/* * Tripoli is a generic CSS standard for HTML rendering. * Copyright (C) 2007 David Hellsing * * http://devkick.com/lab/tripoli/ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . **/ /* _______________________________ RESET */ * { text-decoration:none; font-size:1em; outline:none; margin:0; padding:0; } code,kbd,samp,pre,tt,var,textarea,input,select,isindex,listing,xmp,plaintext { font:inherit; white-space:normal; } a,img,a img,iframe,form,abbr,acronym,object,applet,table,a abbr,a acronym { border-width:0; } dfn,i,cite,var,address,em { font-style:normal; } th,b,strong,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,dt { font-weight:normal; } caption,th,td { text-align:left; } html { background:white; color:black; line-height:1; font-family:arial, sans-serif; } /* \*/ html { font-family:sans-serif; } /* */ q { quotes:"\201C""\201D""\2018""\2019"; } ul,ol,dir,menu { list-style:none; } sub,sup { vertical-align:baseline; } a { color:inherit; } /* _______________________________ DISABLE DEPRECATED HTML */ font,basefont { color:inherit; font:inherit; font-size:100%; } center,*[align] { text-align:inherit; } s,strike,u { text-decoration:inherit; } img { border:none; margin:0; } ol { list-style-type:decimal; } body { background-color:transparent; } tr,th,td { width:auto; height:auto; background-color:transparent; vertical-align:inherit; border:none; } table[border],.content table[border] { border-collapse:separate; border-spacing:0; } nobr { white-space:normal; } marquee { overflow:visible; -moz-binding:none; } blink { text-decoration:none; } /* _______________________________ GENERAL */ html { font-size:125%; } body { font-size:50%; } a { text-decoration:underline; } strong,th,thead td,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,dt { font-weight:bold; } cite,em,dfn { font-style:italic; } code,kbd,samp,pre,tt,var,input[type='text'],input[type='password'],textarea { font-size:100%; font-family:mono-space,monospace; } pre { white-space:pre; } pre * { font-size:100%; white-space:pre; } del { text-decoration:line-through; } ins,dfn { border-bottom:1px solid black; } small,sup,sub { font-size:85%; } big { font-size:125%; line-height:80%; } abbr,acronym { text-transform:uppercase; font-size:85%; letter-spacing:.1em; } abbr[title],acronym[title],dfn[title] { cursor:help; border-bottom:1px dotted black; } sup { vertical-align:super; } sub { vertical-align:sub; } blockquote { padding-left:2.2em; } hr { display:none; /* We will re-reset it later for content */ } :lang(af),:lang(nl),:lang(pl) { quotes:'\201E' '\201D' '\201A' '\2019'; } :lang(bg),:lang(cs),:lang(de),:lang(is),:lang(lt),:lang(sk),:lang(sr),:lang(ro) { quotes:'\201E' '\201C' '\201A' '\2018'; } :lang(da),:lang(hr) { quotes:'\00BB' '\00AB' '\203A' '\2039'; } :lang(el),:lang(es),:lang(sq),:lang(tr) { quotes:'\00AB' '\00BB' '\2039' '\203A'; } :lang(en-GB) { quotes:'\2018' '\2019' '\201C' '\201D'; } :lang(fi),:lang(sv) { quotes:'\201D' '\201D' '\2019' '\2019'; } :lang(fr) { quotes:'\ab\2005' '\2005\bb' '\2039\2005' '\2005\203a'; } *[lang|='en'] q:before { content:'\201C'; } *[lang|='en'] q:after { content:'\201D'; } *[lang|='en'] q q:before { content:'\2018'; } *[lang|='en'] q q:after { content:'\2019'; } input,select,button { cursor:pointer; } input[type='text'],input[type='password'] { cursor:text; } input[type='hidden'] { display:none; } /* _______________________________ CONTENT */ .content { font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.6em; } .content h1 { font-size:1.6em; line-height:1; margin:1em 0 .5em; } .content h2 { font-size:1.5em; line-height:1; margin:1.07em 0 .535em; } .content h3 { font-size:1.4em; line-height:1; margin:1.14em 0 .57em; } .content h4 { font-size:1.3em; line-height:1; margin:1.23em 0 .615em; } .content h5 { font-size:1.2em; line-height:1; margin:1.33em 0 .67em; } .content h6 { font-size:1em; line-height:1; margin:1.6em 0 .8em; } .content hr { display:block; background:black; color:black; width:100%; height:1px; border:none; } .content ul { list-style:disc outside; } .content ol { list-style:decimal outside; } .content table { border-collapse:collapse; } .content hr,.content p,.content ul,.content ol,.content dl,.content pre, .content address,.content table,.content form { margin-bottom:1.6em; } .content p+p { margin-top:-.8em; } .content fieldset { margin:1.6em 0; padding:1.6em; } /* \*/ .content legend { padding-left:.8em; padding-right:.8em; } /* */ @media all and (min-width: 0px) /* for Opera 8 */ { .content legend { margin-bottom:1.6em; } .content fieldset { margin-top:0; } .content[class^='content'] fieldset { margin-top:1.6em; } } .content fieldset>*:first-child { margin-top:0; } .content textarea,.content input[type='text'] { padding:.1em .2em; } .content input { padding:.2em .1em; } .content select { padding:.2em .1em 0; } .content select[multiple] { margin-bottom:.8em; } .content option { padding:0 .4em .1em; } .content button { padding:.3em .5em; } .content input[type='radio'] { position:relative; bottom:-.2em; } .content dt { margin-top:.8em; margin-bottom:.4em; } .content ul,.content ol { margin-left:2.2em; } .content caption,.content form div { padding-bottom:.8em; } .content ul ul,content ol ul,.content ul ol,content ol ol { margin-bottom:0; } /* _______________________________ END */