body{font-family:"Myriad Pro","Segoe UI",Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;} /* **************** CONTENT OBJECTS ***************** */ /* ====== Default spacing ====== */ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, ul, ol,dl, p,blockquote {padding:10px;} h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,img{padding-bottom:0px;} pre{margin: 10px;} table h1,table h2,table h3, table h4, table h5, table h6, table p, table ul, table ol, table dl, ul h1,ul h2,ul h3, ul h4, ul h5, ul h6, ul p, ul ul, ul ol, ul dl, ol h1,ol h2,ol h3, ol h4, ol h5, ol h6, ol p, ol ul, ol ol, ol dl {padding:0;} /* ====== Elements ====== */ img{display:block;} em{font-style: italic;} strong{font-weight:bold;} hr{border: 5px solid #e2e2e2; border-width: 0 0 5px 0; margin: 20px 10px 10px 10px;} code{color:#0B8C8F;} /* ====== Headings ====== */ /* .h1-.h6 classes should be used to maintain the semantically appropriate heading levels - NOT for use on non-headings */ h1, .h1{font-size:196%; font-weight:normal; font-style: normal; color:#AE0345;} h2, .h2{font-size:167%; font-weight:normal; font-style: normal; color:#AE0345;} h3, .h3{font-size:146.5%; font-weight:normal; font-style: normal; color:#DF2B72;} h4, .h4{font-size:123.1%; font-weight:normal; font-style: normal; color: #333;} h5, .h5{font-size:108%; font-weight:bold; font-style: normal; color:#AE0345;} h6, .h6{font-size:108%; font-weight:normal; font-style: italic; color:#333;} /* if additional headings are needed they should be created via additional classes, never via location dependant styling */ .category{font-size:108%; font-weight:normal; font-style: normal; text-transform:uppercase; color: #333;} .category a{color: #333;} .important a{font-weight:bold;} /* links */ a { color: #036; font-weight:bold;text-decoration: none } a:focus, a:hover { text-decoration: underline } a:visited { color:#005a9c; } /* ====== Lists ======*/ /* numbered list */ ol.spip li, ol.simpleList li {list-style-type: decimal; margin-left:40px;} /* standard list */ ul.spip li, ul.simpleList li {list-style-type:disc; margin-left:40px;} /* ====== Tables ====== */ .data{padding: 20px; position:relative; zoom:1;vertical-align: top;border-right:solid 1px transparent;/* border fixes a FF2 bug which causes the data table to overlay its borders*/} .data table {width:100%;border:1px solid #AE0345;} th, td{vertical-align:top;border:1px solid #AE0345;} .txtC, .data .txtC td, .data .txtC th{text-align:center;} .txtL, .data .txtL td, .data .txtL th{text-align:left;} .txtR, .data .txtR td, .data .txtR th{text-align:right;} .txtT, .data .txtT td, .data .txtT th{vertical-align:top;} .txtB, .data .txtB td, .data .txtB th{vertical-align:bottom;} .txtM, .data .txtM td, .data .txtM th{vertical-align:middle;} .data th,.data td{padding:3px 20px} .data thead tr{background-color: #fff0f8;} .data th{color: #000; font-weight:bold} /* specification table - extends data table */ .spec{padding:10px;} .spec table{border-top: 1px solid #e2e2e2; border-bottom-color:#fff; border-left:none; border-right:none;} .spec th, .spec td{border:1px solid #e2e2e2; border-width: 1px 0; padding-left:0;} .spec .odd, .spec .even{background-color: #fff;} /* ====== blockquote ====== */ cite{display:block; text-align:right; padding-top: 10px;} /* ====== callout ====== */ .callout{font-size:189%;color:#999999; font-style:italic;} .callout cite{display:block; text-align:right;padding-top: 30px; font-size:69.25%;} .callout span.quot{font-size: 500%; vertical-align: sub; color:#e2e2e2; line-height:25px; font-weight:bold;} .callout span.quotLast{vertical-align:middle;} /* ====== image treatments (get more from jason santa maria) ====== */ .caption{font-size:13px; color:#666666; font-style:italic;padding-top:0;} /* will need to either 1. find a way to capture the width of the caption in the width of the image or flash 2. Set some default widths, mby use flickr widths? */