'https://www.youtube.com/oembed', 'http://*.youtube.com/playlist*' => 'https://www.youtube.com/oembed', 'http://youtu.be/*' => 'https://www.youtube.com/oembed', 'http://*.vimeo.com/*' => 'https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json', 'http://vimeo.com/*' => 'https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json', 'http://*.dailymotion.com/*' => 'https://www.dailymotion.com/services/oembed', 'http://dai.ly/*' => 'https://www.dailymotion.com/services/oembed', 'http://*.flickr.com/*' => 'https://www.flickr.com/services/oembed/', 'http://flickr.com/*' => 'https://www.flickr.com/services/oembed/', 'http://flic.kr/*' => 'https://www.flickr.com/services/oembed/', 'http://soundcloud.com/*' => 'https://soundcloud.com/oembed', 'http://mixcloud.com/*' => 'https://mixcloud.com/oembed', 'http://*.soundcloud.com/*' => 'https://soundcloud.com/oembed', 'http://*.mixcloud.com/*' => 'https://mixcloud.com/oembed', 'http://*.slideshare.net/*/*' => 'https://www.slideshare.net/api/oembed/2', 'http://www.slideshare.net/*/*' => 'https://www.slideshare.net/api/oembed/2', 'http://huffduffer.com/*/*' => 'http://huffduffer.com/oembed', 'http://nfb.ca/film/*' => 'http://www.nfb.ca/remote/services/oembed/', 'http://dotsub.com/view/*' => 'http://dotsub.com/services/oembed', 'http://clikthrough.com/theater/video/*' => 'http://clikthrough.com/services/oembed', 'http://kinomap.com/*' => 'http://www.kinomap.com/oembed', 'http://photobucket.com/albums/*' => 'http://api.photobucket.com/oembed', 'http://photobucket.com/groups/*' => 'http://api.photobucket.com/oembed', 'http://*.smugmug.com/*' => 'https://api.smugmug.com/services/oembed/', 'http://meetup.com/*' => 'https://api.meetup.com/oembed', 'http://meetup.ps/*' => 'http://api.meetup.com/oembed', 'http://*.wordpress.com/*' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/oembed/1.0/', 'http://twitter.com/*/status/*' => 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed', 'http://twitter.com/*/likes' => 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed', 'http://twitter.com/*/lists/*' => 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed', 'http://twitter.com/*/timelines/*' => 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed', 'http://twitter.com/i/moments/*' => 'https://publish.twitter.com/oembed', 'http://techcrunch.com/*' => 'http://public-api.wordpress.com/oembed/1.0/', 'http://wp.me/*' => 'http://public-api.wordpress.com/oembed/1.0/', 'http://my.opera.com/*' => 'http://my.opera.com/service/oembed', 'http://www.collegehumor.com/video/*' => 'http://www.collegehumor.com/oembed.json', 'http://imgur.com/*' => 'http://api.imgur.com/oembed', 'http://*.imgur.com/*' => 'http://api.imgur.com/oembed', 'http://*.onf.ca/*' => 'http://www.onf.ca/remote/services/oembed/', 'http://vine.co/v/*' => 'https://vine.co/oembed.json', 'http://*.tumblr.com/post/*' => 'https://www.tumblr.com/oembed/1.0', 'http://*.kickstarter.com/projects/*' => 'https://www.kickstarter.com/services/oembed', 'http://speakerdeck.com/*' => 'https://speakerdeck.com/oembed.json', 'http://issuu.com/*/docs/*' => 'https://issuu.com/oembed', 'http://*.calameo.com/books/*' => 'https://www.calameo.com/services/oembed', 'http://*.calameo.com/read/*' => 'https://www.calameo.com/services/oembed', 'http://*.arte.tv/*/videos/*' => 'https://api.arte.tv/api/player/v1/oembed/', 'http://egliseinfo.catholique.fr/*' => 'http://egliseinfo.catholique.fr/api/oembed', #'https://gist.github.com/*' => 'http://github.com/api/oembed?format=json' ); // pipeline pour permettre aux plugins d'ajouter/supprimer/modifier des providers $providers = pipeline('oembed_lister_providers', $providers); // merger avec la globale pour perso mes_options dans un site // pour supprimer un scheme il suffit de le renseigner avec un endpoint vide if (isset($GLOBALS['oembed_providers'])){ $providers = array_merge($providers, $GLOBALS['oembed_providers']); // retirer les providers avec un endpoint vide $providers = array_filter($providers); } return $providers; } // Merci WordPress :) // http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/wp-includes/class-oembed.php /** * Récupérer les données oembed d'une url * * @param string $url url de la page qui contient le document à récupérer avec oembed * @param int $maxwidth largeur max du document * null : la valeur configuree par defaut ou pour le provider est utilisee * '' : pas de valeur max * @param int $maxheight hauteur max du document * null : la valeur configuree par defaut ou pour le provider est utilisee * '' : pas de valeur max * @param string $format format à utiliser pour la requete oembed (json ou xml) * @param string $detecter_lien tenter la détection automatique de lien oembed dans la page indiquée * @param bool $force_reload forcer le rechargement de l'oembed depuis la source sans utiliser le cache local * @return bool|array false si aucun retour ou erreur ; tableau des éléménents de la réponse oembed */ function oembed_recuperer_data($url, $maxwidth = null, $maxheight = null, $format = 'json', $detecter_lien = 'non', $force_reload = false){ static $cache = array(); $provider = false; include_spip('inc/config'); $provider = oembed_verifier_provider($url); if ((!$provider) and (($detecter_lien!='non') or lire_config('oembed/detecter_lien', 'non')=='oui')){ $provider = oembed_detecter_lien($url); } if (!$provider){ return false; } $data_url = url_absolue($provider['endpoint'], url_de_base()); // certains oembed fournissent un endpoint qui contient deja l'URL, parfois differente de celle de la page if (!parametre_url($data_url, 'url')){ $data_url = parametre_url($data_url, 'url', $url, '&'); } if (!$maxwidth){ $maxwidth = lire_config('oembed/maxwidth', '600'); } if (!$maxheight){ $maxheight = lire_config('oembed/maxheight', '400'); } $data_url = parametre_url($data_url, 'maxwidth', $maxwidth, '&'); $data_url = parametre_url($data_url, 'maxheight', $maxheight, '&'); $data_url = parametre_url($data_url, 'format', $format, '&'); if (isset($provider['provider_name']) and $provider['provider_name']){ $provider_name = $provider['provider_name']; } else { // pre-traitement du provider si besoin $provider_name = explode('//', $provider['endpoint']); $provider_name = explode('/', $provider_name[1]); $provider_name = reset($provider_name); } $provider_name = preg_replace(',\W+,', '_', strtolower($provider_name)); if ($oembed_endpoint_pretraite = charger_fonction("pretraite_$provider_name", 'oembed/input', true)){ $a = func_get_args(); $args = array('url' => array_shift($a)); if (count($a)){ $args['maxwidth'] = array_shift($a); } if (count($a)){ $args['maxheight'] = array_shift($a); } if (count($a)){ $args['format'] = array_shift($a); } $args['endpoint'] = $provider['endpoint']; $data_url = $oembed_endpoint_pretraite($data_url, $args); } if (isset($cache[$data_url])){ return $cache[$data_url]; } $oembed_cache = sous_repertoire(_DIR_CACHE, 'oembed') . md5($data_url) . '.' . $format; // si cache oembed dispo et pas de recalcul demande, l'utiliser (perf issue) if (!$force_reload and file_exists($oembed_cache) and _VAR_MODE!=='recalcul'){ lire_fichier($oembed_cache, $cache[$data_url]); $cache[$data_url] = unserialize($cache[$data_url]); return $cache[$data_url]; } $oembed_recuperer_url = charger_fonction('oembed_recuperer_url', 'inc'); $cache[$data_url] = $oembed_recuperer_url($data_url, $url, $format); // si une fonction de post-traitement est fourni pour ce provider+type, l'utiliser if ($cache[$data_url]){ if (isset($cache[$data_url]['provider_name']) and $cache[$data_url]['provider_name']){ $provider_name2 = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($cache[$data_url]['provider_name'])); } else { $provider_name2 = ''; } $type = strtolower($cache[$data_url]['type']); // securisons le nom de la fonction (provider peut contenir n'importe quoi) $f1 = preg_replace(',\W,', '', "posttraite_{$provider_name2}_$type"); $f2 = preg_replace(',\W,', '', "posttraite_{$provider_name2}"); $f3 = preg_replace(',\W,', '', "posttraite_{$provider_name}_$type"); $f4 = preg_replace(',\W,', '', "posttraite_{$provider_name}"); if ( $oembed_provider_posttraite = charger_fonction($f1, 'oembed/input', true) or $oembed_provider_posttraite = charger_fonction($f2, 'oembed/input', true) or $oembed_provider_posttraite = charger_fonction($f3, 'oembed/input', true) or $oembed_provider_posttraite = charger_fonction($f4, 'oembed/input', true)){ $cache[$data_url] = $oembed_provider_posttraite($cache[$data_url], $url); } ecrire_fichier($oembed_cache, serialize($cache[$data_url])); } spip_log('infos oembed pour ' . $url . ' : ' . var_export($cache[$data_url], true), 'oembed.' . _LOG_DEBUG); return $cache[$data_url]; } /** * Vérfier qu'une url est dans la liste des providers autorisés * * @param string $url l'url à tester * @return bool|array * false si non ; details du provider dans un tabeau associatif si oui */ function oembed_verifier_provider($url){ if (strncmp($url, $GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], strlen($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site']))==0){ return false; } $providers = oembed_lister_providers(); foreach ($providers as $scheme => $endpoint){ $regex = '#' . str_replace('\*', '(.+)', preg_quote($scheme, '#')) . '#'; $regex = preg_replace('|^#http\\\://|', '#https?\://', $regex); if (preg_match($regex, $url)){ return array('endpoint' => $endpoint); } } return false; } /** * Détecter les liens oembed dans le head d'une page web * * @param string $url url de la page à analyser * @return bool|string false si pas de lien ; url du contenu oembed */ function oembed_detecter_lien($url){ $providers = array(); $oembed_recuperer_url = charger_fonction('oembed_recuperer_url', 'inc'); // on recupere le contenu de la page if ($html = $oembed_recuperer_url($url, $url, 'html')){ // types de liens oembed à détecter $linktypes = array( 'application/json+oembed' => 'json', 'text/json+oembed' => 'json', // ex de 500px 'text/xml+oembed' => 'xml', 'application/xml+oembed' => 'xml', // uniquement pour Vimeo ); // on ne garde que le head de la page $head = substr($html, 0, stripos($html, '')); // un test rapide... $tagfound = false; foreach ($linktypes as $linktype => $format){ if (stripos($head, $linktype)){ $tagfound = true; break; } } if ($tagfound && preg_match_all('/]+)>/i', $head, $links)){ if (!function_exists('extraire_attribut')){ include_spip('inc/filtres'); } foreach ($links[0] as $link){ $type = extraire_attribut($link, 'type'); $href = extraire_attribut($link, 'href'); if (!empty($type) and !empty($linktypes[$type]) and !empty($href)){ $providers[$linktypes[$type]] = $href; // on a le json, ça nous suffit if ('json'==$linktypes[$type]){ break; } } } } } $res = array(); // on préfère le json au xml if (!empty($providers['json'])){ $res['endpoint'] = $providers['json']; } elseif (!empty($providers['xml'])) { $res['endpoint'] = $providers['xml']; } else { return false; } // detecter certains providers specifiques : ex mastodon, chaque instance a son nom et on peut pas l'identifier par son URL if (strpos($html, '//github.com/tootsuite/mastodon')!==false or strpos($html, '//joinmastodon.org')!==false){ $res['provider_name'] = 'Mastodon'; } return $res; } /** * Embarquer un lien oembed si possible * @param string $lien * @return string */ function oembed_embarquer_lien($lien){ static $base = null; $url = extraire_attribut($lien, 'href'); $texte = null; if ($url and ( oembed_verifier_provider($url) or (lire_config('oembed/detecter_lien', 'non')=='oui')) ){ if (is_null($base)){ $base = url_de_base(); } // on embarque jamais un lien de soi meme car c'est une mise en abime qui donne le tourni // (et peut provoquer une boucle infinie de requetes http) if (strncmp($url, $base, strlen($base))!=0){ $fond = recuperer_fond('modeles/oembed', array('url' => $url, 'lien' => $lien)); if ($fond = trim($fond)){ $texte = $fond; } } } return $texte; }