this->skip(4); } $this->italicAngle = $this->read_short() + $this->read_ushort() / 65536.0; $this->underlinePosition = $this->read_short() * $scale; $this->underlineThickness = $this->read_short() * $scale; $isFixedPitch = $this->read_ulong(); $this->flags = 4; if ($this->italicAngle != 0) $this->flags = $this->flags | 64; if ($usWeightClass >= 600) $this->flags = $this->flags | 262144; if ($isFixedPitch) $this->flags = $this->flags | 1; /////////////////////////////////// // hhea - Horizontal header table /////////////////////////////////// $this->seek_table("hhea"); if ($debug) { $ver_maj = $this->read_ushort(); $ver_min = $this->read_ushort(); if ($ver_maj != 1) { throw new MpdfException('Unknown hhea table version ' . $ver_maj); } $this->skip(28); } else { $this->skip(32); } $metricDataFormat = $this->read_ushort(); if ($metricDataFormat != 0) { throw new MpdfException('Unknown horizontal metric data format ' . $metricDataFormat); } $numberOfHMetrics = $this->read_ushort(); if ($numberOfHMetrics == 0) { throw new MpdfException('Number of horizontal metrics is 0'); } /////////////////////////////////// // maxp - Maximum profile table /////////////////////////////////// $this->seek_table("maxp"); if ($debug) { $ver_maj = $this->read_ushort(); $ver_min = $this->read_ushort(); if ($ver_maj != 1) { throw new MpdfException('Unknown maxp table version ' . $ver_maj); } } else { $this->skip(4); } $numGlyphs = $this->read_ushort(); /////////////////////////////////// // cmap - Character to glyph index mapping table /////////////////////////////////// $cmap_offset = $this->seek_table("cmap"); $this->skip(2); $cmapTableCount = $this->read_ushort(); $unicode_cmap_offset = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $cmapTableCount; $i++) { $platformID = $this->read_ushort(); $encodingID = $this->read_ushort(); $offset = $this->read_ulong(); $save_pos = $this->_pos; if (($platformID == 3 && $encodingID == 1) || $platformID == 0) { // Microsoft, Unicode $format = $this->get_ushort($cmap_offset + $offset); if ($format == 4) { if (!$unicode_cmap_offset) $unicode_cmap_offset = $cmap_offset + $offset; if ($BMPonly) break; } } // Microsoft, Unicode Format 12 table HKCS else if ((($platformID == 3 && $encodingID == 10) || $platformID == 0) && !$BMPonly) { $format = $this->get_ushort($cmap_offset + $offset); if ($format == 12) { $unicode_cmap_offset = $cmap_offset + $offset; break; } } $this->seek($save_pos); } if (!$unicode_cmap_offset) { throw new MpdfException('Font (' . $this->filename . ') does not have cmap for Unicode (platform 3, encoding 1, format 4, or platform 0, any encoding, format 4)'); } $sipset = false; $smpset = false; // mPDF 5.7.1 $this->GSUBScriptLang = array(); $this->rtlPUAstr = ''; $this->rtlPUAarr = array(); $this->GSUBFeatures = array(); $this->GSUBLookups = array(); $this->GPOSScriptLang = array(); $this->GPOSFeatures = array(); $this->GPOSLookups = array(); $this->glyphIDtoUni = ''; // Format 12 CMAP does characters above Unicode BMP i.e. some HKCS characters U+20000 and above if ($format == 12 && !$BMPonly) { $this->maxUniChar = 0; $this->seek($unicode_cmap_offset + 4); $length = $this->read_ulong(); $limit = $unicode_cmap_offset + $length; $this->skip(4); $nGroups = $this->read_ulong(); $glyphToChar = array(); $charToGlyph = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $nGroups; $i++) { $startCharCode = $this->read_ulong(); $endCharCode = $this->read_ulong(); $startGlyphCode = $this->read_ulong(); if ($endCharCode > 0x20000 && $endCharCode < 0x2FFFF) { $sipset = true; } else if ($endCharCode > 0x10000 && $endCharCode < 0x1FFFF) { $smpset = true; } $offset = 0; for ($unichar = $startCharCode; $unichar <= $endCharCode; $unichar++) { $glyph = $startGlyphCode + $offset; $offset++; if ($unichar < 0x30000) { $charToGlyph[$unichar] = $glyph; $this->maxUniChar = max($unichar, $this->maxUniChar); $glyphToChar[$glyph][] = $unichar; } } } } else { $glyphToChar = array(); $charToGlyph = array(); $this->getCMAP4($unicode_cmap_offset, $glyphToChar, $charToGlyph); } $this->sipset = $sipset; $this->smpset = $smpset; /////////////////////////////////// // mPDF 5.7.1 // Map Unmapped glyphs - from $numGlyphs if ($this->useOTL) { $bctr = 0xE000; for ($gid = 1; $gid < $numGlyphs; $gid++) { if (!isset($glyphToChar[$gid])) { while (isset($charToGlyph[$bctr])) { $bctr++; } // Avoid overwriting a glyph already mapped in PUA if (($bctr > 0xF8FF) && ($bctr < 0x2CEB0)) { if (!$BMPonly) { $bctr = 0x2CEB0; // Use unassigned area 0x2CEB0 to 0x2F7FF (space for 10,000 characters) $this->sipset = $sipset = true; // forces subsetting; also ensure charwidths are saved while (isset($charToGlyph[$bctr])) { $bctr++; } } else { throw new MpdfException($names[1] . " : WARNING - The font does not have enough space to map all (unmapped) included glyphs into Private Use Area U+E000 - U+F8FF"); } } $glyphToChar[$gid][] = $bctr; $charToGlyph[$bctr] = $gid; $this->maxUniChar = max($bctr, $this->maxUniChar); $bctr++; } } } $this->glyphToChar = $glyphToChar; $this->charToGlyph = $charToGlyph; /////////////////////////////////// // mPDF 5.7.1 OpenType Layout tables $this->GSUBScriptLang = array(); $this->rtlPUAstr = ''; $this->rtlPUAarr = array(); if ($useOTL) { $this->_getGDEFtables(); list($this->GSUBScriptLang, $this->GSUBFeatures, $this->GSUBLookups, $this->rtlPUAstr, $this->rtlPUAarr) = $this->_getGSUBtables(); list($this->GPOSScriptLang, $this->GPOSFeatures, $this->GPOSLookups) = $this->_getGPOStables(); $this->glyphIDtoUni = str_pad('', 256 * 256 * 3, "\x00"); foreach ($glyphToChar AS $gid => $arr) { if (isset($glyphToChar[$gid][0])) { $char = $glyphToChar[$gid][0]; if ($char != 0 && $char != 65535) { $this->glyphIDtoUni[$gid * 3] = chr($char >> 16); $this->glyphIDtoUni[$gid * 3 + 1] = chr(($char >> 8) & 0xFF); $this->glyphIDtoUni[$gid * 3 + 2] = chr($char & 0xFF); } } } } /////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////// // hmtx - Horizontal metrics table /////////////////////////////////// $this->getHMTX($numberOfHMetrics, $numGlyphs, $glyphToChar, $scale); /////////////////////////////////// // kern - Kerning pair table /////////////////////////////////// if ($kerninfo) { // Recognises old form of Kerning table - as required by Windows - Format 0 only $kern_offset = $this->seek_table("kern"); $version = $this->read_ushort(); $nTables = $this->read_ushort(); // subtable header $sversion = $this->read_ushort(); $slength = $this->read_ushort(); $scoverage = $this->read_ushort(); $format = $scoverage >> 8; if ($kern_offset && $version == 0 && $format == 0) { // Format 0 $nPairs = $this->read_ushort(); $this->skip(6); for ($i = 0; $i < $nPairs; $i++) { $left = $this->read_ushort(); $right = $this->read_ushort(); $val = $this->read_short(); if (count($glyphToChar[$left]) == 1 && count($glyphToChar[$right]) == 1) { if ($left != 32 && $right != 32) { $this->kerninfo[$glyphToChar[$left][0]][$glyphToChar[$right][0]] = intval($val * $scale); } } } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function _getGDEFtables() { /////////////////////////////////// // GDEF - Glyph Definition /////////////////////////////////// // if (isset($this->tables["GDEF"])) { if ($this->mode == 'summary') { $this->mpdf->WriteHTML('